
Rebel candidates ‘pose serious threat’ to PML-N in LG poll

Oct 19 2015

LAHORE: Fearing tough time at the hands of independent candidates in the local elections, the ruling PML-N has stepped up its efforts to set its own home in order before the electoral contest due on Oct 31.

“We’re facing a unique situation in which we have to work more on our own disgruntled colleagues than against the rival Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf,” a senior PML-N leader from Lahore told Dawn on Sunday.

Easing logistic issues: NA committee proposes big hike in election fees

Oct 19 2015
The Express Tribune

In a bid to keep frivolous contenders out of the electoral race, a National Assembly panel is set to recommend a hefty hike in the official fee to contest polls.

Under the existing legal framework, official fee to contest elections at a National Assembly (NA) seat is only Rs4,000 while Rs2,000 is the amount charged for contesting election for a provincial assembly or the Senate’s seat.

Turnout low in Egypt's long-awaited parliamentary election

Oct 19 2015
Egypt Independent

Many Egyptian voters shunned the first phase of a parliamentary election on Sunday that President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has hailed as a milestone on the road to democracy but his critics have branded as a sham.

Polling stations visited by Reuters correspondents pointed to a turnout of around 10 percent, in sharp contrast to the long lines that formed in the 2012 election, suggesting that Sisi, who has enjoyed cult-like adulation, is losing popularity.

Report: Mustaqbal-Hizbullah Tensions Weigh Heavily on Political Scene as Salam Urges Sensible Stances

Oct 19 2015

Tensions between the Mustaqbal Movement and Hizbullah reached their peak over the weekend in light of party chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's response to Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq's recent speech, with the cleric stressing his commitment to dialogue and the minister threatening to quit it, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Monday.

The dispute between the two sides is threatening the 20th Mustaqbal-Hizbullah dialogue scheduled for October 26 and the country's national dialogue.

Salam: How Come All Sides Support Cabinet, but Refuse to Help Revitalize it?

Oct 19 2015

Prime Minister Tammam Salam hoped that the obstacles hindering the cabinet from convening would be overcome this week in order to call it to session, reported the daily An Nahar on Monday.

He told the daily: “How is it that all sides are committed to the government and yet they do not help eliminate hurdles that are hampering its productivity?”

An Nahar said that the premier is waiting for the appropriate time to call cabinet to session.

Nasrallah: Toppling the Government Brings Vacuum, Hizbullah Presence in Syria Greater than Ever

Oct 19 2015

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah stated on Sunday that the party does not approve to topple the cabinet despite its slow performance, affirming that Hizbullah commits to dialogue despite warnings that some parties might withdraw from the sessions.

“We reaffirm our commitment for dialogue and convergence among the Lebanese. We have participated in this government for the security and political stability in Lebanon,” said Nasrallah in a televised appearance.

Voting starts for more than 90,000 Turkish citizens in US for Nov 1 snap elections

Oct 19 2015

The polls opened for more than 90,000 Turkish citizens living in the United States on Oct. 17 for the snap Turkish parliamentary elections on Nov. 1, and will last until Oct. 25. 

Ballot boxes at seven Turkish representatives across the U.S. were set up on Oct. 17 for some 91,304 Turkish electorates living in the U.S. to cast their votes for the upcoming elections. 

Turkish voters have begun to vote at Turkey’s representatives in New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Boston and Miami.

Merkel shifts EU-Turkey stance upon migrant crisis

Oct 19 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has pledged to give support to four Turkish demands on which Ankara has insisted in return for agreeing to a migrant action plan with the European Union.

“There are four elements. Germany is ready to give support on these issues,” Merkel said Oct. 18 during a joint press conference with her Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutoğlu. 

Merkel made the trip to Turkey amid increasing pressure at home after hundreds of thousands of refugees poured into Germany over the summer.

AKP is the source of instability in Turkey: MHP head

Oct 19 2015

The source of the current instability in Turkey was the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Turkey’s nationalist leader has said while delivering a speech to a huge crowd at an election rally in Istanbul.

“Turkey is going to the polls [again]… It is clear, in the current environment and conditions, the reason for instability [in Turkey] is the AKP,” Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) head Devlet Bahçeli said on Oct. 18, during his party’s election rally in Istanbul’s Yenikapı neighborhood, Cihan News Agency reported.

Former HDP candidate claims he was tortured while detained following Ankara bombing

Oct 19 2015

A Kurdish problem-oriented Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) deputy candidate for the June 7 elections has claimed he was tortured while under detention for allegedly sharing posts on Twitter which gave information in advance about the Ankara bombing on Oct. 10, daily Cumhuriyet reported on its website on Oct. 18.

The HDP deputy candidate for the June 7 elections and Özgür Gündem columnist, identified only by the initials M.S.P., said he had been ill-treated and tortured while detained by the Anti-Terror Department in Turkey’s southeastern province of Şanlıurfa. 

Egypt's parliamentary elections: Smooth first day, 'too early to judge turnout'

Oct 18 2015
Al Ahram

Polling stations have closed their doors at 9pm Sunday on the first day of Egypt’s long-awaited 2015 parliamentary elections after a slow but smooth start to polling.


Abdullah Fathi, head of the Judges' Club - an unofficial but powerful body that represents the majority of Egypt's judges - told Al Hayat TV that the club's reports of polling station monitoring labelled the vote turnout "clearly and unjustifiably weak."

Expat parliamentary election turnout in Saudi Arabia below average

Oct 18 2015
Egypt Independent
Egypt’s Consul General in Saudi Arabia, Adel al-Alfi, said the turnout of Egyptian expatriates for the parliamentary elections was below average, given that Saudi Arabia has the largest Egyptian expatriate community.
He pointed out that some candidates tried to break the electoral silence but were prevented by the embassy.
He said the High Elections Committee will announce the results of the voting.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
