
Aoun, Geagea bury the hatchet for good of Lebanon

Jun 04 2015
The Daily Star

The meeting between Christian leaders Michel Aoun and Samir Geagea was the “perfect response” to all those who wagered on the failure of intra-Christian dialogue over the presidential impasse, a senior Free Patriotic Movement source told The Daily Star Wednesday.

The source, who wished to remain anonymous, also revealed that FPM ministers would not be resigning from the Cabinet or boycotting sessions over the problematic issue of military appointments and spoke about a “third but tough choice.”

“Quitting is always easy,” the source said, “we opted for the hard choice.”

SNC seeks cooperation with leading Islamist factions

Jun 04 2015

The Western-backed opposition wants to include Ahrar al-Sham, Army of Islam and other Islamists within its military ranks.

BEIRUT – The Western-backed Syrian National Coalition is looking to include influential Islamist factions within the ranks of a new unified military structure, a coalition member says. 

The move to restructure the military command comes after SNC chief Khaled Khoja on Tuesday dissolved the Supreme Military Council that ostensibly oversees the FSA.

LF-FPM Declaration Urges Strong President, Says No to 'Constitution Manipulation, Violence'

Jun 04 2015

The Lebanese Forces and the Free Patriotic Movement signed a landmark declaration of intent on Tuesday, in a move aimed at ending around 30 years of rivalry between the two Christian parties.

The stipulations of the document were announced after a meeting in Rabiyeh between LF chief Samir Geagea and FPM leader MP Michel Aoun.

Opposition calls on the majority to remove criminal names from electoral lists

Jun 03 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

In Albania, the opposition has publicly invited majority to sign an agreement together where they engage in removing incriminated persons from electoral lists.

Democrat MP, Oerd Bylykbashi, senior DP official from the largest party of the opposition, said that the request with four points has been officially sent to the heads of the majority two weeks ago, but so far there has not been any reply.

Egypt's opposition parties organise petition to abolish protest law

Jun 02 2015
Ahram Online

A petition calling upon Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court to review a controversial protest law was signed by 358 people in two weeks, Khaled Dawoud, spokesperson for the Constitution party said Tuesday during a press conference at the Egypt Freedom Party headquarters.


The new petition calls upon the Supreme Constitutional Court to consider a lawsuit, filed in June 2014 by lawyers Khaled Ali and Tarek El-Awady, that challenges the constitutionality of the protest law.

Sudan’s Bashir dissolves cabinet, participation of DUP remains in doubt

Jun 02 2015
Sudan Tribune

The Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir issued a decree on Tuesday night dissolving the government and relieving his aides in preparation for the formation of the new cabinet following the beginning of his new term today.

Ibrahim Ghandour, top aide to Sudanese president Omer al-Bashir and head of Sudan’s negotiating team with the SPLM-N (Photo: AFP/Ashraf Shazly)

The decree did not mandate undersecretaries to run the ministries in the interim which suggested that the announcement of the new cabinet is imminent.

Government bodies told to cut costs

Jun 02 2015
Gulf Daily News

COST-CUTTING measures and productivity improvements must be made across all government bodies and ministries, the Cabinet has ordered.

'We have numerous targets that we plan to achieve in administrative and financial practices,' said Information Affairs Minister and official government spokesman Isa Al Hammadi in a media briefing following the weekly Cabinet session yesterday.

'These are not just related to quality or cost-saving measures, but go beyond that to perfectionism.

Albania Rejects Fining TV Stations For Bias

Jun 02 2015
Balkan Insight

Albania's Central Election Commission has rejected proposals from the bipartisan Media Monitoring Board to fine seven news television stations for offering unequal amounts of coverage to political parties campaigning for the local elections on June 21.

The Commission ruled by four to three against the proposed fines on Monday in a vote aparently determined by the political affiliations of the board members.

Remaniement ministériel : Les six critères qui s’imposent pour le futur Gouvernement de « Mali Kura »

Jun 01 2015
Mali Web

Après la signature le 15 Mai 2015 de l’accord de Bamako pour la paix et la réconciliation, nombreux sont les observateurs qui s’attendent aujourd’hui à un remaniement. Et cela pour non seulement permettre aux groupes armés signataires d’intégrer la République mais aussi et surtout permettre à IBK de mettre en place une équipe restreinte d’hommes et de femmes qualifiés, capables de relever les multiples défis auxquels le Mali Kura d’après signature sera confronté.

Opposition forces denounce inauguration of Sudanese president

Jun 01 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The opposition forces allied by the Sudan Appeal and the people in Darfur regret the inauguration of Omar Al Bashir as president of the country for another five years.

Sarah Nugdallah, the secretary-general of the National Umma Party (NUP) commented to Radio Dabanga by saying that the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) does not seem to be embarrassed or ashamed for the results of the extremely low voter turnout, “though the Sudanese people have taught them a hard lesson, by boycotting the useless election.”

32 small political parties heed Sisi's call for unified electoral list

Jun 01 2015
Ahram Online

Thirty-two Egyptian political parties have agreed to form a joint electoral list for the upcoming parliamentary elections, Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported.


Ahmed El-Fadali, the leader of the Independence Current political coalition, announced at a press conference on Sunday that the small, mostly newly-founded, parties have “answered President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi’s call for unity of parties” by forming a joint electoral list.

In January El-Sisi had called for political parties standing in the delayed elections to join together in a single coalition. 

Sudan’s new parliament speaker vows to push national dialogue efforts

Jun 01 2015
Sudan Tribune

The newly elected speaker of the Sudanese parliament Ibrahim Ahmed Omer said his country is committed to promoting the principles of Shura (consultation) in all issues that affect the nation’s progress towards prosperity and development.

Omer, who has been elected speaker of the National Assembly by 375 votes on Monday, underscored the country’s leadership awareness of the importance of the national dialogue, saying they identified the areas of deficiency which is hindering its progress.

Egypt's NCHR says 2600 killed since Morsi's ouster

May 31 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) said on Sunday that 2600 civilians, security forces and members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood died in violent acts from June 2013 to the end of 2014.


Of the 2600 dead, the majority were Muslim Brotherhood members at 1250, while 700 were security forces and 550 were ordinary people, according to a report issued by the NCHR.

Egypt's authorities have mounted a fierce crackdown on Islamists since the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi in July 2013 after mass protests against his rule.

Sudan’s NCP nominates Ibrahim Omer as National Assembly’s speaker

May 31 2015
Sudan Tribune

The leadership council of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) Sunday nominated Ibrahim Ahmed Omer for the position of the National Assembly’s speaker.

The newly elected Sudanese legislators will meet on Monday to elect the speaker of the lower house, the National Assembly, a day before the swearing-in ceremony of the re-elected president Omer al-Bashir.

Following a meeting of the NCP leadership council, the party’s spokesperson Yasir Youssef told reporters that the ruling party selected Ibrahim Omer for the position of National Assembly’s speaker.
