
Albania’s political leaders see the election result in opposite ways

Jun 23 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

In Albania, following a two day period without any declarations, the main political leaders, head of majority, Edi Rama and that of the opposition, Lulzim Basha publicly addressed the citizens on Tuesday evening.

The first one to address was Basha, who considered the elections as a step backwards for the country and added that the main feature of the process was the massive purchase of votes and the efforts of  SP and SMI to rig the polls.

Imminence d’un remaniement ministériel

Jun 23 2015
Cridem, Tawary

Des sources privées évoquent l’intention du Président mauritanien Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz de procéder incessamment à un remaniement ministériel. Le retard accusé par la nomination d’un nouveau commissaire à la sécurité alimentaire créditerait selon les mêmes sources ces tractations officieuses, visant ce chambardement.

Des ministres qui pourraient être touchés par le nouveau remaniement ministériel seraient encore en déplacement à l’étranger dans le cadre de missions gouvernementales.

Ben Ali and Son-In-Law Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

Jun 23 2015
Tunisia Live

Former Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his son-in-law Sakhr El Materi have been sentenced to 10 years behind bars for corruption.

The case, which also includes former Minister of State Properties, Ridha Grira and three executives including Fathi Sokri.

All of the accused were sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined 14 million dinars over the illegal
transfer of property.

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled Tunisia during the 2011 revolution and currently lives with his family in Saudi Arabia.

El Materi was also tried in absentia.

Somalia: Somali Government Spokesman Resigns for Undisclosed Reason

Jun 23 2015
All Africa, Dalsan Radio

Somali Government Spokesman Ridwaj Haji Abdiweli has announced his resignation from the office he was holding for the past two years. Abdiweli who announced his decision through his official twitter account cited undisclosed personal issue as the main reason.

"I want to announce my resignation as the government spokesman and media adviser to the prime minister of Somalia, it was great honor for me for the past two years to serve my country which is experiencing great challenge," he said in a letter sent to newsrooms.

Low Turnout Marks Albania Local Elections

Jun 23 2015
Balkan Insight

Election day was generally calm without major incidents but the turnout was much lower than in the 2013 general elections.

Preliminary data from the Central Election Commission shows about 45 per cent of voters cast their ballot. This is the lowest turnout in 25 years.

Although 3.37 million Albanians have the right to vote, an estimated one third of them have left the country, seeking a better life. In 2013, about 1.7 million Albanians voted in the general elections with the turnout reaching 53 per cent.

Counting ends in most of polling stations, the left wing dominates

Jun 22 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

Albania’s governing left wing has prevailed in the 21 June local government elections “snatching” a victory in the majority of the towns of the country, including the largest ones.

Up until today (23.06), ballot counting has been completed for 54 out of 61 municipalities. Out of them, 40 have been won by the left wing, 13 by the opposition and one by the Greek minority party, MEGA.

The ballot counting process continues in another seven municipalities and socialists are likely to win most of them too.

Mali Tuareg Peace Deal Raises Hopes but Faces Challenges

Jun 22 2015
All Africa, RFI

Activists and analysts in Mali hope that a landmark deal between the government and a Tuareg-led rebel coalition will bring stability to the north, the cradle of several Tuareg uprisings since the 1960s. But there is only cautious optimism that the Algiers Accord, signed this weekend will end years of unrest.

The UN-brokered peace accord calls for the creation of elected regional assemblies but stops short of autonomy or federalism, a long-time rebel demand.

Two women elected deputy speakers of Sudan’s parliament

Jun 22 2015
Sudan Tribune

Two ladies have been approved by the parliamentary bloc of the Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to serve as deputy speaker for the parliament.

Badria Suleiman from the NCP and A’isha Mohamed Ahmed from the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) led by Mohamed Osman al-Merghani will hold the post for the first time in Sudan’s history.

Suleiman is a well known legal advisor who participated in the drafting of the recent constitutional amendments. She also headed the committee which was tasked last week with amending the National Assembly’s regulations.

