
Cabinet to Convene on Waste Crisis but Faces Dark Future

Oct 09 2015

Prime Minister Tammam Salam is expected to call for a cabinet session to put into execution the waste management plan of Agriculture Minister Akram Shehayyeb.

The session will unlikely face a paralysis over differences between cabinet members on several controversial issues.

Education Minister Elias Bou Saab did not rule out Free Patriotic Movement ministers' participation in the session.

“This is an emergency and does not need an agenda or decrees,” he told As Safir daily.

Direct elections on women’s seats under study

Oct 08 2015
The Express Tribune

Irfan Ghauri.-


Parliamentary panel on electoral reforms is considering changing procedure of elections on women seats from indirect to direct polls.

The committee on Wednesday sought recommendations from all political parties on proposals to hold direct elections on the seats, reserved for women in the lower and upper house of parliament, including in the four provincial assemblies.

Herzog, Lapid to duel for opposition leadership on Jerusalem streets

Oct 08 2015
The Jerusalem Post

Zionist Union chairman Isaac Herzog and Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid will take their battle over the leadership of the opposition to the Old City of Jerusalem Thursday morning where they plan to hold rival press conferences minutes apart on the same bloodied street.

Herzog and Lapid both want to paint themselves as the main alternative to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They both have become increasingly critical of the prime minister.

Kyrgyzstan: Popular Imam Gets 5-Year Jail Term

Oct 08 2015
A court in the southern Kyrgyzstan town of Kara-Suu has sentenced a popular local imam to five years in prison on charges of inciting religious hatred and distributing extremist material.
The verdict delivered on the evening of October 7 marked the culmination of a four-month trial that Rashot Kamalov's lawyers regularly complained was marred by irregularities.

Pre-electoral PACE delegation voices concerns over Turkey’s early elections

Oct 08 2015

A delegation of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) voiced concerns over pressure on media, recent violence on political party premises and highly disproportionate coverage of different political parties by state-owned media during their meeting in Ankara Oct. 5-6.

A seven-member cross-party delegation of PACE noted the early parliamentary election campaign is being conducted in a dramatically changed environment, compared to the June 7 elections, in a statement released after a pre-electoral visit. 

Niqab-wearing banned during voting by law: HEC

Oct 08 2015
Ahram Online

Spokesperson to the Higher Elections Committee (HEC) Omar Marawan has said the law stipulates that all niqab-wearing women will only cast ballots if they remove the face veil while voting, for identity verification purposes. Otherwise they will be barred.


The first round of the elections is expected to take place inside Egypt on 18-19 October in 14 governorates (Giza, Fayoum, Beni Suef, Minya, Assiut, New Valley, Sohag, Qena, Luxor and Aswan).

CHP outlines communication strategy for snap election

Oct 08 2015

The Republican People’s Party (CHP) has specified its communication guidelines ahead of the Nov. 1 general election, asking members to “avoid all statements that intimidate ethnic or religious minorities.” 

It also requested that party members avoid placing placards and posters at historic, cultural or religious buildings for propaganda purposes. 

Voting for the Nov 1 polls starts abroad and at customs gates

Oct 08 2015

Voting for the snap elections on Nov. 1 has started at Turkey’s representatives in foreign countries and at border gates across the country. 

A total of 2,895,885 Turkish citizens living abroad are eligible to vote either at 112 foreign representative offices in 54 countries or at 30 customs gates on Turkey’s borders and international airports. 

The voting at foreign representative offices and border gates started on Oct. 8, through the voting schedule of the many offices vary. 

Govt challenges ECP suspension of Kissan package

Oct 08 2015

Malik Asad.-

ISLAMABAD: The federal government on Wednesday challenged the suspension of a Rs341 billion relief package for farmers.

The implementation of portions of the National Kissan Relief Package was suspended by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) last week. The package was announced less than three weeks after the schedule for local government elections had been issued in Punjab and Sindh.

PLO Erekat: Leadership Will not Remain Silent in Face of Continued Israeli Escalations

Oct 07 2015

RAMALLAH, October 7, 2015 (WAFA) – PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat said on Wednesday that Palestinian leadership will not remain silent in the face of the persisting Israeli escalation in the occupied territories, and will continue to report all Israeli “crimes” committed against Palestinians to the International Criminal Court.


Netanyahu threatens to change up coalition over security critique

Oct 07 2015
The Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened to change the makeup of his governing coalition if right-wing ministers continue to attack his handling of the current wave of Palestinian terrorism, sources close to him said on Tuesday.

Channel 2 reported that Netanyahu told Bayit Yehudi leaders Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked during Monday night’s closed-door security cabinet meeting that if they criticize him like Bennett did during Operation Protective Edge, the composition of his coalition would be changed.

Egypt's Socialist Alliance Party launches electoral programme

Oct 07 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt’s Socialist Popular Alliance Party (SPAP) announced Wednesday the features of their electoral programme for the upcoming elections set to take place in October and November.


“The party’s electoral programme relies on the social and democracy goals represented by the January 25 Revolution and its extension in June 30,” Medhat El-Zahed, acting chairman of the SPAP, said in a press conference.

Insight: A political guide to ‘after the holidays’

Oct 07 2015
The Jerusalem Post

The succot have come down. The mahzorim have been put away. The refrigerator is full of leftovers. And starting Wednesday, the children will finally start going to school each and every weekday morning.

Yes, the period known in Israel as aharei hahagim – after the holidays – has arrived.

It is common in Israel to postpone any project, any big decision, any serious work really until “after the holidays,” which ahead of Rosh Hashana seems so far off in the future.

After all, it is at least eleven chicken meals away.

Voting for Oman's Majlis Al Shura soon

Oct 07 2015
Times of Oman

Muscat: Voting in the Sultanate’s embassies in other GCC countries and the Commercial Office of the Sultanate in Dubai, will be held on Sunday, October 18, in addition to the working committees who will vote at the election centre in Muscat, Salim bin Humaid Al Hajri, Chairman of Preparation Committee for Majlis Al Shura 8th Term Elections, has said.

Voters from the governorates of Dhofar and Musandam present in the Governorate of Muscat will vote at the same centre, he added.

107 polling stations

Controversial candidates Ezz, El-Masry out of Egypt's electoral race

Oct 07 2015
Ahram Online

The Supreme Administrative Court upheld on Wednesday decisions preventing two controversial candidates -- steel tycoon Ahmed Ezz and belly dancer Sama El-Masry -- from running in the approaching parliamentary elections.


Both candidates lodged appeals against their elimination from the polls, only to be turned down in court.

Ezz's national post office account -- where he had deposited his money -- was frozen in September by a decree of the prosecution and the country's elicit gains authority. He was eliminated from the electoral race as a result.

Nasrallah Says No Prospect of Solution in Lebanon

Oct 07 2015

Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has accused Saudi Arabia of killing the Lebanese during the Israeli aggression on Lebanon in 2006 and expressed pessimism on the political situation of the country.

Riyadh “killed us in the 2006 July war,” and is “responsible for all the killing in the region,” Nasrallah said.

“Since its establishment, the role of Saudi Arabia and Israel has been to serve the U.S. interests in the region,” he stated.
