
Le mouvement du 20-Février veut manifester contre les élections

Aug 28 2015

Le mouvement du 20 février prévoit de manifester le mercredi 2 septembre prochain à 18 heures à la place Bab El Had à Rabat. « Nous avons décidé de protester contre la corruption et le manque de liberté d’expression pendant les élections », explique à Samad Iach, activiste au sein du mouvement du 20 Février. Il fait notamment référence à  l’arrestation de plusieurs militants d’Annahj Addimocrati appelant au boycott des prochaines échéances électorales, le 23 août à Casablanca et Sefrou, et d’autres militants le 25 août dernier.

Ramid: « pas d’accointances pour les juges avec les partis politiques »

Aug 28 2015

Lors d’une conférence tenue le 26 août à l’Institut supérieur de la magistrature, le ministre de la Justice Mustapha Ramid, a rappelé encore une fois aux juges leur devoir de neutralité. « Ce qui me préoccupe actuellement, n’est pas tant la question de l’indépendance de la justice du pouvoir exécutif, mais plutôt l’indépendance des magistrats des partis politiques ». Et d’ajouter qu’il existe « des personnes dans des partis politiques souhaitant mettre des juges dans leur poche. Or ces derniers doivent rester indépendants et garder leur neutralité », déclare-t-il. 

FNC election volunteer staff begin their training

Aug 26 2015
United Arab Emirates
The National

ABU DHABI // The National Election Commission has been overwhelmed by applications – most of them from women – to volunteer for the FNC elections.

It is now training 1,400 volunteers from the 2,549 who applied after the offers were reviewed by a committee.

“It is great to see so many women taking part in the coming elections and having so many women volunteer in the organisation of the elections, especially as we embark on the first UAE Women’s Day,” said Ahlam Al Lamki, a director at the General Women’s Union.

Why we want to serve: FNC hopefuls on last lap to poll

Aug 25 2015
United Arab Emirates
The National

ABU DHABI // Candidates for the Federal National Council have told of their reasons for stepping forward, as the objection process for the elections began on Monday.

Sheikh Musallam Salem bin Ham Al Ameri said the people of his emirate had asked him to nominate himself. “The idea was crossing my mind, but when the people asked me to run I was happy to,” said Sheikh Al Ameri, 37, chief executive of Kolluna Al Emarat.

The society promotes Emirati identity and trains nationals to deal with emergencies.

Marruecos se prepara para confirmar su “Excepción” después de la constitución de 2011

Aug 25 2015
Correo Diplomático

Más de treinta partidos políticos marroquíes han empezado ya en todo el territorio del país la campaña electoral de las elecciones municipales y regionales del el próximo 4 de septiembre.

Elecciones decisivas 
Los militantes de partidos políticos y los independientes presentaron 130.925 candidaturas para las elecciones municipales y 7.588 para las regionales para intentar alcanzar 31.503 escaños.

Lessons in elections for FNC candidates

Aug 25 2015
United Arab Emirates
The National

ABU DHABI // Candidates for the Federal National Council will undergo a three-day workshop to prepare them for their upcoming election campaigns.

The workshops, run by the General Secretariat of the FNC, will include sessions on parliamentary knowledge and advice on how to organise their campaigns.

This includes: how to create a campaign team, how to communicate with the voters, how to set up the campaign budget and how to use social media, said Dr Mohammed Al Mazrouei, the secretary general of the council.

Overseas voting enhances political participation, official says

Aug 25 2015
United Arab Emirates
Gulf News

Abu Dhabi: As a part of the preparations by the National Election Committee (NEC) for the Federal National Council elections, the UAE Embassies and diplomatic missions abroad have commenced work to conduct the voting process.

In line with the framework of coordination between NEC and the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the procedures guide and ballot boxes for the elections have been dispatched to UAE diplomatic missions abroad.

Voter registration slow

Aug 25 2015
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Gazette

JEDDAH — Despite more than 1,200 polling centers across the Kingdom open and ready to register voters for municipal elections, registration turnout has been slow, with some centers vacant except for the presence of some government employees.

In Jeddah, lukewarm voter turnout prompted Mayor Hani Abu Ras, head of the local elections committee, to call for intensified awareness campaigns urging citizens to register.

Female participation in election ‘to boost voter registration’

Aug 25 2015
Saudi Arabia
Arab News

JEDDAH: The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs has admitted that voter registration is still slow but clarified that this has nothing to do with the start of the new academic year.
Hamad Al-Omar, who heads the ministry’s media and public affairs department, was quoted as saying by a local publication on Monday that election stations open promptly at 4 p.m.

Head of new Reformist group in Iran resigns from party

Aug 24 2015
Al Monitor

Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Kharazi, the seasoned Iranian diplomat who started his own Reformist bloc ahead of the 2016 parliamentary elections, has suddenly and dramatically resigned from the party. The resignation comes shortly after Kharazi gave a controversial interview in which he threatened to name Reformist figures under the Mohammad Khatami administration who had a relationship with US officials in New York.

Civic polls: Tribal loyalty dominates Hafr Al-Baten

Aug 24 2015
Saudi Arabia
Arab News

JEDDAH: Tribal politics has once again come into play in Hafr Al-Baten in the Eastern Province, with the city witnessing “primaries” to choose a common candidate, local media reported Sunday.
Lobbying for common candidates reportedly started in the month of Ramadan, although such practice is banned by the Interior Ministry.
Social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp raged with campaigns to form tribal blocs to choose potential candidates for the Dec. 12 municipal elections.

10 chiffres à retenir pour les prochaines élections

Aug 24 2015

Nombre de candidatures déposées, de postes à pourvoir, d’instances accréditées, d’observateurs mobilisés : ce qu’il faut retenir des élections communales et régionales qui se tiendront le 4 septembre prochain.

130 925 : Le nombre total des candidats aux prochaines élections communales et régionales est de 130 925.

1 691 : soit le nombre de listes de candidatures électorales présentées pour les prochaines élections communales. Elles comportent 60 381 candidats.

70 544 : les candidatures individuelles aux élections communales sont quant à elles au nombre de  70 544.

Preliminary list of candidates for Majlis A’Shura polls announced

Aug 24 2015
Muscat Daily

The Elections Committee on Sunday announced the preliminary list of candidates for the Majlis A’Shura’s eighth term polls. The list can be checked at walis’ offices across the sultanate and accessed on

The deadline for raising objections against any candidate in the list is five days from the date of announcement.

Preliminary list of 347 FNC poll candidates announced

Aug 23 2015
United Arab Emirates
Gulf News

Abu Dhabi: The electoral process for the Federal National Council elections 2015 has reached an important milestone with completion of the registration of candidates and the announcement of the preliminary list of candidates, said Dr Anwar Mohammad Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Minister of State for Federal National Council Affairs and Chairman of the National Election Committee.

Afghanistan e-ID cards launch in limbo

Aug 22 2015

Afghanistan continues to see delays in launching electronic identification cards that was planned some five years ago. 

19 August was set by the ministerial council for the issuance of the cards to begin; however, President Ashraf Ghani ruled it out for some other day.

However, unlike expectations, the president failed to set to a particular even as he chaired regular cabinet meeting last Thursday.
