
Egypt's political groups to attend protest law constitutional challenge court session

Jun 16 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

Several Egyptian political groups have called on opponents of the protest law to head in numbers to Egypt's State Council on Tuesday to attend the second court session of a case challenging the constitutionality of the controversial law.


The case was originally brought by the Egyptian Centre for Economic and Social Right -- founded by rights lawyer and former leftist presidential candidate Khaled Ali -- to demand authorities to rescind the law that heavily restricts protests.


Iraq's Supreme Court ratifies election results

Jun 16 2014
Daily Sabah

Iraq's supreme court ratified the results of the April 30 parliamentary elections on Monday.

"The court has approved the results of the elections except for four candidates who have ongoing trials against them," Supreme Judicial Council spokesperson Abdul Sattar Bayraktar told Anadolu Agency.

The State of Law bloc led by Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki won the the parliamentary elections, taking 92 of the 328 seats.

Predominantly Shia al-Muwatin ended up with 29 seats, while the Mutahidoun bloc of Sunni Muslims got 23 seats.

ECC Says 275 Complaints Received, Wants IEC's Cooperation

Jun 15 2014
Tolo News

The Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) said on Sunday that 275 complaints regarding fraud and electoral violations had been registered with the institution since polls closed on Election Day. The complaints commission said the number would likely increase, and urged the Independent Election Commission (IEC) to cooperate in fielding complaints from provinces around the country.

Abdullah Demands Amarkhail's Suspension

Jun 15 2014
Tolo News

Presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah delivered an impassioned, game-changing speech at a press conference in Kabul late Sunday night. Abdullah said he would not accept the results of Saturday's election unless the Independent Election Commission's (IEC) Chief Electoral Officer, Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail, is suspended and a full investigation into his possible involvment in electoral fraud is conducted.

Security Officials Hail Militants' Election Failure

Jun 15 2014
Tolo News

Officials from the Ministry of Interior (MoI) and Ministry of Defense (MoD) have highlighted their success in preventing militants from disrupting this year's election process following Saturday's presidential runoff vote.

The second round election, much like the first round in April, proceeded without any major issues related to insurgent violence as millions of voters around the country were able to cast their ballots for the country's next president.

Egypt cabinet formation delayed as PM continues talks

Jun 15 2014
Aswat Masriya

The expected formation of Egypt's new cabinet has been held up after several candidates turned down offers of ministerial positions from Prime Minister Ibrahim Melheb, two government sources said on Sunday.

Melheb is forming a new government following President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's election victory last month. He had not been expected to make sweeping changes, and officials had said he would unveil his new cabinet on Sunday.

But government sources said on Sunday evening the premier was still trying to fill several portfolios.

KPU to revise regulation on presidential election

Jun 14 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) has announced its intention to revise the 2008 Presidential Election Law, which it deems has the potential to trigger discord.

“We will not file [a judicial review proposal to the Constitutional Court], because we agree that the problem lies in the law, but the KPU has the right to clarify the interpretation by revising a regulation,” KPU commissioner Ida Budhiati said as quoted by on Friday.

Concluye segunda vuelta de elecciones presidenciales afganas

Jun 14 2014
Hispan TV
La segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Afganistán ha concluido este sábado a las 16H00 (11H30 GMT) con éxito, según el jefe de la secretaría de la Comisión Electoral Independiente (CEI), Zia al-Haq Amarjail. 
"El proceso electoral ha sido un éxito", ha asegurado Amarjail, con énfasis en que durante la votación no se produjeron incidentes graves de mención pese a la amenaza del grupo Taliban de atacar los colegios electorales y al personal. 

Berri slams critics over presidential election

Jun 14 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Speaker Nabih Berri Saturday slammed his critics highlighting that he was exerting every effort possible to reach a compromise over the necessity of holding the presidential election without further delay.

Berri’s remarks came as political contacts are expected to intensify next week in a bid to break the impasse over the presidential election.  

Presidential Candidates Vote In Runoff

Jun 14 2014
Tolo News

Early Saturday morning both presidential candidates, Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani-Ahmadzai, headed to the polls to cast their votes in the first second-round elections.

After Dr. Abdullah cast his ballot at Istiqlal High School in Kabul, he addressed the public and election officials asking the Afghan government and electoral commissions to perform their duties responsibly and effectively. He asserted that his team will not tolerate a fraudulent process.

Runoff Preparations Better Than First Round: UN

Jun 14 2014
Tolo News

The United Nations (UN) Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General for Afghanistan, Nicholas Haysom, has praised the election commission's initiatives in tackling challenges witnessed in the election process.

Haysom was pleased to see that the process was completely managed by Afghans and stated that the election preparations were better than the first round.

“In comparison to other elections, we can say that [the runoff] has provided a significant opportunity for Afghans to ensure that the elections are free and fair,” he said.
