
Sudan opposition: 'Elections end Berlin Declaration'

Mar 06 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The opposition groups will stop their preparations for participating in the National Dialogue of Sudan if the country holds its general elections on 13 April. The preparatory meeting they are planning to hold with the ruling party aims to put these elections on hold.

Yasir Saeed Arman, the Secretary-General of the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) and Foreign Relations Secretary of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) stated that he considers the holding of the upcoming elections an end for the recently signed Berlin Declaration.

Polls: Netanyahu's Congress speech boosts Likud, but no game changer

Mar 05 2015

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Congress speech may not have halted the nuclear talks with Iran, but it succeeded in at least one respect: restoring the two Knesset seats Likud had lost in recent poll projections.

According to a Channel 10 poll released Wednesday, if the elections held today Likud would win 23 seats (compared to 21 in the previous poll), while Zionist Union maintains its strength at 23 seats.

Turkish court refuses to hear election threshold complaints

Mar 05 2015
Hürriyet Daily News

The Constitutional Court has once again refused to hear appeals to remove the 10 percent election threshold, which parties in the country need to surpass in order to win representation in parliament.

The court rejected on March 5 appeals from three minor Turkish political parties, the Democratic Left Party (DSP), the Great Union Party (BBP) and the Felicity Party (SP), citing lack of jurisdiction.

Appeals to the Court can only be made against allegedly mistaken practices or non-implementation of legislation, not directly against legislation, the court ruled.

Pakistan's ruling party gaining in upper house election

Mar 05 2015

Pakistani lawmakers voted for new senators in parliament's upper house on Thursday in an election that looked set to strengthen Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's grip on power and increase his ability to pass important legislation.

The main opposition party, the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), currently holds a majority in the Senate.

But early, unofficial results indicate that after Thursday's vote, Sharif's ruling Pakistan Muslim League is expected to win almost equal representation in the upper house.

Two ways to deal with ruling declaring election laws unconstitutional

Mar 04 2015
El Shorouq, Ahram Online

The Court declared Article 3 of the law on electoral districting unconstitutional, which means it must be amended before the coming parliamentary elections are rescheduled, days before they were due to start. 

The ruling could be seen as just a technical glitch that can be rectified by forming a committee, amending two or three articles of the law, and rescheduling election procedures. Seen this way, it’s a simple matter of little concern.

Egypt's administrative court makes parliamentary election delay official

Mar 03 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's administrative court on Tuesday ordered a halt to all preparations for parliamentary elections previously scheduled to start on 21 March.

 The administrative court ordered the High Election Commission (HEC) to cease all its preliminary preparations for the elections in accordance with Sunday’s Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) decision that deemed parts of the electoral laws unconstitutional.

Following the SCC's decision, the HEC referred its rulings to the administrative court for a final legal review.

Tenue des élections communales et régionales en avril : Un grand défi à relever

Mar 03 2015
Mali Web

L’élection des conseillers communaux, des conseillers régionaux et du District de Bamako constitue un pan important pour boucler le processus électoral en cours, et contribuer à la restauration de la paix et la démocratie locale. Ainsi, le décret portant convocation du collège électoral a été adopté par le Conseil des Ministres du 18 février 2015.

102 candidates pull out of Sudan’s elections race

Mar 03 2015
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s National Election Commission (NEC) disclosed that 102 candidates had withdrawn from the general elections scheduled for April.

A member of the voting staff takes fingerprint of a southern Sudanese woman voter at a polling station in Hajj Yousef Locality, Khartoum January 14 2011 (Reuters)

Last January, the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) warned that members who seek to run independently in the country’s upcoming general elections will be held accountable.

Political activities gain momentum on Senate elections

Mar 03 2015
The Frontier Post

Political activities are gaining momentum as date for election to the fifty-two seats of Senate draws nearer. Major political parties have already constituted their Parliamentary Boards for finalising the aspirant candidates to contest Senate elections. The Boards are conducting interviews of the intending candidates. Different political parties are also contacting other parties for seat adjustments.


Netanyahu says will bring haredi parties into next coalition, abolish criminal sanctions

Mar 03 2015
Jerusalem Post

PM reiterates that he didn't support the imposition of a legal obligation on haredi men to serve in the IDF that was approved during the last gov't; says he would change the law in the coming gov't.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has underlined once again that he does not support a legal obligation on haredi men to serve in the IDF that was approved by the outgoing government, and says he will change the law in the coming government.

Arab Joint List rejects idea of joining Herzog-led government

Mar 03 2015
Jerusalem Post
The Joint (Arab) List has no plans to join any government, even one led by Zionist Union head Isaac Herzog.

Raja Zaatry, spokesman for the Joint List and responsible for its media campaign, told The Jerusalem Post in an interview on Monday evening that there was no chance it would join even a left-wing government at this time, because it does not want to be part of bad decisions taken by it.

“We cannot be a part of a government that still occupies our people,” Zaatry said.
