
Kyrgyzstan to announce results of parliamentary elections before October 20

Oct 14 2015
24 News Agency

Darya Podolskaya.-

According to it, recounting of votes in Osh region at the request of co-chairman of Butun Kyrgyzstan Emgek Adakhan Madumarov has been completed. CEC will receive the final voting records from Issyk-Kul, Chui, Osh and Jalal-Abad regions today until the end of the day. Voting results reports from Batken, Talas and Naryn regions have already been processed. Complaints are being considered.

"At this rate we will be able to announce the official results even on Monday, October 19," CEC stated.

CHP decides to cancel election rallies, MHP to resume as planned

Oct 14 2015

The Republican People’s Party (CHP) has decided to completely cancel all its public election rallies, while the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has opted to continue as planned with the rest of its campaign rallies ahead of the Nov. 1 snap election.

“We have decided to resume the campaign process via initiating one-to-one-contacts with citizens and through district visits instead of mass rallies,” Erdoğan Toprak, the chief advisor to CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, told state-run Anadolu Agency on Oct. 13, citing the Oct. 10 deadly bomb attack in Ankara. 

Today’s Zaman Editor-in-Chief Bülent Keneş released pending trial

Oct 14 2015
Todays Zaman

The İstanbul 8th Penal Court of Peace ruled on Wednesday to release Today's Zaman Editor-in-Chief Bülent Keneş pending trial after deliberating on a petition by the lawyers of Keneş, who was arrested on Saturday and detained at Silivri Prison.

Keneş's lawyer, Hasan Günaydın, challenged on Monday the decision to arrest his client, submitting a 14-page petition to the İstanbul 7th Penal Court of Peace. Günaydın asked the court to reconsider its ruling or send the petition to another court to look into.

PTI seeks NA-122 voter lists from ECP

Oct 14 2015

LAHORE: The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) is gathering the evidence of changes in voter lists of the Election Commission of of Pakistan (ECP) for NA-122 by-polls, which the party lost to the ruling PML-N candidate on Sunday.

Led by PTI Punjab organiser Chaudhry Sarwar, a cell has been set up to probe into the reports after receiving at least 100 complaints by voters.

The cell on Tuesday wrote to the ECP to obtain the computerised voter lists used for the by-polls on October 11.

RO rejects plea for NA-122 vote recount

Oct 14 2015

LAHORE: The Returning Officer of NA-122 rejected on Tuesday applications of two candidates who sought recount of votes cast in the Oct 11 by-election.

Rejecting the applications of Abdul Aleem Khan of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf and independent candidate Khurram Qureshi, RO Zahid Iqbal said he had invited all contestants and their representatives before announcing the final results, but no-one turned up.

NA-122: Nisar rejects PTI's allegations of pre-poll rigging

Oct 14 2015
The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan rejected on Wednesday Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) allegations of pre-poll rigging in the recently held by-polls in NA-122, Lahore.


“Allegations have been levelled on the National Database Registration Authority (Nadra) without any basis,” Nisar told media men in Islamabad, claiming he had rigorously investigated the allegations but could not find anything substantial.


Analysis: Arab-Israeli MKs of Joint List opting for conflict instead of cooperation

Oct 14 2015
The Jerusalem Post

The Joint List, which spent much energy campaigning in Hebrew during the last election using words such as ‘democracy’ and ‘equality,’ has failed to clearly condemn the surge in terrorism, instead blaming the Israeli government and the “occupation.”

Ayman Odeh, who heads the Arab-Jewish communist Hadash Party and who identifies as secular, has failed to live up to his election campaign rhetoric, in which he frequently quoted Martin Luther King.

Report: Cabinet to Convene Friday to Adopt Shehayyeb's Trash Plan amid FPM Boycott

Oct 14 2015

Cabinet is expected to convene on Friday to adopt Agriculture Minister Akram Shehayyeb's waste disposal plan, reported the daily al-Mustaqbal on Wednesday.

Ministerial sources said: “The session will be its last due to the obstruction of the Free Patriotic Movement.”

FPM chief MP Michel Aoun stated on Tuesday that his ministers will not attend a cabinet meeting aimed at addressing the waste crisis due to his objection to the failure to tackle the contentious issue of security promotions and appointments.

Two polling stations moved despite YSK’s rejection in Turkey’s southeast

Oct 13 2015

Two polling stations in Turkey’s southeastern province of Şırnak have been moved despite a decision by the Supreme Election Board (YSK) rejecting the relocation of ballot boxes for “security” reasons.   

The election council in Şırnak’s İdil district reached a decision to move two polling stations located in schools to two other schools within the same neighborhood. The council’s decision was announced through the municipality’s speakers. 

NA-144: Rise of independent candidate Juj shows new trends in politics

Oct 13 2015

Aslam Piracha.-

OKARA: Before the NA-144 by-poll schedule was announced, Riazul Haq was not the choice of the PML-N. On October 11, when the young scion of the Nemat family of Okara city posted a very convincing victory as an independent candidate against PML-N’s Ali Arif Chaudhry, now Riazul Haq, alias Juj, has been contacted by both the PML-N and the PTI to join their parties.

Mr Juj won the by-poll with 85,714 votes against PML-N’s Ali Arif, who remained runner-up with 45,199 votes.

Mr Juj is, however, not in a hurry to decide about his political journey.
