
«L’ISIE va introduire pour la première fois en Tunisie le vote anticipé», annonce Chafik Sarsar

Jul 03 2016
African Manager

Le président de l’Instance supérieure indépendante des élections (ISIE), Chafik Sarsar, a confié à Africanmanager que l’instance s’emploie à  introduire pour la première fois en Tunisie le vote anticipé afin de permettre à certaines catégories, dont notamment les sécuritaires et les militaires, de voter avant les autres (3 jours avant le scrutin).

Il a par ailleurs souligné la nécessité d’avoir conscience de l’importance des élections municipales puisqu’elles permettent au peuple de statuer sur les questions majeures .

Berri Advises MPs to Approve his Initiative Before it is 'Too Late'

Jul 01 2016

Speaker Nabih Berri urged Lebanon's political forces on Friday to accept an initiative he made to end the political impasse and warned that the due date for the parliamentary elections are growing closer, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Friday.

“This is our last chance and time is passing,” Berri told the daily.

India ‘ready’ to hold dialogue

Jul 01 2016
The Nation Newspaper

 Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan Gautam Bambawale on Thursday said India is ready to restore dialogue process with Pakistan on all the issues if environment for talks is pleasant.

Talking to newsmen here at a local hotel after an Iftar-dinner, he said atmosphere for resumption of talks between Pakistan and India should be improved.
He said that better atmosphere was a must for the resumption of talks between Pakistan and India so that these talks should be comprehensive and durable.

Parliament of VI convocation officially closes its first session and breaks for holidays

Jul 01 2016
24 News

Parliament of VI convocation officially closed its first session and broke for the holidays. The final meeting was held yesterday, the deputies considered 30 bills.

Traditionally, the day after the close of the session, that is, today, will be held the final press conference of the Speaker of Parliament Chynybay Tursunbekov. The deputies will start working only in September 2016.

Nargiza Osmonova


Cabinet Tackles Security Situation away from Thorny Files

Jun 30 2016

An ordinary cabinet session chaired by Prime Minister Tammam Salam convened at the Grand Serail on Thursday and focused on the security issues mainly after the Qaa bombings, without touching on any of the controversial files.

“Salam has assured that the Security Forces maintain readiness levels and capability to confront terrorism,” Information Minister Ramzi Jreij said after the meeting.

PM: Salary increment, minimum wage show govt’s concern for the people

Jun 30 2016
The Star Online

A salary increment and the implementation of the RM1,200 minimum wage for civil servants next month show that the government gives high priority to the people’s welfare and interests, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The Prime Minister said the government appreciated the hard work put in by the civil servants.

In posts on his Facebook and Twitter accounts, Najib said he hoped that this would spur civil servants to serve the people and nation with excellence.

The government had announced in Budget 2016 that civil servants will be given one salary increment in July.

Jokowi to sign Tax Amnesty Law soon

Jun 30 2016
The Jakarta Post

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo will soon sign the Tax Amnesty Law after the House of Representatives moved to pass the tax amnesty bill into law on Tuesday.

"The President has 30 days to sign the law," Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said at the State Palace on Wednesday.

Most important, Pramono continued, were instruments to facilitate inflows from the tax amnesty program. The government estimates that additional tax revenue from the program could reach Rp 165 trillion. He said the program would also have a multiplier effect on development and economic growth.

Albanian Parliament to vote on judicial reform package

Jun 30 2016
Daily Mail

Though lacking support from the opposition, the Albanian Parliament on Thursday passed a plan to bring a judicial reform package to a vote next month, a dangerous move that could bring down the government.

Lawmakers voted 71-to-38 to bring the matter to a vote before parliament closes its session at the end of July. The package is fundamental to ensuring the European Union will launch membership negotiations with Tirana.

PM: Easy to criticise, but running diverse Malaysia not that simple

Jun 29 2016
Malay Mail

It is easy for outsiders to criticise the federal government but the actual task of running an administration in a country as diverse in Malaysia is not that easy, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said today.

Najib said only a person from within the administration would know how to appreciate the challenge of running a multiracial, multireligious and multilingual country like Malaysia.

“That’s why when we join the Perdana Fellows programme, we know that in the administration of a country, in a country that is so diverse like Malaysia, it is a complex challenge.

EU, U.S. urge Bosnia to pass reforms critical for EU bid, IMF funds

Jun 29 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina

European Union and U.S. envoys warned Bosnia's leaders on Wednesday that the country risked missing out on closer ties with the EU in the near term and losing 2 billion euros in support due to an impasse over reforms.

Bosnia hoped Brussels would consider its EU membership bid at its next ministerial council in mid-July, but without the reforms this may not happen.

Updated structure of the government has new ministers

Jun 29 2016
24 Press Club
 Today the Parliament approved the candidacies of five government members, two of whom head the new government structures. Already acting ministers, whose departments were renamed, have been also reappointed. 

A new position was added to the Cabinet - Vice Prime Minister for Border Affairs - it is former authorized representative of the Government in Batken region Zhenish Razakov.
