
Ghani orders committee to start work on selection of election commission members

Sep 24 2016
Khaama Press

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has instructed the selection committee which was formed to select new members for the election commissions of Afghanistan.

Deputy presidential spokesman Shah Hussain Murtazvi told reporters that the committee was instructed to start with the approval of the election law by the President.

Murtazvi further added that the leaders of the government organized a meeting in ARG Presidential Palace today to discuss the financial and security arrangements for the elections.

New Lower House includes 74 new faces

Sep 24 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — Last week’s elections of the 18th Lower House brought 74 first-time MPs and 56 former lawmakers to the Dome, according to information reviewed by The Jordan Times. 

Among the former legislators, 39 kept their seats from the 17th Parliament and 17 had held seats in previous legislatures. 

The elections, held on September 20, saw the return of two former speakers of the House — Atef Tarawneh and Abdul Karim Dughmi — while four former ministers were elected as MPs. They are Dughmi, Abdullah Akaileh, Mohammad Nouh Qudah and Mazen Qadi. 

IAF, allies win 15 seats at 18th Parliament — leader

Sep 23 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN —  The National Coalition for Reform led by the Islamic Action Front (IAF) has won 15 seats in the 130-member Lower House, according to the preliminary results of the September 20 elections.

Ali Abu Sukkar, the coalition’s spokesperson, said of these 15 seats, 10 were won by members of the IAF, the political wing of the banned Muslim Brotherhood. 

Preliminary election results announced, legislature makeup takes shape

Sep 23 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN – The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Thursday announced the preliminary results of five districts, two of which had three women winning outside the quota.

Meanwhile, the IEC announced that no re-vote would be held in the Central Badia District, where sabotage of ballots was reported.

At a press conference, Mustafa Barari, head of the commission's special committee entrusted with auditing the elections' results, announced the initial outcomes of Karak, Balqa and Irbid's 1st and 4th districts as well as the Central Badia.

Women’s rights groups hesitant to celebrate election results

Sep 22 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — Activists on Thursday expressed mixed reactions to the parliamentary election results, as five women won seats outside the 15-seat quota, including three Islamists. 

The head of the Women’s Committee at the Senate, Senator Mai Abul Samen, said the results were a clear indication that people “truly believe in women’s role and were convinced by their performance... that is why we have a good number of women who won through direct competition”.

Int’l observers say elections ‘efficient’, with isolated problems

Sep 21 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — The Lower House elections were efficiently organised and took place in a largely peaceful atmosphere, but some shortcomings were observed, international monitors said on Wednesday. 

The International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute sent a mission of 45 observers from 26 countries to monitor polling stations on Tuesday, co-led by former Kosovo president Atifete Jahjaga.  

“While there were isolated problems, most voters were able to exercise their rights,” Jahjaga said at a press conference.
