
Window for applying to cover parliamentary elections to open on Saturday

Jul 30 2015
Aswat Masriya

Media outlets and civil society organisations wishing to apply for coverage of the coming parliamentary elections may do so starting next Saturday, the Supreme Elections Commission (SEC) announced on Thursday.

The floor for application will be open until August 20, the SEC said in a statement.

Accepted media outlets and civil society organisations will be registered from August 21 to 25 and will receive their permits from August 26 to 30, the committee said. Permits issued before the elections were postponed in March would remain effective.

Candidates can register through authorised persons: NEC

Jul 30 2015
United Arab Emirates
Khaleej Times

The National Election Committee (NEC) has announced a new step towards facilitating the registration of candidates for the Federal National Council Elections 2015, by allowing Electoral College members to authorise their representatives to submit the application on their behalf to the Emirate Committee of their respective emirate.

FNC polls registration made easy

Jul 29 2015
United Arab Emirates
The National

ABU DHABI // Those eligible to vote or stand for the FNC polls will be able to nominate someone to register for them, the National Election Commission announced on Wednesday.

Tariq Lootah, chairman of the Election Management Committee, said registration by proxy would make it easier for voters and candidates to take part.

Many Emiratis said their busy lives made it difficult for them to sign up for the elections.

Damaging democratic standards may be a threat for the future of Albania, leader of the opposition says

Jul 29 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

Opposition in Albania says that the country is making steps backwards and that the damaging democratic standards is a serious threat to the future of Albania.

The leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, has launched a campaign of information, as he called, with international authorities and European politicians, to brief them on the problems of the country.

Mr. Basha received in a meeting the Political Director at the Austrian Foreign Ministry, Jan Kickert and the head for Western Balkan, Johann Sattler.

Turabi’s party reveals ongoing contacts to secure al-Mahdi’s return Sudan

Jul 28 2015
Sudan Tribune

 Sudan’s Popular Congress Party (PCP) led by Hassan al-Turabi has disclosed ongoing contacts with the exiled leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP) al-Sadiq al-Mahdi to convince him to return to the country.

The NUP leader left the country in August 2014 after a month in jail over remarks he made against the government militia known as the Rapid Support Force (RSF).

Bashir to meet with political leaders to discuss start of national dialogue

Jul 28 2015
Sudan Tribune

An official in Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) said on Monday that president Omer al-Bashir will hold a meeting with political party leaders next week to schedule the opening session of the national dialogue.

The head of the NCP political sector Mustafa Osman Ismail told reporters that his party did not seek to postpone the dialogue but that the debate took place within the dialogue’s 7 +7 mechanism on the date change.

Somalia: Govt Rules Out 2016 General Elections

Jul 28 2015
All Africa, Dalsan Radio

The federal government of Somalia has completely ruled out planned 2016 general elections in the country.

The parliament said that one man one vote is not possible in the war torn state following a meeting in the capital Mogadishu on Tuesday in which Wednesday's "The New Deal" meeting was also discussed.

The 25 member committee chairman tasked by the government Abdullahi Godah Barre has read three point agreement between the parliament and cabinet paving way the ruled out of one man one vote come next year 2016.

Jubaland Admin Refuses to Attend New-Deal Forum

Jul 28 2015
AllAfrica, Shabelle

Somalia's Interim Jubaland administrative parliamentarians have refused to attend New Deal forum which was scheduled to be held on Wednesday in Mogadishu.

The lawmakers from Interim Jubaland told Shabelle Media that its administrative constitution had been prepared amid its preparation was took part by international experts.

The summit was also boycotted by Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland leader, Abduwali Mohamed Ali Gaas, says he had not been satisfied for any manner of the meeting.

El-Sisi repeals law imposing deadlines on constitutional court rulings on parliament

Jul 28 2015
Ahram Online

A law requiring Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) to rule on the constitutionality of parliamentary election laws within a maximum of five days after hearing a case was overturned by president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Tuesday. 


This repeal means that no deadline is presently enforced.

El-Sisi has held legislative powers sine his election in 2014 due to absence of parliament.

No cases regarding election laws are currently awaiting an SCC decision.

Ghardaïa : 20 personnes condamnées à des peines de 18 mois à trois ans de prison

Jul 28 2015

Vingt personnes ont été condamnées, ce mardi  28 juillet, à des peines allant de 18 mois à trois ans de prison ferme pour attroupement armé au cours des violents afrontements qui ont endeuillé la Vallée du M’zab, a-t-on appris auprès d’un avocat de la défense. « Un détenu a été condamné à 18 mois de prison, un deuxième à deux ans de prison et tous les autres ont été condamnés à trois ans de prison ferme », précise la même source.

Civil society organisations suspected of having ties to terrorist groups listed (minister)

Jul 28 2015

Some 157 civil society organisations are suspected of having ties to terrorist and Takfiri organisations, said Minister in charge of Relations with Constitutional Bodies and Civil Society Kamel Jendoubi.

The activities of 80 additional organisations were suspended and warnings issued for 83 others to regularise their situation, he announced.

Other organisations were dissolved pursuant to a judicial decision, he said.

‘Pro et contra’ referendum in BiH

Jul 28 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Independent Balkan News Agency

Since, earlier this month, Republic of Srpska National Assembly adopted a decision to hold a referendum on the work of state Court and Prosecution office, with discussion about the legality of it among politicians and international community representatives growing.

RS president, Milorad Dodik, said on Tuesday that there is no doubt that the referendum would be held and emphasized that it represents a fight against legal violence of High representative in BiH and the fight for the affirmation of the Dayton Peace Agreement.

Le parti Alternative démocratique, dernier né des partis politiques marocains

Jul 27 2015

Une Khmissa. C’est le logo du parti Alternative démocratique (PAD), dernier né des partis politiques marocains. En effet, la formation constituée essentiellement de personnes ayant fait partie du courant « Ouverture et démocratie » de l’USFP a été reconnue par le ministère de l’Intérieur le vendredi 24 juillet. Un aval qui permettra au PAD de réunir son secrétariat général, le 28 juillet prochain selon nos sources, en vue d’organiser un congrès constitutif.
