
La commission déjà constituée

Jun 05 2014

C’est du moins ce que nous résumons après notre démarche  de rencontrer les députés des groupes parlementaires, le mardi dernier, pour connaître leur avis quant à la saisine de l’Assemblée Nationale par les députés de l’ASMA, sous injonction de Soumeïlou Boubeye Maïga, pour la mise en place d’une commission d’enquête parlementaire. Cela afin d’élucider les récents évènements douloureux survenus au nord du Mali. Voici ce que nous avons retenu des propos des députés des groupes parlementaire ADEMA, RPM et FARE-SADI.

Cabinet: Public holiday for Al-Sisi inauguration

Jun 05 2014
Daily News Egypt

The cabinet on Thursday announced that Sunday, 8 June would be a public holiday, according to state-owned MENA.

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb’s decision came “on the occasion of the completion of the second phase of the roadmap and for the constitutional oath taken by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi”.

The statement added that university exams would not be disrupted on Sunday, and would continue on the day that Egypt’s former military chief will officially assume the presidency.

New candidate to enter race for the presidency

Jun 05 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

In light of the impasse in Lebanon’s domestic political scene, namely over the presidential election, political sources closely monitoring developments said that new name would be added to the list of candidates.

This hopeful, they said, would break the sharp polarization due to his centrist stance, enabling him to be a consensus candidate.

EU congratulates Al-Sisi and reiterates concerns

Jun 05 2014
Daily News Egypt

The European Union extended congratulations to former military chief Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi for his elections victory this week, saying the conclusion of elections “marks an important step in the implementation of the constitutional roadmap towards the transition to democracy in Egypt”.

The EU said it trusted that Al-Sisi would tackle “serious issues” including economic problems, “deep divisions within society”, security, and “the rest of human rights of all Egyptian citizens in line with international obligations and guaranteed by the new constitution”.

Le président IBK rencontre la classe politique : Le besoin d’un cadre d’échange et de méthode

Jun 05 2014

Hier, mercredi 4 juin 2014, le président de la République Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta a rencontré séparément au palais de Koulouba les partis de la majorité présidentielle et ceux de l’opposition. A travers cette initiative, le président IBK entend prendre en compte les compétences de tous les patriotes pour relever les défis du moment. L’un des objectifs de cette rencontre était de trouver une solution idoine à la crise sécuritaire et politique qui mine le pays. Cette initiative du président IBK a été saluée à l’unanimité.

Berri, Aoun hold rare talks, speaker slams boycott

Jun 05 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Presidential hopeful and Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun said after talks with Speaker Nabih Berri Wednesday that his bloc was still mulling whether to attend a legislative session in Parliament next week.

Aoun’s move came as Berri chastised and threatened to take unspecified measures against MPs who boycott Parliament, amid growing fears that the vacuum in the presidency would spread to Parliament and the rest of the government.

Soungalo Sogoba réélu S.G de la Sous-section Urd de Kalaban-Coro

Jun 05 2014

La conférence de la sous-section de l’Union pour la république et la démocratie de Kalaban-Coro a eu lieu samedi 31 mai 2014. Et c’est le secrétaire général sortant Soungalo Sogoba qui a été réélu pour 5 ans à la tête d’un bureau de 47 membres. Le nouveau Secrétaire général se fixe comme objectif majeur la conquête de la mairie de Kalaban-Coro.

US and UK congratulate Sisi on election win

Jun 04 2014
Al Jazeera


The US and the UK have said they look forward to working with Egypt's newly elected President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, while warning the former general to take steps to guarantee freedom of expression.

The White House said it hoped to advance its strategic partnership with Cairo and the "many interests" the countries shares, in a statment published on Wednesday.

A day earlier, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said he looked forward to working with the former army chief's government to strengthen the "broad and productive" relationship between Egypt and the UK.

Stream Of Endorsements For Ghani

Jun 04 2014
Tolo News

A number of major Afghan political figures and groups announced their endorsements of presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai on Wednesday. Former campaign members of Abdul Qayoum Karzai, the Harakat Inqelab Islami Party and the Musharekat Millie Party were among those who declared support for Dr. Ghani.

MoWA Asks For Women's Participation In The Runoff

Jun 04 2014
Tolo News

The Ministry of Women's Affairs (MoWA) on Thursday asked for wide participation of women on the June 14 runoff.

The Minister of Women's Affairs Husn Banu Ghazanfar stated that the 36 percent turnout of women from the first round should increase to 50 percent in the runoff, emphasizing that women should mark their future with their own hands.

“We want a 50 percent turnout of women in the runoff elections,” Husn Bano Ghazanfar said. "For this purpose, we have launched campaigns and asked the district chiefs and governors of 34 provinces to persuade women to vote."

KPU commences peaceful campaign period

Jun 04 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) officially started the 2014 presidential campaign during a declaration at the Bidakarta Hotel in South Jakarta on Tuesday.

"We are declaring a peaceful campaign, run with integrity," KPU commissioner Arief Budiman said, as reported by

The event was attended by presidential candidate Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and his running mate Jusuf Kalla, alongside competing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto and running mate Hatta Rajasa.

Campaigning Kicks Off For Indonesian Presidential Election

Jun 04 2014
Jakarta Globe

Campaigning for Indonesia’s July presidential election officially kicked off Wednesday, with favorite Joko Widodo facing a tough challenge from a Suharto-era former general with a chequered human rights record.

Widodo, who won legions of fans during his time as Jakarta governor, started the campaign period with a ceremony at his Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle’s headquarters in the capital.

FLN : révision constitutionnelle et des sanctions contre Tou et Belayat au menu du prochain Comité central

Jun 04 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Le FLN a reçu ce mercredi 4 juin l’autorisation de la wilaya d’Alger pour tenir la session de son Comité central, comme prévu le 24 juin à l’hôtel Aurassi d’Alger, a-t-on appris de source de ce parti. « Des rumeurs ont été propagées par certains pour faire croire que la wilaya d’Alger ne délivrera pas d’autorisation. Ils se sont encore une fois trompés », affirme notre source. Allusion faite à l’aile Belayat, déterminée à organiser un CC extraordinaire pour destituer Amar Saâdani, élu à la tête du secrétariat général du parti le 29 août dernier.
