
Omanis living in GCC countries start voting for Majlis Al Shura election

Oct 18 2015
Times of Oman

Omanis living in GCC countries have started voting for the representatives of their choice for Majlis Al Shura’s eighth term elections.

Voting started at 8 am on Sunday, October 18 in Sultanate’s embassies across GCC countries and the Commercial Office of the Sultanate in Dubai.

Omanis living in GCC countries can vote till 6 pm on Sunday.

Talking about the technologies used in the 8th term elections, Salim bin Humaid Al Hajri, Chairman of Preparation Committee for Majlis Al Shura eighh Term Elections explained that e-voting is used for the voting process.

La escasa participación marca las elecciones legislativas en Egipto

Oct 18 2015
El País

La primera jornada de las elecciones legislativas egipcias, que se dividen en varias rondas y no terminarán hasta el mes de diciembre, ha estado marcada este domingo por una bajísima participación. A falta de una cifra oficial, algunas informaciones apuntaban a una tasa de participación inferior al 15%. En las anteriores legislativas, celebradas a finales del 2011, votó cerca de un 65% de los ciudadanos. A diferencia de aquellos comicios, en estos apenas si concurre algún partido de la oposición al régimen del mariscal Abdelfattá al Sisi, ya sea islamista o laica.

Intra-party polls: Jamaat-e-Islami elects new provincial heads

Oct 16 2015
The Express Tribune

LAHORE: After an intra-party electoral exercise that kicked off around two months ago, the Jamaat-e-Islami announced its new provincial heads on Thursday.

Mian Maqsood Ahmed has been elected as the party’s Punjab chief, Mushtaq Ahmed Khan as the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa chief, Dr Merajul Huda as the Sindh chief and Maulana Abdul Haq Hashmi as the Balochistan chief.

JI chief Sirajul Haq will administer oath to the newly-elected provincial heads of the party on October 21 at JI headquarters in Lahore’s Mansoorah suburb.

ECP order on Kissan package set aside

Oct 16 2015
The Express Tribune


Rizwan Shehzad.-

The Islamabad High Court (IHC) has accepted a government request to set aside the election supervisory body’s order of staying parts of the Kissan relief package.

A division bench comprising Justices Noorul Haq Qureshi and Aamer Farooq announced the short order on Thursday. After hearing the arguments of both parties a day earlier, the bench had reserved the judgment. A detailed verdict will be issued later on, said court officials.

Polls, Loya Jirga hold key to govt’s legitimacy

Oct 16 2015

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Afghanistan Congress Party on Thursday asked the government to set dates for the long due parliamentary and district council elections without further delay.

Mohammad Aziz Asefi, the party’s leadership council head, told journalists here the government should announce dates for the elections to Wolesi Jirga and district councils since the ballots and a subsequent Loya Jirga were necessary for resolving of the current problems and legitimising the government.

Women as ghost candidates

Oct 16 2015
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Gazette

Khalaf Al-Harbe (Opinión)-.

We like to talk big in front of TV cameras on condition that what we say should never be translated on the real ground or put into practice. Let it forever remain only talk, no more.

For instance, we love to appear before the world that we believe in women’s rights and totally support them.

We want the world understand that we strongly believe in the big role Saudi women play in social development. This also has one simple condition: that this role should never happen.

Opposition bill to force ministers to vote on Bar-Ilan Speech

Oct 16 2015
The Jerusalem Post

Lahav Harkov.-

New legislation by MK Yoel Hasson (Zionist Union) may create an awkward situation for the Ministerial Committee for Legislation on Sunday, as it calls to implement the ideas in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2009 Bar-Ilan speech, calling for a two-state solution with a demilitarized Palestinian state.

Sunday’s vote on the bill to implement the principles of the Bar-Ilan speech is the first time the speech will be brought to a vote in the Knesset or cabinet. The bill is unlikely to be approved by the ministers.

1677 judges arrive in Alexandria to supervise parliamentary elections

Oct 16 2015
Al Ahram

On Friday, 1677 judges arrived in Alexandria to supervise the elections that are due to take place on Sunday and Monday, Al-Ahram's Arabic news website reported.

Judges from different judicial bodies (judges, State Council members, prosecutors and administrative prosecutors) will be distributed on Saturday to 1677 polling stations in 10 constituencies in Alexandria.

A total of 16,000 members from different judicial bodies will supervise polling stations during the two phases in Egypt.

Report: New Proposal to End Presidential Deadlock Receives Regional, International Backing

Oct 16 2015

A new proposal aimed at ending the protracted presidential impasse is being discussed and has reportedly received the support of a number of influential foreign powers, said the daily An Nahar on Friday.

It said that the suggestion called for the election of one of the current presidential candidates for a two-year term.

During this time, a new parliamentary electoral law would be approved and the polls would then be held in order to reshuffle state institutions, reported An Nahar.

Report: Jumblat Presents Hariri with 'Comprehensive' Deal over Political Impasse

Oct 16 2015

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat presented Mustaqbal Movement chief MP Saad Hariri during his recent trip to Saudi Arabia with a “comprehensive” deal over the presidential deadlock and the garbage disposal crisis, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Friday.

Informed sources told the daily that his proposal calls for reaching an agreement over a new president and understandings over a new government and parliamentary electoral.

Asiri: Political Leaders Should Converge, to Distance Lebanon from Regional Conflicts

Oct 16 2015

Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awadh Asiri urged the political leaders in Lebanon to converge and find a solution for the crises mainly the hurdle of electing a president.

“Stemming from the brethren relations between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, I urge the political leaders to work on opening a new leaf and put aside the controversial issues that have emerged in the last phase,” said Asiri after a meeting with Prime Minister Tammam Salam at the Grand Serail.

Report: Efforts to Be Renewed to Hold Cabinet Session on Trash Crisis

Oct 16 2015

Efforts will soon be exerted to hold a cabinet session in order to avert its “complete paralysis,” reported the daily An Nahar on Friday.

It said that these efforts will be held next week and that a government session, should it be scheduled, will address the waste disposal crisis.

Ministerial sources hoped to the daily that the session would be held on Tuesday.

Kyrgyzstan Parliament Takes Shape As Dark Clouds Loom

Oct 16 2015

Kyrgyzstan’s election commission has published definitive results from the October 4 vote, which has handed the leading Social Democratic Party (SDPK) 38 out of the 120 seats on offer.


The figures released on October 15 show that runner-up Respublika-Ata Jurt has won 28 seats. Other parties with deputies in parliament are Kyrgyzstan, on 18, Onuugu-Progress, on 13, Bir Bol, on 12, and in final place Ata-Meken with 11 seats.


Central Election Commission announces official results of parliamentary elections

Oct 16 2015
24 News Agency

Darya Podolskaya.-

The Central Election Commission of Kyrgyzstan announced the official results of the parliamentary elections.

 According to it, the Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan won 27.56 percent of the votes (38 seats), Respublika Ata- Jurt - 20.26 percent (28 seats), Kyrgyzstan - 13.07 percent (18 seats), Onuguu-Progress - 9.39 percent (13 seats), Bir Bol - 8.59 percent (12 seats) and Ata Meken - 7.08 percent (11 seats).

Deep divisions in Turkey in democracy as election nears, Pew survey says

Oct 16 2015
Todays Zaman

According to a survey released by the Pew Research Center on Thursday, Turks are split on whether democracy in their country is working while positive perception of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is at its lowest point since 2012.

The survey of 947 people, which was conducted between April 5 and May 15, showed the majority of Turks still prefer a democratic form of government rather than a leader with a strong hand.
