
Bawaslu will have authority to disqualify candidates: Chairman

Jun 14 2016
The Jakarta Post

The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) will have the authority to impose administrative sanctions and disqualify regional head candidates proven guilty of buying votes, the agency’s chairman has said.

Bawaslu head Muhammad said the new authority had been conferred through the revision of the 2015 Regional Elections (Pilkada) Law passed by the House of Representatives on June 2. 

"Bawaslu will have an administrative authority [...] We will enhance administrative law enforcement," Muhammad told on Monday.

Count early votes on same day to avoid fraud, says Nurul Izzah

Jun 13 2016
The Star Online

Pakatan Harapan wants the early votes to be counted on the same day they are cast, claiming that keeping them until the polling day would lead to fraud.

PKR vice president Nurul Izzah Anwar said counting the early votes as soon as the ballots are closed would ensure a fair election process.

The early votes for both the Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections are scheduled to be cast on Tuesday. Polling is on Saturday.

Wolesi Jirga Rejects Reforms Decree

Jun 13 2016

MPs in the Wolesi Jirga (Lower House of Parliament) on Monday rejected President Ashraf Ghani's legislative decree on electoral reforms.

Only 27 MPs voted in favor of the decree.

"This is our authority to amend any law. We should try to shoulder our responsibility properly," said MP Hafiz Mansour.

A number of MPs said the reason behind rejecting the decree was the interference from a number of circles inside government and from a number of lawmakers as they do it for their own benefit.

Govt again fails to win JI support on ToRs

Jun 13 2016
The Nation Newspaper


The government team has once again failed in winning Jamaat-e-Islami support on its ToRs for Panamagate probe, The Nation has learnt.

Railways Minister Khawaja Saad Rafique and IT Minister Anusha Rahman yesterday met JI chief Sirajul Haq to win his party’s support on government made terms of reference but the latter expressed his concerns over the way government was handling this matter, a JI leader told this scribe quoting meeting discussion.

Govt to formulate official stance on South China Sea dispute

Jun 13 2016
The Jakarta Post

The government will draw up an outline of Indonesia’s stance on South China Sea disputes in anticipation of the upcoming verdict of a Philippines-China arbitration court hearing looking at the dispute, a senior minister has said.

“President [Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo] has urged us to formulate our stance on the South China Sea so that all state officials have the same answers [in response to queries on the disputes],” said Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Luhut Pandjaitan after meeting with Jokowi at the State Palace in Jakarta on Monday.

Iraq says IMF deal "on track" as cabinet approves reform package

Jun 13 2016

Iraq has approved measures requested by the International Monetary Fund to unlock loans that should help the country overcome a cash crunch caused by declining oil revenue, a senior government official said.

The agreement, reached last month between Iraq and the IMF, "is on track", Mudher Salih, an adviser on financial policy to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, told Reuters late on Sunday.

Darfur Regional Authority officially dissolved

Jun 13 2016
Sudan Tribune

Sudanese government Monday, announced the official dissolution of Darfur Regional Authority (DRA) and Darfur Peace Office, indicating that the implementation of peace agreement in Darfur region.

The DRA was established in line with the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD), which was signed in July 2011, by the Government of Sudan and former rebel Liberation and Justice Movement, and the Justice and Equality Movement-Dabajo in April 2013.

Bomb blast in central Beirut aimed at bank: minister

Jun 12 2016

A bomb exploded outside the headquarters of Lebanese Blom Bank in central Beirut on Sunday, causing damage but no fatalities, the interior minister said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

The Lebanese banking sector has been at the centre of an escalating crisis since the United States passed a law requiring banks to take steps to target the finances of the armed Shi'ite political group Hezbollah.

Sudan’s dialogue general assembly to be held on August 6th: dialogue body

Jun 12 2016
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s dialogue body known as 7+7 committee has said that the national dialogue’s general assembly would be held on August 6th.

The announcement came after a meeting between the 7+7 committee and President Omer al-Bashir on Sunday.

Member of the 7+7 committee,Information Minister and Government Spokesperson Ahmed Bilal Osman told reporters following the meeting that the national dialogue “came to an end and we are waiting for the general assembly to approve the recommendations which would pave the way for the great shift in Sudan”.

Mali pro-government militia kills eight Islamists in clash: sources

Jun 12 2016

A Malian pro-government militia has killed eight Islamist fighters in a gunbattle in northern Mali, two security sources said on Sunday.

Clashes between the militia and the Macina Liberation Front erupted on Saturday in Gourma-Rharous village, in the Timbuktu region of Mali which has long been plagued by Islamist militants, a military source and one from the militia told Reuters by telephone.

They had no details of how the clashes started.

Al-Qaeda Extremists in Mali Maintain Power Despite Peace Talks

Jun 10 2016
Mission Network News

This month marks the one-year anniversary of a fragile peace accord between the Mali government and Tuareg separatists. But after twelve months to make progress, you wouldn’t know it.

French forces had allegedly driven extremists out of northern Mali, but the attacks have not abated. Several extremist groups are still very active in northern Mali, with roots traced back to al-Qaeda. And they are causing problems for everyone.

Bid to form new Malaysia

Jun 10 2016
The Star Online

Parti Amanah Negara president Mohamad Sabu says Islamic law is to bring happiness and prosperity to mankind, reports Sin Chew Daily.

He said Amanah’s stance is that Islamic law would solve all human problems.

Amanah, DAP and PKR are working together as Pakatan Harapan now.

Before this, Amanah was part of PAS and its ultimate aim was to implement PAS’ hudud.

Mat Sabu stressed that Amanah would not allow others to influence its religious mission.

Regional Election Law a Huge Blow for Youth Participation in Politics

Jun 10 2016
Jakarta Globe

The newly-approved Regional Election Law has dealt a huge blow for youth participation in politics since it does not recognize signatures of support for independent candidates from backers under twenty years old, Teman Ahok spokeswoman Amalia Ayuningtyas said on Thursday (09/06).

Teman Ahok—a volunteer group which has been helping Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama collect signatures of support and funding for his independent run in the Jakarta governor race next year—said the Regional Election Law discriminates against young voters.
