
IEC To Provide Candidates Runoff Result Sheets

Jun 10 2014
Tolo News

Based on a recent decision undertaken by the Independent Election Commission (IEC), each runoff candidate would be provided a copy of the result sheet after voting ends.

In the first round of elections there were four copies of the result sheets, of which none was given to the presidential candidates. Originally, the result sheets were divided between the IEC headquarter, IEC provincial offices, the observers and pasted on the walls of polling centers.

Respublika parliamentary faction has new leader

Jun 10 2014
Source: News Agency

The leader of "Respublika" parliamentary faction became Maksat Sabirov. This was reported by the press office of the faction.

According to the data, Nazarali Aripov today at an extraordinary meeting of the faction handed over the power to the deputy head of the faction Maksat Sabirov.

Note, 10 members of 23 members remained in the faction, who came to parliament on "Respublika" party lists.



Akaash Maharaj: "Kyrgyzstan is a unique country that has managed to build a parliamentarism"

Jun 09 2014

Bishkek, June 9 / Kabar /. Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) will assist Kyrgyzstan in combating corruption. Executive director of GOPAC Akaash Maharaj said today in Bishkek during the International Conference “The role of parliamentarism in promoting state anti-corruption policy in the Kyrgyz Republic".

Big-name legislative candidates received illegal funds: PPATK

Jun 09 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (PPATK) said on Sunday it had sent reports to the Elections Monitoring Agency (Bawaslu) on scores of legislative candidates who allegedly received funds from illegal sources to pay for their campaigns in the April 9 legislative election.

According to PPATK deputy chairman Agus Santoso, the PPATK initially received a request from Bawaslu to probe the bank accounts of a number of legislative candidates, some of whom are incumbents.

Candidates to Face Off Over the Law of the Land in First Debate

Jun 09 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto will face off tonight in the first debate of the presidential election campaign — streamed live on this website from 7:30 p.m. The debate, sponsored by BeritaSatu, focuses on the issues of law enforcement, clean government and democratization, spanning the ubiquity of corruption in Indonesia to the country’s ongoing efforts to professionalize its civil service.

Budget for presidential poll reaches rp7.9 trillion

Jun 09 2014
Antara News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The General Elections Commission (KPU) has so far received budget allocations of Rp7.9 trillion to finance the presidential elections, its secretary general Arif Rahman Hakim said. 

"The budget has been allocated to the KPU. The budget consists of Rp4 trillion for the first round of presidential elections and Rp3.9 trillion for the second round," he said here on Sunday.

The use of budget allocations for the second round of presidential elections depended on whether the polls would be held in one round or two rounds, he said.

Pakistan rejects Afghan claim of attack on Abdullah Abdullah

Jun 09 2014
The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Monday rejected Afghan claims it was linked to an attack on presidential front-runner Abdullah Abdullah last week that left 12 people dead ahead of an election run-off.

The denial came a day after Kabul accused “foreign intelligence services” — a thinly veiled reference to Islamabad — of being behind the two blasts, including a suicide bombing.

“We firmly reject any insinuation of Pakistan’s involvement in the attack,” Pakistan’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said in a statement.

FO rejects Pakistan link to attack on Abdullah

Jun 09 2014
Dawn News

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has firmly rejected allegations of its involvement in the attack on Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah and termed them as irresponsible.

"Pakistan is deeply disappointed by such allegations because they serve to vitiate the positive environment created between the two countries through constructive efforts over the past months," Foreign Office spokesperson Tasneem Aslam said in the first ever reaction to such allegations.

Israel's Presidential Elections: The Candidates

Jun 09 2014
Israel National News

With less than 24 hours to go before Israel's new president is declared, Arutz Sheva provides a brief biography of each of the candidates still in the running for the largely symbolic - yet highly prestigious - post.

The vote will take place in the Knesset, not as part of a general election, with the candidate receiving an absolute majority of MKs' votes taking the spot. If no candidate receives an absolute majority the Knesset votes again in a run-off between the top two candidates.

MK Reuven "Ruby" Rivlin

184 Polling Centers Closed During Runoff

Jun 09 2014
Tolo News

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Monday reported that from the total number of 6,423 polling centers introduced to security institutions, 184 centers will be closed during the second round of the elections. Security institutions have stated that they will share their assessments with IEC shortly.

In addition, IEC Spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor announced that primary and sensitive election materials have been transferred to at least 61 districts via air and land.

Arsala Endorses Ghani

Jun 09 2014
Tolo News

Hedayat Amin Arsala, former presidential candidate, endorsed presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani-Ahmadzai in Kabul on Monday saying that i joined Ghani because of the similarity on our thoughts and programs.

Arsala said that as a team they "will work together to bring peace to Afghanistan." He asked his supporters to vote for Dr. Ghani-Ahmadzai this coming Saturday.

“Today I announced my support to Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, because he has the capability to manage the national affairs of the country in the future and restore peace,” Arsala said.

Ahmad Shah Massoud Foundation Endorses Abdullah

Jun 09 2014
Tolo News

The Ahmad Shah Massoud Foundation endorsed front-running presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah in Kabul on Monday.

Speaking at the event was head of the Massoud Foundation, Ahmad Wali Massoud, who said that the foundation will work with Dr. Abdullah and his team to improve the situation of Afghanistan.

“We will work together to advance the situation of Afghanistan; we will try together,” Massoud said.

Dr. Abdullah took the stage after the announcement and asked that the people vote on Saturday to strive for democracy in Afghanistan. 

Afghan Forces On Alert For Runoff

Jun 09 2014
Tolo News

The National Ministry of Defense (MoD) on Monday announced that 195,000 Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were deployed in different regions of the country to maintain security for the June 14 runoff.

The National Directorate of Security (NDS) reaffirmed their determination to foil any plot against the election process. Up to 400,000 Afghan security personnel are cooperating and are on alert to provide foolproof security for the elections.

Al Sisi jura su cargo como nuevo presidente de Egipto

Jun 08 2014
La Vanguardia

El ex jefe del Consejo Supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas de Egipto, el general retirado Abdelfatá Al Sisi, es ya nuevo presidente del país tras prestar juramento ante el Tribunal Supremo Constitucional de El Cairo este domingo.

"Juro por Dios guardar lealtad al régimen de la República", dijo en su proclamación Al Sisi, quien venció en las elecciones presidenciales celebradas en mayo con el 97% de los votos.

La caution du FFS à la conférence nationale de l’opposition pour une transition démocratique

Jun 08 2014
El Watan

Le FFS décide de répondre favorablement à l’invitation de la CNLTD pour exposer son point de vue sur la transition démocratique revendiquée par les partis politiques de l’opposition et des personnalités. Le FFS, dont les principaux dirigeants se sont réunis vendredi dernier à Alger, ne s’est pas encore déterminé sur sa participation aux consultations politiques menées par Ahmed Ouyahia autour de la révision constitutionnelle.
