
Nuristani's Resignation Will Speed Up Election Reforms: Rahimi

Mar 27 2016

Ahmad Yusuf Nuristani's resignation as chief of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) is expected to intensify electoral reforms, said the Chief Executive's office on Sunday.

In addition, Mujiburrahman Rahimi, Spokesman for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah, said that those who do not have the background for any particular job should not be assigned to other government positions.

He also said those involved in the electoral crisis in Afghanistan in 2014 should be prosecuted.

Le PJD tiendra un congrès extraordinaire le 21 mai

Mar 25 2016
Tel Quel

Le PJD compte tenir un congrès extraordinaire le 21 mai et reportera son congrès national après les élections.

Le secrétariat général du PJD a décidé le 25 mars de tenir un congrès extraordinaire du parti ainsi qu’un congrès du Conseil national de la formation le 21 mai,  nous confie Abdelali Hamieddine, membre du secrétariat général du PJD. Quant à l’ordre du jour de ce congrès extraordinaire, « ils sera décidé lors de la prochaine réunion du secrétariat général qui se tiendra la semaine prochaine», poursuit-il.

Kuwait’s Prosecutor issues arrest warrant for Dashti

Mar 24 2016
Kuwait Times

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Attorney General Chancellor Dherar Al-Assousi yesterday issued an arrest warrant against MP Abdulhameed Dashti after the parliament lifted his immunity over a case filed against him for slandering Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the judges in the Abdali cell case. Notably, Bahrain’s Public Prosecution had issued a directive including an Interpol arrest warrant against Dashti.

Chafik Sarsar : l’organisation des élections municipales au mois d’octobre 2016 est impossible

Mar 24 2016

Chafik Sarsar, le directeur de l’Institution Supérieure de l’Indépendance des Elections (ISIE), a affirmé aujourd’hui, 24 mars 2016, qu’il est strictement impossible d’organiser les élections municipales au cours du mois d’octobre 2016. Le président de l’ISIE a, par contre, indiqué la possibilité de les organiser courant décembre 2016.

Who's who: Meet Egypt's 10 new ministers in Sherif Ismail's cabinet

Mar 23 2016
Ahram online

Ten new ministers were sworn in on Wednesday before Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi at Cairo's Ittihadeya Presidential Palace.


Minister of Justice - Mohamed Hossam Abdel-Rahim

Born in February 1945, Abdel-Rahim graduated from the Faculty of Law at Ain Shams University in 1966.

He started his career as a prosecutor in 1967, later being appointed as a judge in 1976.

In July 2014, he was appointed as head of the cassation court and the High Judicial Council for his seniority.

Lawyer: Poet pardoned by Emir leaving Qatar

Mar 22 2016
Doha News

A Qatari poet who was jailed for nearly five years will leave the country now that he has been pardoned by the Emir, his lawyer said.

Speaking to Doha News, former justice minister Najeeb Al Nauimi said he had a conversation with Mohammed Rashid Al-Ajami this week, who confirmed he has been given an unconditional pardon.

“It’s finished, it’s over,” Al Nauimi said.

Tebus and Tuareg demand language rights and seats in cabinet and parliament

Mar 22 2016
Libya Herald

The Tebu and Tuareg members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly (CDA) who have boycotted its proceedings for the past seven months but are taking part in its informal meetings in Oman have demanded that their languages be made official in the constitution and that they each have three members in all

Presidency Council must go “very quickly” to Tripoli and rebuild army for battle against IS: if not, “others” will carry out the fight: Kobler

Mar 22 2016
Libya Herald

The Presidency Council must go to Tripoli and, as its top priority, start rebuilding the Libyan armed forces so that they can fight the so-called Islamic State (IS/) Special Envoy Martin Kobler has said.

Isfahan candidate disqualified despite voter support

Mar 22 2016
Radio Zamaneh

Nasim Online reported on Tuesday March 22 that Minoo Khaleghi, a leading candidate in Isfahan, was disqualified by the Guardian Council. Her name had been on the list of candidates endorsed by reformists.

According to the report, the fifth representative from Isfahan will therefore be elected in a by-election.

Khaleghi, 31, is an environmental activist, has a master’s degree in communications law and is pursuing a PhD degree in general law.

According to the final results issued by the elections office, Khaleghi was in third place among the Isfahan candidates.

Sadr Calls For Time-Frame To Form Technocrats Government

Mar 21 2016
National Iraqi News Agency

Najaf / NINA / The leader of the Sadrist movement called to determine timeframe for forming technocrat government, stressing the continuing sit-ins and emphasized on the protesters to abide by the commandments, which were issued to them.

Muqtada al-Sadr warned of economic disaster in the event of failure to respond to the demands of the protesters and all the Iraqi people, calling to activate dialogue in the political disputes, accusing political leaders of the three presidencies what he called "ignoring reality during recent meetings."

1,100 Hezbollah supporters to leave Kuwait

Mar 18 2016
Gulf News

Manama: Around 1,100 Lebanese and Syrian citizens living in Kuwait will be asked to leave the country over their links to Lebanese militia Hezbollah, a Kuwaiti daily said.

The expatriates have direct support and organisational links with the group classified as terrorist this month by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Arab League, and condemned by the Arab interior ministers in the Tunisia Declaration.

Some of the men on the black lists have already been informed they had only one month to finalise their arrangements and leave Kuwait, Al Qabas reported on Friday.
