
Iran’s Guardian Council validates results for Experts Assembly elections

Mar 17 2016
Press TV

Iran’s Guardian Council, which oversees elections and legislation, has validated the results for last month’s Assembly of Experts elections.

In a letter to the Interior Ministry on Thursday, Iran’s top supervisory and vetting body confirmed the results of the February Assembly of Experts elections for all constituencies across the country.

On February 26, Iranians went to the polls in twin elections to choose members of the Majlis (Parliament) and Assembly of Experts.

UN report acknowledges Malta-based Thinni government LIA has access to assets

Mar 16 2016
Libya Herald

A UN report has acknowledged that the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) based in Malta and under the control of the internationally recognized government at the time of Prime Minister Abdullah Thinni, appointed by the House of Representatives in Tobruk, ‘’have access to the assets of those wealth funds’’.

Qatar controversial poet Ibn Al Dheeb pardoned

Mar 16 2016
Gulf News

Manama: A Qatari poet who had been sentenced to life in prison for insulting the Emir and encouraging the overthrow of the nation’s ruling system has been released.

Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Dheeb Al Ajami was arrested in Doha on November 16, 2011 after a poem he recited in August in the Egyptian capital Cairo where he was studying was posted on social media.

Mohammad, popularly known as Ibn Al Dheeb, recited the poem to a group of people, but he was reportedly unaware that he was recorded and that the recitation would be uploaded on You Tube.

Mali : Mise en place des autorités transitoires : Le non des élus du nord

Mar 15 2016

L’Accord de paix constitue un véritable goulot d’étranglement pour les autorités maliennes. Pressées de toutes parts par la communauté internationale, la Médiation, la classe politique, la société civile et les groupes armés pour accélérer la mise en œuvre du document, l’Etat pose des actes qui semblent poser plus de problèmes qu’ils n’en donnent la solution. La mise en place des autorités intérimaires dans les régions du nord, prévue par l’Accord et dont le projet de loi vient d’être adopté par le gouvernement, est l’illustration parfaite de cet état de fait.

Results of electoral complaints due soon: Iranian official

Mar 15 2016
Press TV

Iran’s Guardian Council, which oversees elections and legislation, has reportedly addressed electoral complaints weeks after the country’s double elections, confirming a healthy voting process at dozens of the constituencies in question.

Siyamak Rahpeyk, the spokesman for Iran’s Central Elections Supervising Committee, said Monday that “so far [the results of] more that 100 constituencies have been reviewed by the Guardian Council and the election process [there] has been validated.”

Elections Disqualified Vote-Rigging Claims: Ayatollah Khamenei’s remarks in meeting with top clerics

Mar 14 2016
Iranian Diplomacy

Nearly a fortnight after the elections held on February 27, Iran’s Supreme Leader commented on the Assembly of Experts’ election in a meeting with members, who had just attended their last summit before the new assembly takes over, on Tuesday in Tehran.

Tripoli Congress takes on new members

Mar 14 2016
Libya Herald

The continuing General National Congress (GNC) has sworn in a new batch of members to replace the ever diminishing number of those actually elected in July 2012.

According to the Tripoli office of the Libyan news agency LANA, a group of new members was sworn in today at the GNC’s Rixos headquarters in front of GNC president Nuri Abu Sahmain.

Voting day set for second round of parliamentary election

Mar 14 2016
Radio Zamaneh

The head of Iran’s Elections Office announced that voting in ridings that went into the second round of the election will be held on April 29.

Ali Pourali reported that the ministry of interior and the Guardian Council have agreed on the date.

Iranians went to the polls on February 26 to elect parliamentary representatives, and in a number of ridings, candidates went into the second round of the election.

Civil Registry Authority taken over by ‘’extremists’’

Mar 13 2016
Libya Herald

The Civil Registry Authority (CRA) confirmed yesterday that it had been forcibly taken over by ‘’ideologically extremist groups’’ who took control of its database of Libyan citizens which would have ‘’enabled them to control the affairs of Libyans and the manipulation of their identities for their own interests’’.

Presidency Council claims green-light for unity government now given; Dialogue group disagrees

Mar 13 2016
Libya Herald

The Presidency Council has claimed that its proposed 13-ministry government has effectively been given the go-ahead by the endorsement signed by some hundred members of the House of Representatives (HoR) last month and by the Libya Dialogue in its statement on Thursday.
