
Sudan’s opposition alliance criticizes presidential assistant

Jun 10 2015
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s opposition alliance of the National Consensus Forces (NCF) has harshly attacked the first presidential assistant and head of the organizational sector at the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), al-Hassan al-Merghani for belittling the opposition.

The Sudan Media Center (SMC), which has close links to the Sudan’s security services, on Tuesday, quoted al-Merghani as saying there is nothing left from the opposition alliance “but the name".

The son of the DUP’s leader also criticized the external moves of the NCF leaders, describing it as “desperate attempts”.

Remaniement ministériel en vue : Des barons du parti présidentiel menacés

Jun 10 2015
Mali Web

Une nouvelle équipe s’en va, une autre arrive. IBK s’apprête à faire un grand changement pour donner un coup d’accélérateur à son projet de société. C’est pourquoi avec le remaniement ministériel en vue, plus d’une dizaine de ministres ne dorment plus qu’un œil. On évoque un possible de barons du parti présidentiel.

Nouvelle alliance présidentielle d’Ouyahia : TAJ dit oui, le MPA muet et le FLN ouvert

Jun 10 2015

L’appel à la reconstitution d’une nouvelle alliance présidentielle lancé par Ahmed Ouyahia ce mercredi à l’occasion de son retour à la tête du RND n’est pas tombé dans l’oreille d’un sourd. Dans un communiqué publié avec la mention « très urgent », le TAJ de Amar Ghoul a été le premier parti à réagir à la proposition du nouveau chef du RND.

Bosnia Federation Adopts Reform Plan Amidst Crisis

Jun 10 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Bosnia's Federation entity on Tuesday adopted a reform plan crucial for the country’s EU ambitions and discussed its 2015-2018 action plan.

However, concrete action on any of the measures is threatened by the deepening political crisis in one of the country's two entities.

“The [reform] agenda is still not public, because it is not signed. This is the first government in Bosnia and Herzegovina that has adopted it,” Federation entity Prime Minister Fadil Novalic said after a government session.

Elections: les trois lois organiques définitivement adoptées

Jun 09 2015
Le 360

La Chambre des représentants a définitivement adopté, ce mardi 9 juin, en deuxième lecture, les trois lois organiques relatives aux élections régionales, communales et préfectorales.

Si la loi concernant les régions a été approuvée à l'unanimité, les deux autres textes ont obtenu un vote à la majorité après l'abstention de l'opposition.

A l'approche des élections, la transhumance des élus s'amplifie

Jun 09 2015
Le 360

A l'approche des élections communales et régionales du 4 septembre, le problème de la transhumance des élus entre les partis politiques de diverses tendances n'a toujours pas été résolu, malgré la loi qui interdit formellement cette valse.

A trois mois des élections communales du 4 septembre, la loi interdisant la transhumance des élus ne semble avoir aucun effet, rapporte ce mardi 9 juin Al Ahdath Al Maghribya dans un article titré: "Le fléau de la transhumance des élus affecte aussi bien les partis politiques de la majorité que ceux de l'opposition".

Draft law banning attacks on armed forces to be amended (HPR Speaker)

Jun 09 2015

Speaker of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) Mohamed Ennaceur said, Tuesday, amendments will be made to the draft law banning attacks on armed forces. 

“The bill will be amended to ensure compliance with the respect for rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in the new constitution,” Mr. Ennaceur stated at a meeting with a delegation of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) headed by Kamel Lahidji.

Anti-terrorism law: FIDH against death sentence

Jun 09 2015

President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Kamel Lahidji expressed rejection of the death sentence provided for in the draft law on the fight against terrorism and money laundering.

Speaking after his meeting Tuesday with Prime Minister Habib Essid, he emphasised the importance of complying with the provisions of Tunisia's new constitution and its international commitments.

The meeting with the PM was an opportunity to discuss issues related to Tunisian women's conditions, equality, freedom of expression and conscience and socio-economic rights.

Essid calls for national unity preservation, away from any tight calculation

Jun 09 2015

Receiving, Monday, several political party leaders, Prime Minister Habib Essid called for national unity preservation, away from any tight calculation.

“Though we guarantee the right to protest peacefully, we no longer tolerate ongoing attacks against the institutions of sovereignty and public properties and attempts to make chaos prevail,” he pointed out, referring to the attack against the police and torching institutions of sovereignty and police stations.

Albanian Justice System Slammed as Totally Corrupt

Jun 09 2015
Balkan Insight

A Special Parliamentary Commission on Monday delivered a damning report on the courts in Albania, saying corruption is widespread at all levels.

This includes the appointment of judges in the most important courts.

The report says judges pay between €100,000 to €300,000 to the High Council of Justice, the body that nominates judges, to get their posts, or to move to better positions within the system.

Reports of cabinet reshuffle in Egypt, Sisi publicly criticises ministers

Jun 08 2015
Ahram Online

Reports have circulated in the Egyptian media of a possible cabinet reshuffle as President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi publicly criticised on Monday a number of ministers, including Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab.


El-Sisi, who completes one year in office on Tuesday, told Mahlab "You promised me you'll be a bulldozer to pave the road. Where is this bulldozer?"

The president, who was the military chief before resigning to run for office, also criticised the cabinet's delay in digging up wells to cultivate lands, state news agency MENA reported.
