
Turkish voters want new charter, but not a presidential system

May 07 2015
Hürriyet Daily News

A survey by Koç University in Istanbul made public on May 6 revealed that the public trust for fair elections in Turkey has declined, as the country heads toward one of the most critical elections in decades on June 7.

The survey, carried out with the support of the Open Society Foundation and Ohio State University over the last two months across Turkey, shows that only 25 percent think the elections will be totally fair. You can read the details in our headline story.

June 21 elections, one in ten Albanians doesn’t have a permanent address

May 07 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

3,3 million Albanians eligible to vote will be called in the 21 June 2015 polls. Out of them, 1,2 million are outside of Albania, living abroad for many years.

Meanwhile, in the remaining part of 2 million voters, 312 thousand voters do not have a permanent living address.

One of the main criteria of participation in the voting process is for an Albanian citizen eligible to vote to have a home address, in order to determine his constituency.

But authorities have identified at least 312 thousand people without a home address.

Abdelkader Bensalah : « Le RND connait une situation anormale »

May 07 2015

Il a parlé. Enfin. En pleine crise qui secoue son parti, Abdelkader Bensalah, secrétaire général du RND, s’est adressé, ce jeudi 7 mai,  brièvement à la presse en marge d’une séance plénière au Sénat consacrée aux questions orales.

« Je sais que vous êtes ici pour vous informer de  ce qui se passe au sein du parti », a-t-il dit aux journalistes. Après avoir souligné qu’ « il ne confondait pas entre ses missions institutionnelles et son poste au sein du  parti », Bensalah reconnaît pour la première fois « qu’une situation anormale règne au RND ».

Wafd Party's internal political crisis deepens

May 07 2015
Ahram Online

The internal political crisis rocking Egypt's oldest liberal party "Al-Wafd" continued to deepen this week, as eight suspended high board members called for a withdrawal of confidence in party leader El-Sayid El-Badawy.

 On Wednesday, El-Badawy failed to appear before the party's high board to answer questions in an internal investigation.

Ahmed Ouda, the head of the committee assigned to investigate members recently suspended by the party's high board said none of the eight attended the Wednesday meeting.

Over 500 people arrested in Mogadishu

May 07 2015

Mogadishu-Somalia security forces arrested at least 503 people in an operation in Mogadishu following several killings against government officials have been reported, officials said

Somalia’s security ministry spokesman, Mohamed Joseph Osman said that 303 people mainly teenage boys who have been links with Al Shabab militants and insecurity activities seized.

Mr. Joseph said that all detained people were taken into custody for further interrogations, adding that if any one of them found guilty will be put on the trial.

Formation of High Popular Council for General Mobilization

May 06 2015
al Manar

Different factions across Yemen have established a national council aimed at uniting the local environment in Yemen against the US-backed Saudi aggression.

Sources in Sanaa told al-Manar that the Yemeni factions met on Wednesday in the capital, Sanaa, and formed the High Popular Council for General Mobilization.

The factions said the aim of forming such council is to “unite and strengthen the local front against the Saudi aggression,” and to “set dialogue with all the Yemeni factions,” the sources said.Yemen flag

Geagea: LF, FPM Seeking Adoption of New Electoral Law in First Legislative Session

May 06 2015
al Naharnet

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed on Wednesday the need to set as a priority the approval of a new parliamentary electoral law during the next legislative session.

He stated before a delegation from Hawsh al-Oumara: “The LF and Free Patriotic Movement are working hard to adopt a new electoral law during the first legislative session because there are no other issues that are more pressing.”

The law on restoring the nationality of Lebanese residing abroad is also one that enjoys the same importance, he added.

RND : Abdelkader Bensalah accepte de démissionner, le retour d’Ouyahia se précise

May 06 2015

Abdelkader Benslalah n’a pas livré une grande résistance face à ses adversaires. Selon les informations recueillies par TSA, il a accepté de céder son siège de Secrétaire général à Ahmed Ouyahia. Bensalah s’adressera aux militants du parti dans les prochaines 48 heures à travers une lettre, tout comme l’avait fait Ouyahia en 2013. « La lettre de démission est prête », précise à TSA une source au parti. « La démission sera annoncée demain ou, au plus tard, samedi », poursuit notre interlocuteur.

Egypt cybercrimes law a potential threat to liberties: Activists

May 06 2015
Ahram Online

A new law regulating cybercrimes has already been approved by Egypt’s cabinet and only awaits presidential approval.

With Egypt witnessing an escalating wave of violence from militant groups, who have often used cyberspace as a medium for incitement, Information Minister Khaled Negm has repeatedly stressed the urgency of such a regulatory law.

The minister has stressed that the law would mainly aim to combat "extremist ideas" on social media, as well as fight hacking and piracy.  

Support for Egypt President El-Sisi, PM Mahlab increases: Poll

May 06 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi continues to gain public support after ten months in office, according to a new poll from the Baseera Centre for Public Opinion Studies.

Likewise, Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab's popularity has also increased, according to the Baseera poll, whose results were unveiled on Wednesday.

Support for El-Sisi as president has increased to 89 percent, according to Baseera, three percent up from the result of a poll held after his first six months in power.

600.000 électeurs inscrits sur les listes via Internet

May 06 2015
Le 360

Environ 600.000 électeurs ont eu recours à Internet pour s'inscrire sur les listes électorales durant la dernière opération de révision exceptionnelle, a indiqué le ministre de l'Intérieur, Mohamed Hassad, au Parlement en réponse à une question orale. Sur un total d'un million et neuf cent mille élécteurs, il a été procédé à l'inscription de 600.000 nouveaux électeurs ayant déposé leurs demandes via Internet a affirmé le ministre. Les derniers jours de l'opération de révision, le site électronique du ministère a été saturé, en raison du grand nombre de demandes.
