
PKB Aims to Take In 75% of Votes in East Java for Joko-Kalla Ticket

Jun 23 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. The National Awakening Party, or PKB, has set a goal to win at least 75 percent of the votes in East Java province for presidential and vice presidential candidates Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla in the July 9 election, according to party chairman Muhaimin Iskandar.

Muhaimin, who is also the minister for manpower and transmigration, said all of the party’s members and volunteers must act in order to achieve this goal.

CHP plans to postpone convention

Jun 23 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The main opposition social democrat party has considered postponing the party’s convention to the post-parliamentary election era in 2015. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), is planning to receive the approval for the postponement from the Party Assembly that will convene today. 

Egypt to start preparation for parliamentary elections by 18 July

Jun 23 2014
Middle East Monitor

Egyptian state-owned TV said Sunday that post-coup president Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi has decided to start preparation for parliamentary elections by July 18.

According to MENA news agency, quoted presidential spokesman Ehab Badawy as saying that al-Sisi told US Secretary of State during his recent visit that Egypt is "determined to move forward with the future roadmap."

The date of the parliamentary elections has not yet been specified.

Iraq’s House of Cards: The Primary Mission

Jun 23 2014
New Yorker Blog

On Friday, a new report by the International Crisis Group, an independent research and policy institute, bluntly warned of both the political and military challenges in Iraq. Under Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the report declared, “Parliament has been rendered toothless, independent state agencies shorn of their powers. Ministries, to an unprecedented extent, have become bastions of nepotism and other forms of corruption; the severely politicized judiciary represents anything but the ‘rule of law,’ with even the Supreme Court doing the government’s bidding.”

Egyptian Reform: A Coup and Presidential Election to Restore Authoritarianism?

Jun 23 2014
Huffington Post

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Egypt's former military chief, who led the coup that toppled Egypt's first democratically elected civilian president Mohamed Morsi, was sworn in as president on June 8, 2014. Amidst a continued climate of fear and intimidation, the new "alleged democratic elected" government continued to arrest and imprison critics of the regime, regardless of faith or political ideology and in particular to eradicate the Muslim Brotherhood based on the claim that it is a terrorist organization.

Mauritania’s president Abdel Aziz wins another term in disputed elections

Jun 23 2014

Mauritania’s president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has won another term after getting more than 80 percent of the vote.

The former army general, who is backed by the West, has led two military coups that toppled elected presidents.

Most opposition parties refused to take part, describing it an “electoral masquerade.”

Burt one candidate, former slave Bairam el Obaid who has fought to abolish slavery in the country, won a surprising 10 percent 

Kunduz Provincial ECC Office Head Resigns

Jun 22 2014
Tolo News

Kunduz provincial Electoral Complaints Commission (IEC) office head, Sebghatullah Wafaye, announced his resignation from his post on Sunday afternoon because of supposed interference by the central ECC office.

Wafaye said that the ECC employees sent confidential information to both the electoral commissions’ provincial offices and headquarters.

Don’t worry about AKP after presidential poll, Turkish PM says

Jun 22 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) is proceeding on its “presidency road” without worrying about individual concerns and who will lead the party after the elections, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on June 21. 

Speaking to his party’s Istanbul provincial members, Erdoğan said the AKP would continue on its road regardless of who will lead it. 

Los preparativos para legislativas egipcias empezarán antes del 18 de julio

Jun 22 2014
La Vanguardia

Los preparativos para las próximas elecciones parlamentarias en Egipto empezarán antes del próximo 18 de julio, siguiendo con la hoja de ruta trazada desde la destitución militar de Mohamed Mursi, informó hoy la Presidencia de ese país.

El presidente egipcio, Abdelfatah al Sisi, informó hoy de esos planes al secretario de Estado estadounidense, John Kerry, en el encuentro que ambos mantuvieron en El Cairo.


Benghazi elders accuse Grand Mufti of “inciting” violence, support House of Representatives elections

Jun 21 2014
Libya Herald

Elders and dignitaries from the greater Benghazi area have openly criticised the statement made earlier this month by the Grand Mufti, in which he described the Operation Dignity forces led by retired General Khalifa Hafter as “outlaws” and called on Libyans to fight them.

Un tribunal egicio confirma la pena a muerte para el líder de Hermanos Musulmanes y otros 196 seguidores

Jun 21 2014
La Vanguardia

El tribunal penal de la ciudad egipcia de Minia condenó hoy a muerte a 183 seguidores de los Hermanos Musulmanes, entre ellos el líder de la cofradía, Mohamed Badía, por el asesinato de un policía e incitación a la violencia, informó la agencia estatal de noticias Mena.

La fuente señaló que otros 496, sobre un total de 683 acusados, fueron absueltos, mientras que cuatro personas recibieron una sentencia de cadena perpetua.

OIC says it won't recognize Syria presidential poll

Jun 20 2014
World Bulletin

The foreign ministers of Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) member states on Thursday said they would not recognize Syria's recent presidential election, saying the poll violated resolutions issued at the Geneva 1 and 2 conferences.

In a final communiqué issued following their meeting in Saudi Arabia's city of Jeddah, OIC foreign ministers added that the so-called "Geneva process" had called for the formation of a transitional Syrian government with the aim of launching an inclusive political process.
