
Sudan’s NCP seeking to bring opposition into national dialogue

Jul 04 2015
Sudan Tribune

 Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) disclosed that it has held meetings with some unnamed opposition parties refusing to engage in the national dialogue in order to convince them to join the process.

NCP head of the political sector, Mustafa Osman Ismail, told the pro-government Sudan Media Center (SMC) on Saturday that his party has made new proposals to accelerate the dialogue process. he further said they would submit those proposals to the dialogue coordinating body known as 7+7 soon without elaborating on its content.

Sudan’s dialogue body to discuss resumption of its activities on Tuesday

Jul 04 2015
Sudan Tribune

 Sudan’s dialogue committee known as 7+7 would meet on Tuesday to discuss resumption of the national dialogue ahead of its meeting with president Omer Hassan al-Bashir.

On Thursday al-Bashir who is also the chairman of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) directed his party to prepare in cooperation with the 7+7 to convene the national dialogue following Eid al-Fitr holiday within two weeks.

State of emergency declared nationwide from July 4 to August 2, 2015

Jul 04 2015

The state of emergency was declared on Saturday in the entire territory. According to a statement which was read out by President Beji Caid Essebsi at the end of his address to the nation, the state of emergency will run from July 4 to August 2, 2015. 

The move comes in the wake of last June 26 terrorist attack in a hotel in Sousse that left 38 dead and 39 others injured.

The decision was also take in view of the persistent terrorist threat weighing on Tunisia.

Bouteflika parle du 4e mandat, tend la main à l’opposition et annonce la révision de la Constitution

Jul 04 2015

Le président de la République, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, a laissé entendre, ce samedi, qu’il poursuivrait son mandat jusqu’à son terme, dans une allusion à peine voilée à ceux qui appellent à des élections présidentielles anticipées.

Remaniement imminent: – 5 à 6 ministres quitteront – Les mouvements armés ciblent des postes

Jul 03 2015
Mali Web

Le remaniement ministériel annoncé pour les jours à venir commence à donner des cheveux blancs au président de la République et au Premier ministre. En plus d’établir la liste des partants du gouvernement, précisément le cas de Bocary Tréta dont le maintien est exigé par des barons du parti présidentiel, les deux têtes de l’exécutif devront faire de la place aux ex-mouvements rebelles et à ceux de la Plateforme des organisations d’auto-défense qui ne veulent pas se contenter de strapontins.

Albanian opposition leader discuss election standards with the head of OSCE

Jul 03 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

Leader of the Democratic Party in Albania, Lulzim Basha, accompanied by the leader of the Republican Party, Fatmir Mediu and a delegation of the opposition, met today in Vienna with the Secretary General of OSCE, Lamberto Zannier and representatives of the permanent Council of the ambassadors of this mission.

During this meeting, Basha has thanked the mission of observers who monitored the June 21 elections and presented the great problems, which according to him,  mined the trust of voters on the election process.

Sudanese president calls for resuming national dialogue after Ramadan

Jul 02 2015
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s president Omer Hassan al-Bashir has instructed the ruling party organs to set a timetable in coordination with the dialogue body known as “7+7” to convene the national dialogue following Eid al-Fitr holiday.

Bashir, who attended the emergency meeting of the political sector of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) on Thursday, expressed his party’s commitment to hold the national dialogue in order to achieve national accord.

Egypt cabinet approves new terrorism and elections laws

Jul 01 2015
Ahram Online

The Egyptian cabinet has approved on Wednesday two new legislations, a law to counter-terrorism and another law to regulate parliamentary elections. 


Minister of transitional justice Ibrahim El-Heneidy added that the cabinet implemented a request by the Supreme Constitutional Court to give its judges a longer period to rule on appeals against elections results.

These new laws would go into effect once signed by the president as per Egyptian law.


Opposition leader: Albania is in the list of countries that do not organize free and fair elections

Jun 30 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

Leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha has met with the co-rapporteurs of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PA), Mr. Jonathan Evans, Mr. Andrej Hunko, Mr. Bas Klein, vice chairman of the Secretariat of the PA and Mrs. Delphine Freymann, Secretary of the Monitoring Commission of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.

During this meeting, Mr. Basha said that the June 23 electoral process has put Albania in the list of countries that do not hold free and honest elections.

Egypt's cabinet to review laws on terrorism, parliamentary elections

Jun 30 2015
Ahram Online

Informed sources have said that the Egyptian cabinet's weekly meeting, expected on Wednesday, will give priority to discussing laws on terrorism and parliamentary elections.


Minister of Transitional Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Ibrahim El-Heneidy told reporters this week that the justice ministry has recently finalised a new law on fighting terrorism.

"It is separate from a recent law on 'terrorist entities', but both complement each other," he said.

ICC prosecutor vows to continue efforts to arrest the Sudanese president

Jun 30 2015
Sudan Tribune

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Fatou Bensouda has pledged to continue her efforts to arrest the Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir who is wanted by the court since 2009.

She called in her statement to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on the situation in Darfur on Monday evening for “devising concrete and effective strategies for the arrest of accused persons wanted by the court, and to give the ICC the full support it requires and is entitled to, in order to implement the Rome Statute as intended”.

Egypt's top prosecutor dies from injuries sustained in bomb attack

Jun 29 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's top prosecutor Hisham Barakat died from injuries sustained in a Cairo bomb attack on Monday, the first successful assassination attempt against a state official since an upswing in violence following the 2013 ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi.


Barakat suffered internal bleeding in the lungs and stomach and fractures to the nose and left shoulder, health ministry spokesperson Hossam Abdel-Ghaffar told Ahram Online. He had been taken to the operating room at Al-Nozha hospital in Heliopolis, where he succumbed to his injuries hours after the attack.
