
CHP, HDP demand redefinition of charter panel mandate

Feb 12 2016

The mandate of the parliamentary panel tasked with rewriting the constitution should also include an overall democratization process for Turkey, two of the country’s opposition parties have said. 

“The demand to redefine the mandate of the commission is our joint demand with the CHP [Republican People’s Party]. The commission should not only be tasked to re-write the constitution but to initiate a comprehensive democratization process and to become part of these efforts,” Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) lawmaker Mithat Sancar, a member of the panel, told reporters late Feb. 10. 

EU opposes Pakistan’s current electoral reforms process

Feb 11 2016
The News

Chief Observer For Elections Mission Michael Gahler advises against electronic voting, biometric verification and voting rights to overseas Pakistanis; recommends CEC’s appointment through two-thirds majority; deploys an electoral follow-up mission to Pakistan to assess reforms process


ISLAMABAD: The European Union (EU) has opposed electronic voting, bio-metric verification and granting of voting rights to Overseas Pakistanis for next general elections under much needed electoral reforms.

Intelligence minister calls for massive turnout in upcoming elections

Feb 10 2016
The Iran Project

Tehran, Feb 9, IRNA – Minister of Intelligence Mahmoud Alavi here on Tuesday called for massive turnout in the upcoming parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections on February 26, 2016.

Speaking in a gathering attended by university chancellors and professors, Alavi said Iranian people would speak to people across the globe while casting their ballots in the elections.

‘All of us have duty to safeguard the country from the evil eyes during the elections,’ he added.

High turnout in elections to disappoint enemies: Iran’s judiciary chief

Feb 10 2016
The Iran Project

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani on Tuesday called for massive participation of Iranians in the upcoming parliamentary and Assembly of Experts polls due to be held later this month, saying a high turnout would guarantee the Islamic Establishment.

“The significance of the (Iranian) Establishment hinges on people’s presence and their votes,” Ayatollah Amoli Larijani said, after paying tribute to the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini here in Tehran.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid announces new UAE Cabinet

Feb 10 2016
United Arab Emirates
The National

ABU DHABI // Eight new ministers, five of them women, have joined the federal Government in the biggest shake-up in its history.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, announced the appointments to the 12th Cabinet on Wednesday.

The announcements came after consultation with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and with the approval of the President, Sheikh Khalifa.

By-poll in PS-76 on March 3

Feb 09 2016

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has decided to hold the by-election in Sindh Assembly’s PS-76 (Old Dadu) constituency on March 3.

According to the ECP spokesman, nomination papers will be filed from Feb 8 to 9 and the verification process will be completed on Feb 11.

The candidates can file appeals to the tribunals against the decisions of the returning officers until Feb and the tribunals would decide on their appeals until Feb 16.

Leader encourages large turnout in elections

Feb 09 2016
The Iran Project

Tehran, Feb 8, IRNA – The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Monday that large turnout of people in the upcoming elections will increase the country and system’s glory and power and will neutralize enemy plots.

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with the commanders and staff of the Army Air Force on the occasion of Air Force Day.

Presidential Elections Postponed again as Harb Calls for Amendment that Forces MPs to Attend Polls

Feb 09 2016

The 35th session to elect a president was postponed on Monday following a lack of quorum at parliament as officials voiced their ongoing disappointment with some blocs' boycott of the polls.

Speaker Nabih Berri scheduled a new electoral session for March 2.

Telecommunications Minister Butros Harb lamented after the failed meeting the current state of democracy in Lebanon, calling for an amendment to the constitution that forces lawmakers to attend the polls.

UAE takes lead on happiness in Arab world with new ministerial post

Feb 09 2016
United Arab Emirates
The National

ABU DHABI // The happiest nation in the Arab world is planning on getting even happier.

As part of a major Federal Government shake-up, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, on Monday announced the new post of Minister of State for Happiness, the first of its kind in the region and one of the few in the world.

“It’s a historical decision,” said Saeed Al Nazari, an Emirati who started a UAE chapter of the Global Happiness Organisation, a non-profit body that aims to promote happiness worldwide.

Rouhani urges all to take part in votes under any circumstances

Feb 07 2016
The Iran Project

Tehran, Feb 7, IRNA – President Hassan Rouhani urged the nation to take part in the upcoming elections in Iran under any circumstances.

Addressing a gathering on women, development and moderation here Sunday, the President regretted that the country was presently suffering from extremism from both ends.

He said extremism takes its roots not from violence but from minds.

The President further noted that many of the problems in the present world are also rooted in extremism because certain people know nothing but extremist practices.

Iran elections need no international monitoring: MP

Feb 07 2016
The Iran Project

A senior Iranian lawmaker slams a request by three US lawmakers for visas to Iran to monitor the upcoming elections, saying polls in the Islamic Republic need no international monitoring.

“Elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran need no international oversight and in case of any need (to monitoring) , that (monitor) will definitely not be the United States,” Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy Alaeddin Boroujerdi told IRIB news on Saturday.

Iran body reverses ban on 1500 election candidates

Feb 06 2016
The Iran Project

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s constitutional watchdog, the Guardian Council, has reversed a ban on 1,500 candidates who had registered to run in Feb. 26 parliamentary elections.


State TV on Saturday said that says a list of approved candidates has been conveyed to Iran’s Interior Ministry.

The council, which is responsible for vetting candidates, had disqualified a large number of moderates, but it’s not clear how many of the approved candidates are considered to be reformists.

ECP criticised for deferring LG polls in Punjab, Sindh

Feb 05 2016

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has come under fire for setting a new precedence by postponing polls on reserved seats in local bodies of Sindh and Punjab on the basis of petitions pending adjudication.

In a surprising move, the commission modified notifications earlier issued by it to postpone the elections in the two provinces, citing the matter’s being sub judice as the only reason.

LG polls on reserved seats in Sindh, Punjab postponed indefinitely

Feb 05 2016
The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Thursday postponed indefinitely the local bodies elections on reserved seats in Sindh and Punjab, further delaying the local government setup in the provinces.

A notification, issued by the poll supervisory authority, said that the polls were being postponed since the “matter was sub judice”, without elaborating further.

Electoral reforms: ECP told to buy electronic voting machines by September

Feb 04 2016
The Express Tribune

After months of wrangling, a parliamentary panel on electoral reforms on Wednesday directed the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to procure electronic voting machines (EVMs) by September 2016 for experimental use with a view for formal deployment, despite strong reservations from the top electoral body.

President asked to remove election commissioners

Feb 04 2016

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Participatory Democracy for Afghanistan (PDFA) on Thursday asked President Ashraf Ghani to remove commissioners on the two electoral bodies as soon as possible.
PDFA said reforms in laws and the electoral regime were a vital part of the national unity government agreement.
Asadullah Mohseni, head of PDFA, told a news conference in Kabul that the electoral system could not be reformed despite efforts of the Electoral Reform Commission (ERC) that had shared its two sets of suggestions about reforms with the Presidential Palace.

Rafsanjani’s controversial remarks on Iran’s elections cause a stir

Feb 03 2016
The Iran Project

On February 1, the former Iranian president Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani directed harsh criticism at the country’s Guardian Council. He made his remarks in defense of Seyyed Hassan Khomeini, the grandson of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic. The Council had earlier excluded him from running for the upcoming Assembly of Experts election. His comments have drawn widespread attention from the Iranian media and news websites.
