
Lancement de la période électorale dans les médias audiovisuels le 25 août

Aug 25 2016
HuffPost Maroc

ÉLECTIONS - Le Conseil Supérieur de la communication audiovisuelle (CSCA) a annoncé le début de la période électorale dans les médias audiovisuels qui s'étalera du jeudi 25 août au 6 octobre, indique ce jeudi 25 août un communiqué de la Haute autorité de la communication audiovisuelle (Haca).

Le ministère de l'Intérieur pointe du doigt le vide juridique entourant les sondages

Aug 23 2016
HuffPost Maroc

ÉLECTIONS - Dans un communiqué diffusé le 22 août, le ministère de l'Intérieur rappelle les dispositions de la loi n° 57.11, qui dispose, dans son article 115 qu'il est interdit de réaliser des sondages d'opinion ayant un rapport direct ou indirect avec un référendum, des élections législatives ou des élections de con

Voters urged to choose candidates based on their programmes

Aug 12 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — With nearly 40 days to the parliamentary elections, experts have urged voters to judge candidates running for the September 20 polls based on their ability to address major issues. 

In separate interviews with The Jordan Times, the pundits said although tribal considerations would influence the voting decisions of a large segment of Jordanians, some voters, particularly in major cities, would evaluate candidates according to their programmes or stands towards public issues.

Two Years After Controversial Afghan Elections, Promised Reforms Remain Stalled

Aug 12 2016
Voice of America

Afghanistan was on the brink of a civil war when both presidential candidates claimed victory in the 2014 run-off election, which outside observers called flawed by fraud and irregularities led to a contested result.

The impasse was only resolved after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry brokered a compromise power-sharing agreement and a pledge to reform the country's electoral system.

Registration for presidential election slated for April 11-15

Aug 11 2016
The Iran Project

Tehran, Aug 11, IRNA – Elections director general of interior ministry announced that the enrolment of the candidates for next presidential election will take place on April 11-15, 2017.

‘The candidates of the 12th presidential election can enroll on April 11-15,’ Ali Pourali Motlaq said on Thursday.

He pointed out that the presidential candidates can engage in electoral campaign on April 28-May 18 after the Guardians Council reviewing their qualifications.

Islamist party to field 25 lists in September elections

Aug 11 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — The Islamic Action Front (IAF) has agreed to field 25 lists covering every governorate for the parliamentary election, slated for September 20, IAF Spokesperson Murad Adaileh said Thursday. 

The party, the political arm of the unlicensed Muslim Brotherhood group, will announce the lists with partnerships it will run in the upcoming election at a press conference on Sunday. 

Electoral commission tapping social media to reach out to youths

Aug 11 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — The Independent Election Commission (IEC) seeks to educate young voters and encourage their participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections through social media channels, its president said on Thursday.

There are different methods for addressing each segment of society, said IEC Chief Commissioner Khaled Kalaldeh, adding that communication experts see social media outlets, as the best means to reach out to the younger generation nowadays.

The CEC concludes training of political parties and factions

Aug 11 2016
Central Elections Comission

In preparations for the nomination process which will commence on 16 August, the CEC concluded a two-day training for accredited representatives of political parties at the regional level in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The training targeted 150 party representatives and tackled issues pertaining to elections nomination such as the nomination period, the legal requirements for nomination, nomination applications and enclosures for the lists and their candidates. Several publications on nomination were distributed to attendees during training.

Mali: élections municipales le 20 novembre (officiel)

Aug 11 2016

Les Maliens sont appelés élire le 20 novembre leurs maires « sur toute l’étendue du territoire national », sept ans après les derniers scrutins communaux dans ce pays en proie à des troubles, a annoncé mercredi le gouvernement.

Le Conseil des ministres réuni mercredi sous la direction du président Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta « a adopté un projet de décret portant convocation du collège électoral, ouverture et clôture de la campagne électorale à l’occasion de l’élection des conseillers communaux », affirme le gouvernement dans un communiqué.

Tunisia's local elections to be delayed

Aug 09 2016
The New Arab

Tunisia is not placed to hold local elections in March 2017, electoral commission chief Chafik Sarsar believes, with no details of when or if they will take place.

"Let's forget [that date], we aren't talking about it any more," Sarsar told private radio station Express FM late Monday.

No official date had yet been set, but officials had said they were likely to be held either on 12, 19 or 26 March.

Sarsar explained that in order for a new date to be agreed, a new electoral law must be passed.

‘No reason’ to delay elections — IEC chief

Aug 08 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — President of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) Khaled Kalaldeh on Monday accused supporters of the former one-person, one-vote electoral system to be behind rumours targeting the September 20 parliamentary elections.  

The elections must go ahead next month as the Constitution demands that elections be held within four months of the dissolution of the Lower House, a top official said on Monday.

His Majesty King Abdullah dissolved Parliament by decree on May 29, so elections must be held by the end of September.

Islamists ‘ready with inclusive tickets’ as polls approach

Aug 08 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — The Islamic Action Front (IAF) on Monday said it has completed the lists with partnerships it will run with in the upcoming parliamentary election, and will announce them before the end of this week.

Murad Adaileh, the IAF spokesperson said members of these lists represent different spectra, to include non-Islamists, members of political parties, tribesmen and nominees competing for certain quotas.

Under the 2015 Elections Law, quotas are designated for women, Christians and Jordanians of Circassian/Chechen origins.

New app connects voters to parliamentary candidates

Aug 08 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — A group of Jordanians, in cooperation with a youth programming company, have launched an app to connect electoral candidates with voters via an interactive, live digital platform.

Through NowabnaJo, voters can ask candidates about their electoral programmes and get answers directly from them, while candidates can share their programmes and visions using multimedia tools such as short videos and live polls.

Islamic Jihad to boycott Palestinian local elections

Aug 08 2016
The New Arab

Islamic Jihad announced on Monday that it would boycott local Palestinian elections scheduled for 8 October, calling instead for national unity.

"We will not participate in the municipal and local elections," the militant group said in a statement.

The movement, which is widely seen as an ally of the Islamist movement Hamas which runs the Gaza Strip, said the elections were not an "appropriate way out of the Palestinian national impasse".

Buying votes ‘critical damage’ to elections integrity

Aug 06 2016
Mehr News Agency

TEHRAN, Aug. 06 (MNA) – New spokesperson of the Guardian Council has admitted that buying and selling votes during elections damage the health of elections and should be seriously addressed.

Abbasali Kadkhodaei who was speaking in his press conference on Saturday announced the official acknowledgement of the fact of ‘trading votes’ after Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, the Secretary-General of the Council had criticized the general trend earlier last week.
