
Kuwait by-elections boost government grip on assembly

Jun 27 2014
Your Middle East

Kuwaiti voters elected pro-government candidates to replace five opposition lawmakers who resigned two months ago in by-elections that saw one of the lowest turnouts in the emirate's history.

The results will boost the grip of the government on the 50-seat parliament where it already enjoyed a comfortable majority.

Almost all opposition groups boycotted the by-elections as they did the general elections held in February and December of 2012 which were both overturned by court judgements.

Sabahi rejects boycott of Egypt's parliamentary elections

Jun 27 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

Former presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahi has said that boycotting parliamentary elections will not help the political situation, Aswat Masriya reported on Friday.

Leftist politician Sabahi, who is the founder of the Egyptian Popular Current, said "boycotting the parliamentary elections shows weakness and does not help the current political situation."

Parliamentary polls are set to start mid-July as per the Egyptian constitution, passed on 18 January.

Qatar's annus horribilis

Jun 26 2014
Al Monitor

What a difference a year makes in the Middle East. One year ago this week, Qatar's emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, handed over power to his son Sheikh Tamim, joining a short but seemingly growing list of monarchs who have abdicated in favor of their relatives. At the time of his abdication, Hamad left behind an empire of soft power and influence that spanned the entire region. Twelve months on, things could not be more different.

Egypt’s Islamists to face uphill battle at parliamentary elections

Jun 26 2014
Asharq al-Awsat

Egypt’s Islamists will face a tough test at parliamentary elections expected later this year amid growing public anger toward the Islamist trend and increasing inter-Islamist divisions following the ouster of former Islamist president Mohamed Mursi last July and the blacklisting of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Islamists can expect to win no more than one-third of seats at the next parliamentary elections, according to political experts, in contrast to the 70-percent majority secured by Islamist parties at the last elections.

Egypt parties call for amending protest, parliamentary elections laws

Jun 25 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

A grouping of left-leaning Egyptian parties has reiterated calls for the amendment of the controversial protest law and the parliamentary elections law, both of which have recently stirred much criticism.

In a meeting on Wednesday, representatives of various parties also condemned security brutality against peaceful youth protesters and called for the release of all those detained for breaching the protest law.

Retorno al autoritarismo en Egipto

Jun 24 2014
El País

En poco menos de un año, Abdelfatah al Sisi ha pasado de ser prácticamente un desconocido a convertirse en el hombre fuerte de Egipto. Desde el desalojo de los Hermanos Musulmanes del Gobierno, Al Sisi ha seguido a rajatabla y sin vacilaciones su particular hoja de ruta presentándose como un nuevo mesías que traerá la estabilidad y espantará el fantasma de la confrontación civil.
