
New spy agency is unnecessary: Vice President Jusuf Kalla

Jun 15 2016
The Jakarta Post

The Defense Ministry's plan to establish its own intelligence agency is unnecessary, Vice President Jusuf Kalla says on Tuesday.

Even though the government had yet to make comprehensive discussion about the realization of the plan, Kalla asserted that the newly spy agency was in-fact not an urgency in the present.

"[The government] haven't discussed anything, but I can assure that we don't need too much agencies in the meantime," Kalla said as quoted by

The Saudi-Iranian struggle in Iraq

Jun 15 2016
Al Arabiya

What is happening today in Iraq and Syria is due to decades of conflict between two major axes, Iran and the Arabs. It began with the 1979 Iranian revolution, and continued with threats to export the revolution throughout the region, and with the Iran-Iraq war that lasted eight years. Things only calmed down for two years, then Iraq invaded Kuwait, triggering international intervention.

The Balkans Will Suffer if Britain Quits Europe

Jun 15 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Britain’s Prime Minister is staring political disaster in the face as polls suggest that voters are set to defy his advice and vote to crash out of the EU in the historic “in-out” vote on June 23.

With less than ten days to go before the referendum - whose result is binding, not advisory, on the UK government - there is growing panic in the “Remain” camp that their message is not getting through.

Hariri Urges 'Solidarity' with Salameh, Banking Sector after Verdun Blast

Jun 14 2016

Al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri on Monday called for “solidarity” with Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh, the baking sector and “all the heroes who are defiant in the face of terrorism,” a day after a blast rocked the Beirut headquarters of Lebanon's second largest bank.

“Yesterday, Lebanon and its economy and banking sector were subjected to a clear terrorist message,” said Hariri at an iftar banquet he held at the Center House for students from several Lebanese universities and children from the Khaled Foundations.

Bawaslu will have authority to disqualify candidates: Chairman

Jun 14 2016
The Jakarta Post

The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) will have the authority to impose administrative sanctions and disqualify regional head candidates proven guilty of buying votes, the agency’s chairman has said.

Bawaslu head Muhammad said the new authority had been conferred through the revision of the 2015 Regional Elections (Pilkada) Law passed by the House of Representatives on June 2. 

"Bawaslu will have an administrative authority [...] We will enhance administrative law enforcement," Muhammad told on Monday.

Hamas delegation to visit Cairo toward ongoing reconciliation effort

Jun 14 2016
Ma'an News

A Hamas delegation is to visit Cairo in the coming days to hold meetings with Egyptian officials to resume reconciliation talks regarding the Gaza Strip and Egypt’s shared border, an Egyptian security source told Ma’an.

 According to the source, who preferred to remain anonymous, the Hamas delegation will be joined for the first time by representatives from the movement’s military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, to travel to Cairo between Tuesday and Wednesday through the Rafah border crossing.

Kyrgyzstan: Investigators Link Coup Plots and Kumtor

Jun 14 2016
Eurasia Net

Kyrgyzstan has arrested yet another once-powerful politician on charges of plotting a coup — and in a surprising twist, authorities have linked their fight to quash a purported surge of political instability with alleged corruption at an economically crucial gold mine.
No fewer than seven politicians from two equally marginal opposition factions are currently facing trial on charges of seeking to violently overthrow the government after arrests in March and May that coincided with planned protests.

Will the Arab Winter spring again in Sudan?

Jun 14 2016
Sudan Tribune

The Arab Spring that swept across the Middle East and succeeded in overthrowing three dictatorships in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya in 2011 was a pivotal point in the history of nations.

Despite the subsequent descent into the "Arab Winter", the peaceful protests of young people were heroic. The movement demonstrated the power of the people against the status quo and the grip of repressive regimes.

Govt assailed over FO ‘inefficiency’

Jun 14 2016
The Nation Newspaper

The opposition members yesterday severely criticised the government in the National Assembly for ‘inefficiency’ of the Foreign Office in handling important matters of the country.

The opposition also came down hard upon the government during budgetary debate for not appointing minister for foreign affairs, keeping mum over NFC award and not holding national census in the country.

The house in five-hour proceedings witnessed thin presence from both sides of the aisle, but lack of quorum was not pointed out by any opposition member.

Minister denies armed military training for gangsters

Jun 14 2016
Jakarta Post

Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has denied providing armed military training to gang members and mass organizations as part of Bali's state defense program.

The state defense training curriculum did not include an introduction to using firearms, he said, adding that he knew nothing about the involvement of groups known for violence and causing unease among citizens.

Sungai Besar polls: Low voter turnout could determine outcome, says DAP

Jun 14 2016
The Star Online

DAP has expressed concern over the possibility of low voter turnout affecting the results of the Sungai Besar by-election.

The party’s national publicity secretary Tony Pua said the challenge for the Opposition now is to ensure sufficient turnout, as outstation voters returning would be able to determine the results.

“We are within striking reach but it is all dependent on the voters outside who come back and vote.
