
Khalil: Lebanon's 2017 State Budget Will be Ready on Time

Jul 21 2016

Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil stressed on Thursday that Lebanon's state budget for the year 2017 will be ready before the constitutional due date, al-Joumhouria daily reported.

“I am in the process of reaching the final stages in preparing the state's financial plan. It will be presented to the cabinet as soon as a session is set to discuss it,” said Khalil in an interview to the daily.

Israel passes law slammed by critics as a move to silence Palestinian lawmakers

Jul 20 2016
Ma'an News
Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, passed into law late Tuesday night a bill that would allow Knesset members to vote to oust their colleagues from office, legislation that has been slammed by critics as targeting Palestinian MKs and harmful to “the very building blocks of democracy.”

'PML-N passing law against honour killings'

Jul 20 2016
The Nation

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz plans to pass long-delayed legislation against “honour killings” within weeks in the wake of the high-profile murder of outspoken social media star Qandeel Baloch, the daughter of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said on Wednesday. 

The bill will go before a parliamentary committee as early as Thursday, said Maryam Nawaz Sharif, who is an increasingly influential member of her father's ruling party.

Govt backs TNI's role in anti-terror law

Jul 20 2016
Jakarta Post

The government is insisting on including the role of the Indonesian Military (TNI) in the revision of the Terrorism Law in its efforts to safeguard the country against the threat of terrorism, a minister said on Wednesday.

Indonesia should not rely only on the National Police's anti-terrorist squad Densus 88 amid the rising global threat of terrorism, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Luhut Pandjaitan said. The government is considering whether to combine the force with the TNI to strengthen security measures.

Representatives of political parties’ coalition announce their intention to run for president

Jul 20 2016

The leader of Ar-Namys party Felix Kulov today at a briefing of the coalition of political parties in news agency said that they have united not to decide who would run for president.

 "Everybody independently decides whom to support. We have united not to decide who would run for the elections, everyone would run, the whole life is ahead," he said.

EU, Indonesia launch free trade talks

Jul 19 2016
The Star Online

The EU’s 28 member states agreed on Monday to launch free trade talks with Indonesia, despite growing public doubts in Europe about two major transatlantic deals.

The deal with Indonesia will build on pacts with other Asian powers such as Singapore and Vietnam.

“The EU and Indonesia represent a huge market of 750 million consumers. These negotiations are key to unleash synergies between our economies,” said EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem and Indonesian Trade Minister Tom Lembong in a joint statement.

Ex-Air Chief denies coup role as Turkey presses purge

Jul 19 2016
The Nation

Turkey has sacked almost 9,000 officials in its relentless crackdown against suspected coup plotters, authorities said Monday, as the former air force chief denied masterminding the weekend's failed putsch. 

With Western allies expressing alarm over fears Ankara that could reinstate the death penalty in response to Friday's dramatic coup bid, General Akin Ozturk appeared in court, looking haggard and with his ear bandaged.

Bigger say for Malaysia

Jul 19 2016
The Star Online

The present political scenario favours Malaysia to play a bigger role in finding an amicable solution with China over the disputes in the South China Sea.

Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) senior analyst Shahriman Lockman said that the current situation was favourable to Malaysia especially due to several factors including close economic ties.

He cited the recent ruling by the Arbitral Tribunal under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in The Hague on a case brought by the Philippines against China that favoured the latter.

Sudan’s opposition under huge pressures to join dialogue process: 7+7 says

Jul 19 2016
Suan Tribune

Member of Sudan’s dialogue coordination body known as 7+7 Kamal Omer said the opposition Sudan Call groups are facing significant international pressures to join the national dialogue.

Omer, who is also the political secretary of the Popular Congress Party (PCP) of the late Islamic leader Hassan al-Turabi, told Sudan Tribune on Tuesday that the doors of the dialogue would remain open for the holdout opposition groups until the time comes to hold the general assembly on 6 August.

Le ministère de l'Intérieur désormais contraint de publier les résultats complets des élections

Jul 19 2016
HuffPost Maroc

PARLEMENT - Mardi 12 juin, la commission de la Justice et de la législation à la Chambre des représentants a adopté, à la majorité, le projet de loi relative à l'accès à l'information. Un amendement, adopté in extremis, oblige le ministère de l'Intérieur à publier les résultats complets et définitifs des élections.

Mali/Niger sign a peace deal agreement

Jul 18 2016
Africa News

Members of the coalition of movements of Azawad and the combatants of the Gatia are now in charge of the management of the city of Kidal, north of Mali.

The decision emerged from an agreement signed under the auspices of the Prime Minister of Niger by the two rival movements in Niamey this Sunday.

The agreement which provides for a “group of security management “ would enable the two forces a joint presence at the various check-points in the region.

According to the document, the same cooperation would be extend in terms of socio-economic activities in the area.

Sudanese lawmakers approve bill granting Saudi Arabia immense agricultural lands

Jul 18 2016
Sudan Tribune

Sudanese parliament on Monday has approved an agricultural bill allowing Saudi Arabia to reform and cultivate one million feddans of land in eastern Sudan for 99 years.

Last month, Sudan’s National Assembly unanimously approved a legal framework agreement that gives Saudi Arabia the right to cultivate lands in Upper Atbara and Setait Dam project for 99 years.

Jumblat from Bkirki: Presidency Settlement More Important than Candidate

Jul 18 2016

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed Monday from Bkirki that exerting efforts to reach a “settlement” over the stalled presidential vote is “more important” than focusing on candidates.

After talks with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi, Jumblat said he visited the patriarch to ask him to “bless the completion of the renovation of the Our Lady Church in Mukhtara.”

Bosnians Hope For Good News at EU Council

Jul 18 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Bosnian leaders hope for positive feedback from the EU Council of Foreign Ministers, which meets on Monday, after the country's Presidency secured last-minute approval of one of the key measures Brussels wanted Sarajevo to fulfil.

"In the past year-and-a-half, Bosnia has made more progress in the EU integration process than in all previous years put together," Edin Dilberovic, head of Bosnia's Directorate for EU integration, told BIRN.
