
Zoom In Zoom Out Parliamentary elections to reflect political reform, says PM

Jul 15 2016
Jordan News Agency

Prime Minister Hani Mulki said that the government is committed to holding transparent elections that reflect the political reform in the Kingdom, led by His Majesty King Abdullah II for years.

The government, he said, will offer all the needed support to the Independent Elections Commission, not only to play its role, but also to encourage citizens to take part in the elections.

Hamas to take part in elections after four-year boycott

Jul 15 2016
The New Arab

The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas which controls the Gaza Strip said on Friday it will participate in local elections set for October, after boycotting the last round four years ago.

Its rival, the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority headed by president Mahmoud Abbas, has said local and municipal polls will be held on October 8 throughout the Palestinian territories.

Sudan opposition groups would likely join peace roadmap within days: al-Mahdi

Jul 08 2016
Sudan Tribune

Leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP) al-Sadiq al-Mahdi on Wednesday said the opposition groups of the Sudan Call forces will likely sign the Roadmap Agreement after a meeting they would hold in Addis Ababa during the coming days.

Last March, the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP) proposed a roadmap agreement to the Sudanese government and some opposition groups including the NUP, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement /North, Justice and Equality Movement, and Sudan Liberation Movement of Minni Minnawi.

Political Wrangles Put Bosnia’s IMF Loan on Hold

Jul 07 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

The International Monetary Fund, IMF, has postponed approval of a 550-million-euros program for Bosnia and Herzegovina after Bosnia’s authorities failed to sign the already reached agreement.

“Due to a delay in the signing of the Letter of Intent, LOI, the IMF Executive Board meeting to consider the authorities' request for an arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility had to be delayed until further notice,” Francisco Parodi, the IMF Representative to Bosnia, said in a statement on Thursday.

IMF delays new deal for Bosnia after authorities fail to sign

Jul 07 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Daily Mail

The International Monetary Fund said on Thursday it had delayed approval of a three-year, 550 million euro ($608 million) loan agreement for Bosnia after authorities there failed to sign the deal in what appeared to be an internal political spat.

The two autonomous regions, the Bosniak-Croat Federation and the Serb Republic, whose total budget deficit amounts to about 1 billion Bosnian marka ($570 million), badly need IMF cash to help cover their financing needs, and the IMF Executive Board had been expected to approve the deal in mid-July.

Security measures reduced criminal activities in South Darfur: governor

Jul 07 2016
Sudan Tribune

The governor of South Darfur on Wednesday said the security situation has improved in the state during the past ten days after the deployment of additional forces to curb criminal attacks by armed gangs.

The increase of armed robberies and criminal violence in the Nyala which is the main commercial town in Darfur region pushed the state authorities to deploy more troops in the state city as Eid al-Fitr (festival of breaking the fast), is a peak selling season for retailers.

Albania MPs Call For Direct Presidential Election

Jul 06 2016
Balkan Insight

A group of 11 MPs in Albania have made a joint call for the President to be elected by direct vote in future.

The initiative is being launched a year before the current President, Bujar Nishani, finishes his five-year term. The political parties leaders have yet to enter the negotiating process of selecting a successor.

The current constitution stipulates that the President of Albania is elected by a vote in parliament. The successful candidate must win three-quarters of MPs' votes, which is 84 out of 140 in total.

Abbas reiterates Palestinian disappointment over Quartet report

Jul 06 2016
Ma'an News

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas reiterated on Wednesday the Palestinian leadership’s disappointment regarding a report recently released by the Middle East Quartet, official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

While visiting the grave of later Palestinian President Yasser Arafat on the occasion of the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Abbas said that the report did not fulfill its peaceful mission.

"We are sorry that this is its stance, and we hope that the Security Council will not approve this report,” Abbas said.

IS declares war on Malaysia and Indonesia

Jul 05 2016
The Star

A gun-toting adult is surrounded by children, and a teen standing away from the group is seen cradling an AK-47 assault rifle.

The man is wagging his right index finger back and forth, and talks in a mix of Bahasa Malaysia and what sounded like Arabic.

He expresses gratitude to Allah for “easing our journey and jihad” and for appointing them as “soldiers of Tawhid (The Oneness of God)”.

He called out to the authorities of the nusantara (archipelago) – especially in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Balkan Leaders Approve Ex-Yugoslav Youth Cooperation Office

Jul 05 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Leaders of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia on Monday signed up to approve the establishment of the new Regional Youth Cooperation Office - an idea based on a reconciliation project to bring French and German youth closer together after World War II.

"Serbia was among the first to support this idea last year," Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic told media after the signing ceremony at the Balkan Summit in Paris.

Opposition stepped back from finalising TORs: Pervaiz Rashid

Jul 05 2016
The Nation

 Federal Minister for Information Pervaiz Rashid on Tuesday said that opposition stepped back from parliamentary committee formed to finalise terms of references (ToRs) for Panama leaks inquiry.

The minister alleged that opposition parties have adopted escapism from parliamentary committee after contacting Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

He said that report has been prepared about the performance of opposition in Panama Leaks probe case that would be presented before the National Assembly in next session.

Sudanese security confiscates Al-Jareeda newspaper

Jul 05 2016
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) on Monday has confiscated copies of Al-Jareeda daily newspaper from the printing house without stating any reasons.

NISS has recently intensified crackdown on the newspapers. Last May, it confiscated copies of Al-Taghyeer, Al-Saiha, Al-Jareeda and Akhir Lahza newspapers for two days in a row.

Journalists working for Al-Jareeda toldSudan Tribune that the NISS agents seized 12,000 copies of the newspaper, expecting the financial loss to reach 50,000 pounds (SDG) (about $3,700 dollar).

Daryan Rejects 'Self-Security', Slams 'Some MPs' for Blocking President Election

Jul 05 2016

Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan stressed Wednesday that only state institutions can protect the Lebanese against terrorism, not the formation of vigilante groups, as he criticized “some MPs” who are boycotting the presidential vote sessions.

“The regional blaze must prompt us to create an insulating wall through establishing a strong State and supporting the army and the security forces,” said Daryan during his Eid al-Fitr sermon at the Mohammed al-Amin Mosque in downtown Beirut.
