
Islamists accuse authorities of targeting licensed party

Apr 17 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — The Public Security Department (PSD) on Sunday said that one of its patrols “mistakenly” raided the Islamic Action Front Party (IAF), the “old” Muslim Brotherhood’s political arm in Amman.

In a statement, police dismissed as baseless allegations by Murad Adaileh, the IAF spokesperson, that authorities are targeting the IAF, a legally registered political party. 

Election Watchdogs, Political Parties Blast Govt For Not Bringing Reforms

Apr 17 2016

Election watchdog organizations and political parties on Sunday said that government has failed to bring about electoral reforms.

They said this was unacceptable.

According to them, the continuation of war and insecurity should not deter government from bringing electoral reforms.

They said that playing games with the issue of electoral reforms is playing games with the fate of the people of Afghanistan.

93% of Omanis support Iran’s nuclear deal: PSB Survey

Apr 16 2016
Times of Oman

Muscat: Young Omanis are the strongest supporters of Iran’s nuclear deal, among other young Arabs, a major survey of youth across the Middle East has found.

While Arabs are divided on the Iranian nuclear deal and the Syrian conflict, a whopping 93 per cent of Oman’s youth from Muscat and Al Batinah, whose government played a critical role in brokering the deal between Tehran and the international community, have shown support for their government’s involvement in the issue.

Iraqi MPs quit session aimed at replacing speaker

Apr 16 2016
Al Arabiya

A group of Iraqi lawmakers announced their withdrawal on Saturday from a session of parliament aimed at selecting a replacement for the speaker, apparently leaving it without the necessary quorum.

Iraq was on course to have two rival claimants to the speakership, further increasing chaos in parliament, which has already seen a vote to sack speaker Salim al-Juburi, a fistfight among MPs and a sit-in this week.

Turkey’s main opposition divided over lifting of MPs’ immunities

Apr 15 2016
Hurriyet Daily News

Cracks have emerged within the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) over a decision to lend support to a government proposal on a provisional change in the constitution that would allow parliament to lift the immunities of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) lawmakers and others for one time only.

Chronogramme électoral : Le 25 Septembre 2016 pour la tenue des élections communales et courant 2017 pour les Régionales

Apr 14 2016
Le Matin

Les élections communales, régionales et du district doivent se tenir cette année. C’est le vœu du ministre de l’administration territoriale Abdoulaye Idrissa Maïga. Après plusieurs reports la classe politique est désormais très intéressée par la tenue dans les meilleurs délais.

Egypt's cabinet to get a bitter vote of confidence in parliament

Apr 14 2016
Al Ahram

The government of Prime Minister Sherif Ismail will face its first vote of confidence in parliament next week.


Parliament deputy speaker Al-Sayed Al-Sherif told reporters this week that Prime Minister Ismail will come to parliament next Wednesday to respond to MPs' comments on his government's policy statement, which he delivered before parliament 27 March.

"At the end of his response, MPs will be required to grant or withhold confidence in Ismail's government," said Al-Sherif.

US human rights report slams Turkey over freedoms, justice system and security

Apr 14 2016
Hurriyet Daily News

The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, released annually by the U.S. State Department, has provided a snapshot of the deteriorating human rights environment in Turkey, stressing that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) government’s interference with freedom of expression, arbitrary application of laws and inadequate protection of civilians in the country’s southeast pose great threats to civil rights and liberties. 

Iranian Parliament Approves Subsidy Cuts To 24 Million Iranians

Apr 14 2016

The parliament in Tehran has approved a bill to cancel cash subsidies to 24 million Iranians, according to local reports.

Under the changes, the government will have to end monthly cash payments of around $12 a person for many civil servants, members of the armed forces, paramilitary volunteers, and others who already receive social welfare, according to the ISNA agency.

Analysts say the action by the conservative-dominated parliament on April 12 has angered President Hassan Rohani, who will have to figure out how to put the unpopular measure into effect.

Saudi religious police powers clipped

Apr 13 2016
Saudi Arabia
Gulf News

Manama: Saudi Arabia has clipped the prerogatives of the powerful Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the religious police, and banned it from chasing, arresting or asking for the identity papers of anyone.

Under a new structure and set of regulations endorsed by the cabinet at its weekly meeting, the commission will not move into action and will report suspicious cases to the police or the anti-drugs squads who will be fully in charge of all the measures that include chasing, arresting, detaining and questioning suspects.

Assad holds parliamentary election as Syrian peace talks resume

Apr 13 2016

Syrians voted in a parliamentary election in government-held areas of the country on Wednesday in what they called a show of support for President Bashar al-Assad, while his opponents and Western powers denounced the poll as illegitimate.

The election went ahead independently of a U.N.-led peace process aimed at ending the five-year-long war. A second round of talks began in Geneva on Wednesday but an upsurge in fighting has darkened the already bleak outlook for diplomacy.

Parallel State Council takes a step closer to reality

Apr 13 2016
Libya Herald

A week after several dozen members of the now largely defunct General National Congress (GNC) controversially met in Tripoli, voted in favour of the Libyan Political Agreement, dissolved the GNC and then reinvented themselves as the State Council envisaged by the Libyan Political Agreement (LPA), another group of former GNC members have met in Benghazi with a view to setting up a their own separate State Council.
