
Details of Electoral Reform Commission Emerge Days Before Announcement

Feb 23 2015
Tolo News

Members of the committee appointed by the national unity government to negotiate the details a potential electoral reforms commission discussed details of their progress on Sunday.

The electoral reform commission is expected to be in place for four to five months, and be composed of nine to 11 members. Ultimately, the commission would be responsible for preparing a plan for how to bring reform to the country's electoral system.

Erdoğan says will preside over Cabinet meeting next month for second time

Feb 23 2015
Today's Zaman

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Monday that he will preside over a Cabinet meeting, traditionally chaired by the prime minister, for the second time since his election to office in August on March 9.

"I would like to inform you that I will convene the cabinet once again in the presidential palace on March 9," he said in a speech at the presidential palace in Ankara.

Abdullah hints at early new peace talks

Feb 23 2015

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Abdullah Abdullah on Monday hinted at early beginning of peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban leadership, but said national interests would be kept supreme.

Chairing a meeting of the council of ministers, Abdullah assured the Afghans that national interest would not be damaged in the peace process, the details of which would be released in the next few days.

Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court to look into parliamentary elections laws

Feb 23 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) is expected to look into the constitutionality of three laws regulating the country's parliamentary elections on Wednesday, in a ruling that could delay voting set to start on 21 March.

March's parliamentary elections are the third and final step in a political roadmap set forth by the Egyptian army following the ouster of former Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, after a vote to ratify the constitution in January 2014 and presidential elections in June 2014.

Alaa Abdel Fattah sentenced to five years of maximum security prison

Feb 23 2015
Aswat Masriya

Renowned activist Alaa Abdel Fattah, who faces trial alongside 24 others, was sentenced to five years of maximum security prison by a Cairo court on Monday, in his retrial for charges of illegal assembly.

Osama al-Mahdy, Abdel Fattah's lawyer said today's verdict is considered a preliminary one, since the initial verdict was handed in absentia. 

"We will appeal at the Court of Cassation," he said, adding that this court will decide whether to uphold the verdict or order a retrial.  

Another defendant, Ahmed Abdel Rahman was handed the same prison term of five years.

Ahmed Ezz disqualified from running in parliamentary elections

Feb 22 2015
Ahram Online

The parliamentary elections committee in Menoufiya governorate has disqualified former leading National Democratic Party (NDP) member and steel tycoon Ahmed Ezz from running in the upcoming parliamentary poll, Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported on Sunday. 

The committee announced on Sunday the final list of candidates registered for the upcoming parliamentary elections to be held in March.

The list did not include the name of Ezz who seeked to run in Menoufiya’s El-Sadat district. 

Commissioners say articles regulating parliament elections 'unconstitutional'

Feb 22 2015
Ahram Online

The Supreme Constitutional Court’s Board of Commissioners determined on Saturday that several articles in the laws regulating parliamentary elections are unconstitutional, Ahram Arabic news website reported. 

The Board submitted its report the to 12-judge panel to rule.

The advisory board issued its recommendations report after reviewing six lawsuits brought against the House of Representative Law, Political Rights Law and Parliamentary Constituencies Law.

The Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) will convene on Sunday to discuss the constitutionality of those laws. 

Listes électorales: seulement 1,5 million d'inscrits

Feb 21 2015
Le 360

Bilan positif de l'opération d'inscription sur les listes électorales qui a pris fin jeudi 19 février. Un total de 1,5 million de personnes inscrites sur ces listes, un chiffre important par rapport aux précédentes campagnes électorales.

Le quotidien Akhbar Al Yaoum souligne dans son édition de ce weekend (21-22 février), que le nombre de personnes inscrites sur les listes électorales a atteint 1,5 million au dernier jour de la campagne d'inscription organisée par le ministère de l'Intérieur.

Communales et régionales : Trois partis politiques pour la suprématie

Feb 21 2015
Mali Web

Bien que l'inquiétude reste persistante, le 26 avril est maintenu pour les élections de proximité. A cet effet, au vu de la présence des forces sur le terrain, ils seront trois partis au coude á coude pour la suprématie.

A moins d’un trimestre de la date annoncée (26 avril) et à l’issue toujours incertaine d’un accord de paix durable et applicable à la lettre, les partis politiques affûtent leurs armes pour les élections communales et régionales.

Suicide bombings at Somalia hotel kill, wound many

Feb 20 2015

One person rammed an explosives-laden vehicle into the gate of a hotel in Somalia’s capital, and another went through the gates and blew himself up, killing at least four people on Friday, including the mayor and a legislator, officials said.

The country’s deputy prime minister was also among those wounded by the bombings at the Central Hotel near the presidential palace, police official Capt. Mohammed Hussein said.

Al-Shabab, an Islamic insurgent group, claimed the responsibility for the attack, according to the group’s radio station, Andulus.

Adoption du projet de loi portant statut de l’opposition par les députés : L’opposition mise dans ses droits politiques

Feb 19 2015
Mali Web

Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est que l’adoption par les députés du projet de loi portant statut de l’opposition peut être considérée comme une petite victoire pour l’opposition politique qui, depuis l’accession d’IBK au pouvoir, n’a cessé de clamer un statut pour pouvoir se mouvoir dans la démocratie malienne.
