
Egypt's oldest political party Al-Wafd faces division

May 03 2015
Ahram Online

In a surprise meeting, miles away from Cairo, hundreds of Wafd Party members agreed to withdraw confidence from party head El-Sayed El-Badawi, prompting him to freeze the membership of some of the masterminds behind the move, signaling an open dispute between the dissident members and the leader of Egypt’s oldest political party.

A foiled ‘coup’

Nine political parties start initiative for new parliamentary elections law

May 03 2015
Ahram Online

Nine political parties in Egypt launched on Sunday an initiative to draft a new parliamentary elections law in order to present it to President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, instead of the amended current law handed over by the cabinet.

The parties also announced that they were holding a three-day workshop in order to draft the parliamentary elections law that would include their suggestions which were ignored by the government, according to their statement.

"Zroud" électorales pour booster le taux de participation

May 02 2015
Le 360

Le ministère de l'Intérieur est en train de chercher les moyens d'encourager les Marocains inscrits sur les listes électorales à se rendre massivement aux urnes lors des différentes échéances électorales à venir. Quitte à légaliser les “zroud” ?

Communales, régionales, préfectorales et provinciales... C'est un véritable marathon électoral qui attend les Marocains en 2015 selon l'agenda élaboré par le gouvernement. Et tout le défi pour le ministère de l'Intérieur est de mobiliser les électeurs pour se rendre aux urnes de manière à avoir un taux de participation significatif.

Alger rejette et dénonce

May 02 2015
El Watan

Quelques semaines après la publication par la Commission européenne d’un rapport sur les irrégularités qui ont entaché l’élection présidentielle du 17 avril 2014, qui a vu la reconduction de Abdelaziz Bouteflika pour un quatrième mandat, des députés du Parlement européen ont adopté, avant-hier, une résolution sur la situation des droits de l’homme en Algérie ; ils demandent «aux autorités algériennes d’assurer et de garantir le droit à la liberté d’expression et d’association et le droit de réunion pacifique dans le pays».

Mali: UN Threatens Sanctions On Mali Fighters

May 02 2015
All Africa, Al Jazeera

The UN Security Council has demanded an immediate halt to an upsurge in fighting in Mali and has threatened to impose sanctions against those responsible for the violence.

The 15-member council said on Friday that renewed fighting this week "threatens to undermine the peace process" and "demanded that the hostilities cease immediately".

A peace deal is due to be signed in the Malian capital, Bamako, on May 15.


Armed fighters from the Movement of Azawad reportedly entered a northen Mali town on Thursday, AFP news agency reports.

Benkirane se dit prêt à démissioner s'il perd la confiance du palais

May 01 2015
Le 360

Après avoir traité certains élus de l’opposition de «voyous», Abdelilah Benkirane met en balance son poste de Chef de gouvernement au cas où il ne jouit plus du soutien du roi et du peuple.

Suite au grave incident qui a marqué, mercredi 29 avril, les travaux du Parlement, le chef du gouvernement a, semble-t-il, tiré un premier enseignement en se déclarant prêt à jeter l’éponge s'il venait à perdre le soutien du palais et de la société marocaine, rapporte Akhbar Alyaoum dans son numéro de ce vendredi 1er mai.

Amendments in the Electoral Code that aim decriminalization

Apr 30 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

All of those people who have committed serious criminal offenses and have been sentenced to six months in prison by the court, in or outside the country, are not entitled to run in the local government elections.

This is the proposal announced by the Democratic Party regarding several transitory amendments in the Electoral Code that aims to stop the registration of candidates with a criminal past to run in the June 21 local elections.

Sudanese Congress Party official, students detained in Omdurman

Apr 29 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The political secretary of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP) was detained in Omdurman on Tuesday, together with two members of the Independent Students Congress.

According to a statement of the SCP, Mastour Ahmed and the two student activists were held after participating in a mass activity at Soug Libya in the sister-city of Khartoum.

Ahmed had spoken there about his party’s rejection to recognise the election results, and announced that they would continue their campaign to overthrow the government.


‘Free those held arbitrarily in Sudan, investigate abuses’: HRW

Apr 29 2015
Dabanga Sudan

“Sudanese authorities should stop arresting people because of their real or perceived political views, release everyone arbitrarily detained, drop unfounded charges, and investigate allegations of detainee abuse”, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

In a news release today, HRW points to the dozens of opposition party members, students, and political activists detained by agents of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in the lead up to, during, and after the national election of 13-16 April.

Abdelkrim Abada s’oppose au retour de Belkhadem

Apr 29 2015
El Watan

Le retour de Abdelaziz Belkhadem à la tête du Front de libération nationale (FLN) ne fait pas que des heureux. Abdelkrim Abada, qui n’a jamais porté l’ancien secrétaire général dans son cœur, se prononce publiquement contre cette éventualité. Lui qui fut l’un des artisans de la fronde qui a mené à la chute de Belkhadem, juge impensable un tel retour et se dit prêt à tout mettre en œuvre pour l’en empêcher.

Sudanese opposition, independent candidates reject election results

Apr 28 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The National Election Commission (NEC) on Monday announced that incumbent President Omar Al Bashir has won the presidential election with 94,5 percent of the votes. Opposition parties, as well as independent candidates in the election, refuse to recognise the outcomes.

The head of the NEC, Dr Mukhtar El Asam, reported at a press conference at the Friendship Hall in Khartoum on Monday that Al Bashir won with 5,252,478 votes of the 6,091,412 votes cast in total.

Sudanese students protest against election results

Apr 28 2015
Dabanga Sudan

Dozens of students staged a sit-in at the market of El Obeid, capital of North Kordofan, on Monday, in protest against the re-election of President Omar Al Bashir. In Khartoum, four students were detained on Sunday and Monday.

The protesters in El Obeid chanted slogans against the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the elections’ results, and called for overthrowing the regime in Khartoum, one of the students told Radio Dabanga.

In Khartoum, security agents detained Umran Faroug, a student of Bahri University and member of the Independent Student Congress, on Sunday.

Bosnia Police Station Attack Raises Ethnic Tensions

Apr 28 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Police and security agencies increased security levels after the attack on a police station in the eastern Bosnian town of Zvornik on Monday evening which left one policeman dead and two injured.

The attacker, who was identified as Nerdin Ibric, a Bosniak born in 1991, was also killed in the shootout with police officers.

“For all those who believed that something like this could not happen in Republika Srpska, here, it happened now,” the Interior Minister in the Serb-dominated entity, Dragan Lukac, told media.

Bosnian Serbs Raise Stakes After Zvornik Terror Attack

Apr 28 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

The President of Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity, Milorad Dodik, said his entity may withdraw from Bosnia's state-level security apparatus following an attack on a police station in the east of the country. 

“Republika Srpska was shot at and we have right to defend ourselves, and we will defend ourselves,” Dodik said. 
