
Démarrage de l’élaboration de 4 projets de loi sur la décentralisation

Mar 10 2015
Direct Info

La Fédération nationale des villes tunisiennes (FNVT) a annoncé le démarrage de l’élaboration de 4 projets de loi sur la décentralisation et la gouvernance locale, en prévision des élections municipales. 

Ces projets de loi concernent la loi organique des régions et municipalités, la loi électorale pour les régions et municipalités, la loi organique du budget des collectivités locales et le code de l’aménagement du territoire et de l’urbanisme.

Hakan Fidan re-appointed as spy chief after withdrawal of bid for Parliament

Mar 10 2015
Today's Zaman

Former National Intelligence Organization (MIT) Undersecretary Hakan Fidan who earlier resigned from his position to run for Parliament from the ranks of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has withdrawn his candidacy and has been appointed back to his post.
The withdrawal comes after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke out against Fidan's candidacy, in what was seen as a sign of friction between Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.

Former President Gül balks at candidacy in upcoming elections

Mar 10 2015
Today's Zaman

Former President Abdullah Gül has reportedly balked at the prospect of returning to the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) as a deputy after both President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu indicated support for a possible political role in the party.

According to Hürriyet columnist Taha Akyol, who is close to Gül, the former president made it clear to his aides and close friends that he won't be seeking a seat in Parliament in the upcoming elections in June.

Netanyahu says sees 'worldwide' effort to topple him

Mar 10 2015
Ynet News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in broadcast remarks on Tuesday there was a "huge, worldwide effort" to ensure he loses next week's closely contested election.

Army Radio, which aired what it said were comments he made on Monday to activists of his right-wing Likud party, interpreted them as referring to foreign funding for advocacy groups campaigning for a change of government in Israel.

Govt backs Raza Rabbani’s nomination as Senate Chairman: PM Nawaz

Mar 10 2015
The News International

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday announced that the government is ready to back Pakistan People’s Party (PPP-P) candidate Raza Rabbani as Senate Chairman.

During a pre-luncheon press conference at the Prime Minister House on Tuesday, the PM heartily welcomed the nomination of the opposition and said the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) will not nominate its own candidate for either Chairman or Deputy Chairman.

The PM went on to say that the government wanted a unanimous decision and has consulted all parties and taken decisions based on national interest.

Single candidacy seats might increase for Egypt’s next parliament

Mar 09 2015
Ahram Online

The committee responsible for amending the Election Constituency Division Law seeks to increase the number of seats elected as single candidates from 420 to 440, a member of the committee told Al-Ahram Arabic news website on Sunday.


The Parliamentary Elections law as it is now allocates 420 seats to be elected as single candidates and 120 for party lists, in addition to 27 to be appointed by the president upon recommendations from respective state councils and professional syndicates.

Le CNDH recommande des observateurs internationaux

Mar 09 2015
Le 360

Le gouvernement va- t-il répondre fvorablement à une recommandation du CNDH l'appelant à adopter une loi qui encadrerait et permettrait à des observateurs et des ONG internationaux de contrôler les échéances électorales au Maroc, en particulier celles des communales du 4 septembre? 

Al Khabar nous apprend, dans son édition de ce lundi 9 mars, que le CNDH a récemment proposé au gouvernement d'enrichir une loi déjà existante en instaurant un suivi impératif des "échéances électorales au Maroc par des observateurs et des ONG internationaux".

In Salah : malgré la mise en garde de l’armée, la mobilisation contre le gaz de schiste se poursuit

Mar 08 2015

Les habitants d’In Salah continuent de se mobiliser contre l’exploitation du gaz de schiste. Ce dimanche après-midi, les manifestants se sont rassemblés à place Semoud (résistance) pour accueillir les représentants des partis membres de la Coordination nationale pour les libertés et la transition démocratique (CNLTD), a-t-on appris auprès d’un représentant de la société civile.

Presidential system not for afterlife, Erdoğan says

Mar 08 2015
Hürriyet Daily News

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has repeated that Turkey must switch from parliamentary democracy to presidential system for an "accelerated development."

"I won't be carrying it to my grave. I want it for Turkey," Erdoğan said during a public address at an inauguration ceremony in the southeastern Turkish province of Gaziantep on March 7. 

"The shroud has no pockets, so I won't be carrying the presidential system to the afterlife," he added.

Erdoğan indicates support for former President Gül’s bid for Parliament

Mar 07 2015
Today's Zaman

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan suggested on Friday that he would favor the possible candidacy of his predecessor, former President Abdullah Gül, for Parliament.

“The issue of his candidacy is up to Mr. Gül to decide. I had a conversation with him last night, I called him and gave my best wishes for his father, who is ill,” Erdoğan told reporters asking about Gül's possible bid for Parliament. “His decision [to run for Parliament] would be good. It would be for the best. It would be fitting. But the decision is up to him.”

Law banning dual-nationality Egyptians from parliament unconstitutional

Mar 07 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) ruled Saturday unconstitutional a law banning dual nationality citizens from running in parliamentary elections.


The ruling opens the door for further postponement of parliamentary elections after an administrative court ordered a halt to all preparations for the vote.

The administrative court's order followed the SCC ruling unconstitutional parts of a different parliamentary election law.

While the parliamentary vote was initially set to start 21 March, new poll dates are yet to be determined.

Sharif's Party Gains Strength In Pakistani Senate Election

Mar 07 2015
Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty

Reports from Pakistan say Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's political party has gained strength in Senate elections as the second largest party in the upper chamber of the National Assembly and now has just one seat less than the opposition.

Pakistan’s Geo-TV reported early on March 7 after victory notifications were sent to most winning candidates that Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League–Nawaz had won 26 seats.

Mali delays local elections over insecurity in the north

Mar 06 2015

Mali has postponed local and regional elections scheduled for next month because insecurity in the country's north has held up the revision of voter rolls, a government official said. 

Nearly two years after a French-led operation pushed al Qaeda-linked rebels from towns in the north, remnants of Islamist militant and separatist groups continue to launch sporadic attacks in the area.

Les municipales et les régionales encore reportées, mais

Mar 06 2015
Malijet, L'Indicateur du Renouveau

Comme annoncé la semaine dernière, le report des élections municipales et régionales a été décidé hier par le ministre de l’Administration territoriale et de la Décentralisation à l’issue d’une concertation avec les représentants des partis politiques.  Abdoulaye Idrissa Maiga a aussi annoncé que lesdits scrutins devraient se tenir au plus tard le 16 octobre 2015. Le report des élections municipales et communales est confirmé. Parce que le 24 février, lors de notre dernière rencontre, vous l’avez admis mais il fallait le valider.
