
Ashraf Ghani sworn in as Afghan president

Sep 29 2014
Al Jazeera

Ashraf Ghani has been sworn is as the new president of Afghanistan in a lavish ceremony at the presidential palace in Kabul, ending months of turmoil over a fraud tainted election.

The former finance minister was inaugurated in a grand event on Monday marking the country's first democratic transfer of power since the fall of the Taliban in 2001.

"I am not better than anyone from among you. If I do any good, give me your support. If I go wrong, set me right,'' Ghani said.

Pour aider les électeurs JID lance la plateforme «Ikhtiar»

Sep 22 2014
La Presse

La plateforme propose à l’électeur de répondre à 30 questions sur différents thèmes
Le collectif des Jeunes indépendants démocrates (JID) a organisé, hier, une journée d’information pour présenter la plate-forme «», destinée à aider les électeurs à bien choisir leurs représentants au prochain Parlement, lors des prochaines élections législatives du 26 octobre 2014, a indiqué Oussema Ben Ali, secrétaire général du collectif et membre du bureau national.

At last, candidates ink power-sharing deal

Sep 21 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): As expected, the presidential candidates on Sunday signed a long-awaited deal on forming a government national unity, ending several weeks of intense negotiations and uncertainty.

Representatives of both contenders confirmed signing the agreement on the formation of the new government, paving the way for the announcement of the long-delayed election results.

Ashraf Ghani Is Named President of Afghanistan by Elections Panel

Sep 21 2014
The New York Times

 vKABUL, Afghanistan — Afghanistan’s election commission on Sunday pronounced Ashraf Ghani the winner of the country’s presidential election, but it withheld an announcement of the total votes won, despite an exhaustive and costly audit process overseen by the United Nations and financed by the American government.

Atambayev took part in SCO Summit held in Dushanbe

Sep 13 2014

President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev took part in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. During his speech, President Atambayev thanked Tajik President Emomali Rahmon for the hospitality and excellent organization of the meeting of heads of the SCO member states in Dushanbe, as well as for the great work done by the Tajik side during its presidency in the SCO. The President also wished good luck to the Russian Federation in the forthcoming chairmanship in the Organization.

C. Sarsar: les tunisiens en Libye, en Syrie et en Irak ne peuvent pas voter

Sep 13 2014
Mosaique FM

Le président de l’instance supérieure indépendante pour les élections, Chafik Sarsar, a indiqué que la tenue des élections législatives et présidentielles pour les tunisiens résidant en Libye, en Syrie et en Irak est impossible vu la détérioration des conditions sécuritaires dans ces trois pays. 


Thinni delays presentation of new cabinet: report

Sep 08 2014
Libya Herald

Prime Minister Abdullah Al-Thinni has delayed presenting his new slimmed-down government to the House of Representatives, its spokesman Faraj Hashim has told the Libya Herald. An announcement of the cabinet which is to have between eight and ten ministers was expected in the next 24 hours.  According to Hashim, the delay is so that Thinni can “study more candidates”.

I won’t accept election results: Abdullah

Sep 08 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): Presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah on Monday reiterated his stance, saying he rejected the result of the mid-June runoff.

He renewed his commitment to defending people’s votes and the election of new leadership based on genuine ballots. But Abdullah said he would not accept a government elected through fraud.

Addressing a gathering of supporters in Kabul, he said the international community had evinced its interest in facilitating a solution to the election crisis.

Tunisie: Ennahda n'aura pas un candidat à la présidentielle

Sep 07 2014
Al Huffington Post Maghreb

Le parti islamiste Ennahdha, majoritaire à l'Assemblée constituante tunisienne, a décidé dimanche de ne pas présenter un candidat à la présidentielle prévue le 23 novembre, a annoncé le porte-parole de ce mouvement, Zied Ladhari.

"Ennahdha ne présentera pas un candidat à la présidentielle mais elle soutiendra un candidat consensuel capable de réunir tous les partis et de préserver le processus démocratique", a-t-il précisé à l'AFP.