Early election results, the left wing leads in the local government elections in Albania

Jun 22 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

After counting nearly one third of the ballots in the local government elections in Albania, the left wing of the governing majority is leading by a large margin.

The ballot counting has ended in the early hours of Monday in 7 small municipalities and all of them have been won by left wing candidates.

The race for the large cities is still not clear, but the tendency seems to favor the left wing.

Former Albanian PM demands international monitors to delegitimize elections

Jun 22 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

Former PM and former democrat leader, Sali Berisha has issued a surprising declaration in the early hours of Monday, calling upon the international community to delegitimize the June 21 local government elections in Albania.

This is the first time that Mr. Berisha makes such request in his 25 year political career. When the left wing has made such requests, Mr. Berisha has always condemned them.

Mr. Berisha’s declaration is based in 9 arguments, which according to him, support the request not legitimize the elections.

Siete talibán y dos civiles muertos en un ataque contra el Parlamento afgano en Kabul

Jun 22 2015
El Mundo

Los talibán han atacado este lunes el Parlamento afgano con varios explosivos y un enfrentamiento armado mientras los parlamentarios se encontraban en una sesión. El asalto ha causado la muerte de siete talibán atacantes y de dos civiles. Además, 31 civiles han resultado heridos, aunque ninguno entre los legisladores.


Voters offered a distinct choice in Albania’s local elections, observers say

Jun 22 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

While voters were offered a distinct choice from among a range of candidates and fundamental freedoms of expression and assembly were generally respected, the politicization of institutions involved in the 21 June local elections in Albania undermined the effective administration of the process, international observers concluded in a statement issued today.

Left wing majority takes over the largest municipalities in Albania

Jun 22 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

The process of ballot counting in Albania is coming to an end and so far, the majority of 61 municipalities has been won by the left wing majority under the logo of the Alliance for European Albania coalition led by Edi Rama and speaker of Parliament, Ilir Meta.

This governing coalition has won the largest municipalities in the country.

The process has been officially concluded in less than half of municipalities. Out of 28 municipalities where the result has been announced, 20 of them have been won by the left wing and only eight of them by the opposition.

Local government elections in Albania end without any problems

Jun 21 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

Polls for the local government in Albania have ended without any problems. The polling stations opened at 7 am and closed at 7 pm. Although, based on the law, when there are queues in the polling station, the voting continues beyond the official hours, it was not the case this time as there were not large numbers of voters.

Preliminary turnout figures vary from 40 to 50%.

The Central Election Commission has not yet issued official figures on turnout.

This year’s figures are expected to be lower than in the last polls, when turnout was 60%.

Turnout in the local government elections in Albania was around 48%

Jun 21 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

In Albania, the Central Election Commission (CEC) published a little before Sunday midnight, the turnout percentages based on its district.

Following a calculation of the majority of polling stations, the turnout is one million and 530 thousand voters or 57.54% out of 3.4 million eligible voters.

The highest turnout has been marked in the north, in Diber, with around 58% and the lowest turnout in Vlora with around 37%. The counting process has started in a small part of ballot boxes.

Early results indicate a strong advantage of the governing majority.

Egypt to issue new laws on terrorism, parliamentary immunity

Jun 21 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Transitional Justice Ibrahim Al-Heneidy disclosed Sunday that the justice ministry has finalised drafting a new law aimed at cracking down on terrorist crimes. 


"The new 52-article anti-terrorism law is primarily aimed at stemming the tide of funding terrorist activities and organisations and giving new definitions for terrorist crimes," said Heneidy in a press conference.

Sudan’s RNM denies it is returning to national dialogue

Jun 21 2015
Sudan Tribune

The Reform Now Movement (RNM) led by Ghazi Salah al-Din Attabani said its return to the government-led national dialogue is contingent upon implementation of its conditions.

Last January, the RNM suspended its participation in the national dialogue mechanism to protest the refusal of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to implement a number of measures related to the creation of a conducive environment for the process.
