
Election run-off: Ethnicity to decide vote as Afghanistan goes to the polls today

Jun 14 2014
The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: As only two candidates are now in the battle for the highest position in Afghanistan, ethnicity is seen as the major decisive factor in today’s election runoff, following some controversial statements by campaigners to win voter support.

Afghans go to the polls for the second time in nearly three months to choose a new leader who will replace the long-serving President Hamid Karzai at a sensitive time when foreign forces are nearing exit.

Afghan Refugees In Pakistan Push For Participation, Appeal To Candidates

Jun 13 2014
Tolo News

Afghan refugees in Pakistan have spoken out to encourage their countrymen to vote in this year’s presidential runoff. Denied the right to participate themselves, the refugees also made appeals to the candidates for support in protecting their rights abroad and paving the way for repatriation. 

Prospect of a presidential run-off looms large

Jun 13 2014
The Jakarta Post

Although the July 9 presidential election features just two competing candidates, the General Elections Commission (KPU) is anticipating the possibility of a second round of voting as required by the current Presidential Election Law.

The KPU said on Thursday that in order to be declared the winner in the presidential election, a candidate must receive at least 50 percent-plus-one of the votes, while also garnering a minimum of 20 percent of the votes in more than 17 provinces.

Aburizal deemed a ‘liability’ to Prabowo-Hatta ticket

Jun 13 2014
The Jakarta Post

Golkar Party chairman Aburizal Bakrie will be making less appearances on the Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa campaign trail because of concerns his presence could adversely impact the pair’s efforts to win the July 9 presidential election, says a senior Golkar politician.

The chairman of the forum for Golkar’s regional chapters, Muntasir Hamid, said Aburizal was a “problematic” politician who could “drive away” voters.

International Observers To Have Weak Presence In Runoff

Jun 12 2014
Tolo News

As Saturday’s runoff vote nears, Afghan election monitoring groups and the presidential candidates' teams have looked to expedite the certification process for the observers they hope to have overseeing the process. For international observers, however, the race for credentials has been a bit less busy, with fewer expected to participate in the runoff than did in the first round.  

Speculation Abounds on Question of Indonesia’s Next Cabinet

Jun 12 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. The campaign season for Indonesia’s presidential election enters a new phase this week with the media and observers alike speculating on who may occupy key cabinet posts, whichever candidate wins the race.

The strikingly different campaign teams behind the two tickets vying for the presidency offer a glimpse of which supporting members are most likely to become cabinet officials for the 2014-2019 period, in line with previous elections that saw the winners recruit most of their ministers from the very teams responsible for their victory.

Kompolnas Said to Summon Officer Over Alleged Meeting With PDI-P Politician

Jun 12 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. The National Police Commission, or Kompolnas, plans to summon a high-ranking police officer to clarify allegations that he had been recruited by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, or PDI-P, to support the party’s presidential candidate Joko Widodo in next month’s election, according to media reports.

Economic Nationalism Drumbeat Grows Louder Before Presidential Election

Jun 12 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. Indonesia’s two presidential candidates are outdoing each other with hardline policies to rein in foreign firms and control the resources sector, risking a lurch towards nationalism in Southeast Asia’s top economy, analysts say.

Frontrunner Joko Widodo and ex-general Prabowo Subianto have said they will favor domestic companies in the lucrative oil and gas industry and have pledged to stick with a controversial mineral ore export ban ahead of the July 9 polls.

La Conférence de l'opposition. Un grand complet inédit

Jun 11 2014
El Watan

La conférence de l’opposition, organisée hier après-midi à l’hôtel Mazafran de Zéralda, à l’ouest d’Alger, a réussi à faire asseoir côte à côte Saïd Sadi, l’ancien président du Rassemblement pour la culture et la démocratie (RCD), et maître Mokrane Aït Larbi, qui ont d’ailleurs longuement devisé avant le début des travaux. Il faut dire que la crème de la classe politique algérienne était là.

Kuwait opposition demands end to corruption

Jun 11 2014
Al Jazeera

Thousands of anti-government protesters have rallied in Kuwait, demanding an end to alleged multi-million dollar corrupt transactions which they say involve government officials.

The protesters came out in response to a call made by veteran opposition leader Musallam al-Barrack, who vowed to reveal the names of officials he accused of complicity in bribery.
