
IEC To Suggest An Election Date Next Week To Ghani

Sep 08 2015
Tolo News

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) announced on Tuesday that they will suggest an election date to President Ashraf Ghani next week, when they deliver the final document on the matter to him.

This comes despite the expectation that the elections will be delayed for another year.

According to Sareer Ahmad Barmak, IEC commissioner, the draft document for the date will be finalized next week and submitted to the president's office.

Three draft laws organising next municipal elections to be submitted to parliament by late 2015

Sep 08 2015

Three draft laws organising the next municipal elections will be submitted to the parliament before the end of 2015, Secretary of State in charge of Local Affairs Hédi Majdoub told TAP on Tuesday. 

The three texts concern the organic bill related to the regional and municipal elections, the draft law related to the budget of the local communities and the draft law to local authorities code.   

“Any peaceful demonstration or protest is contrary to state of emergency,” (Interior Minister)

Sep 08 2015

 Any peaceful demonstration or protest “is contrary to the provisions imposed by the state of emergency,” Minister of the Interior Najem Gharsalli said on Tuesday.

Among the security measures recently adopted, there is the closure until September 14 of Habib Bourguiba Avenue in Tunis city center.

This decision “has no relation with the national march scheduled for September 12 to protest against the economic reconciliation bill,” stressed the Minister of the Interior on the sidelines of the meeting of the national committee for disaster reduction.

Egypt court upholds ban on tycoon Ahmed Ezz from running in parliamentary elections

Sep 08 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's Supreme Administrative Court upheld a decision on Tuesday to disqualify steel tycoon Ahmed Ezz from running in the upcoming parliamentary elections.


This is a final decision which Ezz cannot appeal.

Ezz, a former senior member of the National Democratic Party (NDP), was disqualified in February from running in the elections by the High Elections Committee (HEC in Menoufiya. He appealed the decision but it was upheld by a Cairo court.

FNC candidates start their election campaigns

Sep 08 2015
United Arab Emirates
Gulf News

Abu Dhabi: Scores of the 341 candidates running in the Federal National Council (FNC) elections started their campaigns across the UAE yesterday (Tuesday), bidding to win one of the 20 seats available.

The other 20 seats of the UAE’s unicameral house will be filled by Their Highnesses the Supreme Council Members and Rulers of the Emirates.

The hopefuls were promoting their credentials through billboard and newspaper advertising and press conferences, with many of them embracing the trend by using social media networks including Facebook and Twitter.

President Ghani approves most of electoral reform recommendations

Sep 07 2015

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has issued a decree approving most of the electoral recommendations presented by the Electoral Reform Commission. 

Sayed Zafar Hashimi, the deputy spokesman for the president, on Sunday said that the president had issued a legislative decree approving seven (out of 11) electoral reform recommendations.

Deux fois plus de femmes dans les conseils communaux

Sep 07 2015

Les femmes seront plus représentées dans les conseils communaux  après le scrutin pour les communales le 4 septembre dernier. Elles ont remporté 6 673 sièges , soit presque le double du nombre de sièges décrochés lors du scrutin de 2009, selon des données du ministère de l’Intérieur. En 2009, 3 406 femmes avaient été élues sur un total de 20 458 candidates.  Une avancée jugée cependant «lente» selon Khadija Rouissi la députée du PAM (parti authenticité et modernité).

“Stepped up efforts to establish national anti-torture authority before end of 2015” (HPR)

Sep 07 2015

“Stepped up efforts are made to establish the national anti-torture authority before the end of 2015, which would make Tunisia the first Arab country and the fourth in Africa to set up such a structure, said President of the Electoral Committee at the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) Badreddine Abdelkefi.

Elections 2015: de grands électeurs pris en otage

Sep 06 2015
Le 360

Après la proclamation des résultats des élections communales et régionales du 4 septembre, de grands électeurs ont été "enlevés" et logés dans des établissements touristiques, notamment dans le nord du pays, ce week-end, par certains mandataires de listes qui convoitent la présidence à n’importe quel prix. Le quotidien Assabah dénonce ainsi, dans son édition de ce lundi 7 septembre, cette pratique malsaine qui consiste à isoler de grands électeurs pour les soustraire à la concurrence.

Islamists Dominate Cities in Morocco Local Elections

Sep 05 2015
ABC News

Morocco's Islamist party dominated this North African kingdom's urban areas in local elections, but trailed in total seats behind two parties with strong backing in the countryside, according to final results announced Saturday.

The elections were seen as an important test of the popularity of the Islamist-led government which came to power after the pro-democracy demonstrations of the 2011 Arab Spring and face new parliamentary elections next year.

FNC election campaigns postponed following UAE soldiers’ deaths

Sep 05 2015
United Arab Emirates
The National

ABU DHABI // The start of the campaigning for the Federal National Council elections has been postponed while mourning for the 45 servicemen killed in Yemen continues.

The 341 candidates’ official electioneering period was due to begin on Sunday, but will instead start on Wednesday, said the National Election Committee.

Dr Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for the FNC and chairman of the NEC, offered his condolences to the families of the fallen soldiers.

Civic councils ‘should help appoint mayors’

Sep 05 2015
Saudi Arabia
Arab News

JEDDAH: The country’s newly elected municipal councils should have a say in selecting mayors and secretaries general of cities, participants at a Municipal Councils Forum suggested on Thursday.
They proposed that the councils should compile a list of nominees and send it to the Municipal and Rural Affairs Ministry for approval, a local publication reported.
Meanwhile, the participants suggested that the ministry work out a mechanism to monitor the performance of council members, to ensure they fulfill their mandate.

HDP files petition for electoral security as CHP rules out delay of snap polls

Sep 05 2015
Hurriyet Daily News

Kurdish problem-focused Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) has filed a petition to Turkey's top election body regarding electoral security, as Republican People's Party (CHP) chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu dismissed claims of postponement of the early elections scheduled for Nov. 1.

Liberal party eyes narrow win in Morocco local polls

Sep 05 2015
Al Jazeera

Morocco's Islamist party has dominated urban areas in local elections, but lost out in total seats to a liberal opposition party in local polls, preliminary results suggest.

With 81 percent of ballots counted on Saturday, the Party of Authenticity and Modernity took 20 percent of votes, translating into 5,064 seats. The ruling Justice and Development Party got 17 percent of the votes, winning control of councils in the main cities of Casablanca, Tangiers, Rabat, Fez and Agadir.

Moroccan ruling party holds key cities in local polls

Sep 05 2015
Al Jazeera

Morocco's ruling party has dominated the North African kingdom's main cities in local elections, but trailed in total seats behind its main rival - the Party of Authenticity and Modernity (PAM) - with strong backing from rural areas, according to final poll results.

The elections were seen as an important test of the popularity of the government, which came to power after pro-democracy demonstrations led to reforms.

Some 30,000 local council seats and 700 regional council seats were contested by more than 140,000 candidates from at least 30 parties.

Le PAM dépose plainte contre trois ministres PJD

Sep 04 2015

Le bureau politique du PAM a décidé de déposer plainte contre trois ministres affiliées au PJD. Il s’agit du ministre des transports, Aziz Rebbah, de son ministre délégué Najib Boulif ainsi que le ministre de l’enseignement supérieur Lahcen Daoudi. Une information confirmée à par la porte-parole du PAM, Souhaila Rikki qui n’ pas souhaité vendredi donner plus de détails, arguant du respect du silence électoral.
