
HPR adopts with large majority draft anti-terrorist and money laundering law

Jul 25 2015

The draft anti-terrorist and money laundering law was adopted, Saturday at dawn, by the House of People’s Representatives (HPR).

The new law that replaces the law n°2003-75 of December 10, 2003, related to the support international efforts in countering terrorism and money laundering, was passed with a large majority of 174 votes for, 10 against and no HPR Speaker Mohamed Ennaceur described the adoption of the new organic law as a “great achievement” which is “long-awaited by the Tunisian people.”

Opposition’s PCP rejects new delay of Sudan’s dialogue

Jul 24 2015
Sudan Tribune

The opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) expressed its opposition to a proposition by the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to delay the national dialogue to next October saying they can no longer accept a new postponement.

NCP officials said last June they would launch the national dialogue after the end of Ramadan. But, some other members within the ruling party and some dialogue forces said it is better to delay it in order to persuade the holdout forces to take part in the process.

Drop in Shura candidates no sign of waning interest in Oman

Jul 24 2015
Times of Oman

A sharp decrease in the number of candidates vying for the Majlis Al Shura is not an indication that people are losing interest in Oman’s political system, according to experts.

There are 674 candidates on the final list for this year’s elections, according to the Ministry of Interior — 40 per cent fewer than the 1,113 candidates who stood for election in 2011.

Bosnian State, Entities, Adopt Key Reforms

Jul 24 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Bosnia's tripartite Presidency on Thursday adopted a so-called Master Plan, which is hoped will help kick-start the reform process and enable Bosnia and Herzegovina to obtain EU candidate status in 2017.

On the same day, the governments of the two entities, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska, also adopted key documents that are a part of Bosnia's reform agenda as agreed with the EU and international financial institutions.

Sole the president has the privilege to appoint DRA chairman : Sissi group

Jul 23 2015
Sudan Tribune

The National Liberation and Justice Party (NLJP) headed Tijani al-Sissi underscored on Wednesday that the chairman of Darfur Regional Authority (DRA) is appointed by the president of the republic and chosen from the signatories of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD).

The NLJP was reacting to a statement by the Justice and Equality Movement of Bakheit Dabajo (JEM-Dabajo) Tuesday saying they would propose a candidate to the Sudanese president for the DRA chairmanship.

Elections: le Plan Hassad contre l'achat de voix

Jul 23 2015
Le 360

Fini, le vote à bulletin secret lors de l’élection des conseils communaux. C’est ce que vient d’annoncer Assabah, dans son édition de ce vendredi 24 juillet.

«Les traficoteurs des élections encaissent un coup douloureux»: c'est ainsi sous ce titre incisif qu'Assabah se penche sur cette décision, révélant que le ministère de l’Intérieur a répondu favorablement à la demande des partis politiques, majorité et opposition confondues, d’annuler le vote à bulletin secret, considéré comme un facteur incitateur à l’achat des voix lors de l’élection des conseils communaux.

Bosniaks Veto Bosnian Serb Courts Referendum

Jul 23 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Bosniak delegates to the Council of Peoples in the Republika Srpska assembly on Thursday used their veto powers to block the assembly's decision last week to hold a referendum on the authority of the state judicial institutions and the Office of the High Representative.

Mujo Hadziomerovic, chief of the Bosniak caucus in the Council of Peoples, said they had evoked a constitutional safeguard, concerning "protection of their vital national interest", since Bosniaks believe the referendum would violate Bosnia's constitutions and the 1995 Dayton Peace Accord taht ended the war.

Elections: poursuivis en justice et candidato aux élections

Jul 22 2015
Le 360

"Des personnes poursuivies devant la chambre des crimes financiers obtiennent l’aval pour les élections", titre Al Massae dans sa livraison de ce mercredi 22 juillet. Le journal arabophone rapporte ainsi que plusieurs parlementaires et présidents de communes poursuivis en justice ont bénéficié des reports de leurs dossiers pour se porter candidats aux prochaines élections communales prévues le 4 septembre prochain.

Emirati volunteers sought for FNC election polling stations

Jul 22 2015
United Arab Emirates
The National

DUBAI // Emiratis are being called upon to participate in this year’s Federal National Council elections by volunteering at polling stations.

The National Election Committee (NEC) wants as many people as possible to get involved in this third FNC election, which will be, by far, the biggest yet.

With the help of the Higher Colleges of Technology, the NEC has tailored a training programme that nationals must complete if they are to qualify as volunteers helping out in the country’s elections.

Elections: La trashumante des élus bat son plein

Jul 21 2015
Le 360

Si la loi interdit la transhumance des élus durant leur mandat, elle reste cependant muette sur ce "mercato" effréné qui s'organise à la veille des élections. Ce type de migration fait désormais partie intégrante de nos mœurs politiques. Et, dans sa version de ce mercredi 22 juillet, Al Khabar nous le rappelle en citant deux députés, et non des moindres, qui viennent de quitter le parti de la rose pour la colombe de Salaheddine Mezouar, une année même avant les législatives de 2016.
