
Parti : Modec, An I

Jun 03 2014

Le Mouvement  pour un destin commun (MODEC) a tenu samedi son premier congrès ordinaire au Palais de la culture Amadou Hampaté Ba. C’était en présence d’ambassadeurs et représentants d’organisations internationales, de représentants de partis politiques amis et de délégués venus de tout le pays.

El general Sisi gana las elecciones en Egipto con un 96,91% de los votos

Jun 03 2014
El Economista

El exjefe del Ejército Abdel Fattá al Sisi logró una aplastante victoria en las elecciones presidenciales de Egipto de la semana pasada, con un 96,91 por ciento de los votos, según confirmó el martes la comisión electoral.

El 47 por ciento de los 54 millones de votantes en Egipto acudieron a las urnas, informó la comisión, menos de 40 millones de votos, o el 80 por ciento del electorado, al que Sisi había instado a concurrir a votar.

Sisi declared Egypt's next president

Jun 03 2014
Al Jazeera

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has won Egypt's presidential elections by a huge majority, the country's election commission has said.

The former military chief, who last July overthrew Egypt's first democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi, won 96.91 of legal votes cast in last week's election.


SISI 23,780,104 (96.91%)

SABAHI 757,511 (3.09%)

Scavenger union donates to Prabowo-Hatta campaign

Jun 03 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Indonesian Scavengers Association (IPI) donated money to presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto and his running mate Hatta Rajasa on Monday.

IPI secretary general Andilado said that even though they did not donate a large amount of money to the political pair, which is listed as Number One on the ballots for the presidential election, they hoped that it would be a help to Prabowo's campaign, as reported by

Ashraf Ghani Addresses Supporters In Balkh

Jun 03 2014
Tolo News

Presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai on Tuesday traveled to Balkh for one of the last stops on the campaign trail before the June 14 runoff election. He told local supporters his priority in office would be the restoration of lasting peace and security and rule of law in Afghanistan. 
Ashraf Ghani, a former World Bank economist, also focused a great deal of time on his bread-and-butter subject - the national economy. He promised practical, localized programs that would bring dramatic changes to everyday lives.

Révision de la Constitution : les propositions et les critiques de treize associations de la société civile

Jun 03 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

La société civile s’implique dans le débat sur la révision constitutionnelle. Treize associations préparent un document contenant leurs propositions et critiques sur ce projet pour l’adresser au gouvernement, a-t-on appris ce mardi 3 juin d’Abderrahmane Arrar, président du réseau algérien pour la défense des droits de l’enfant (Nada). « Nous proposons essentiellement le renforcement du processus démocratique ainsi que la  lutte contre la bureaucratie », indique le président de Nada.

IEC Faces Female Staff Shortages

Jun 03 2014
The Jakarta Post

Noor Mohammad Noor, spokesman of the Independent Election Commission (IEC), on Tuesday reported that despite cooperation with the government and civil society groups, the election commission has not met its needs for female staffers to place at polling stations around the country for the runoff vote in two weeks. 
Mr. Noor said that the IEC wants at least 9,000 female staffers at polling sites nationwide, but that issues surrounding literacy and traditional customs have made recruiting local women extremely difficult. 

L’USFP parle moralisation de l’action politique à Zagora

Jun 03 2014
Aujourd'hui le Maroc

«La moralisation de l’action politique pour un développement durable de la province» est le thème du congrès provincial du parti de l’Union socialiste des forces populaires (USFP), qui s’est ouvert samedi à Zagora.

«La moralisation de l’action politique pour un développement durable de la province» est le thème du congrès provincial du parti de l’Union socialiste des forces populaires (USFP), qui s’est ouvert samedi à Zagora.

Race narrows as Prabowo plays catch-up

Jun 03 2014
The Jakarta Post

With presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto of the Gerindra Party managing to improve his approval rating over the past few weeks, analysts predict that the July 9 poll will be a tight race that neither candidate will win with a landslide.

“Both candidates’ chances of winning are now equal and the race will be very competitive. Jokowi supporters should not be complacent because the tables can turn at any time,” political analyst Burhanuddin Muhtadi of the pollster Indikator Politik Indonesia told The Jakarta Post on Monday.

Facing criticism, Gerindra backpedals on 'religious purification' pledge

Jun 03 2014
The Jakarta Post

Hashim Djojohadikusumo, deputy chairman of the Gerindra Party’s patron board, said his party had dropped a program of ‘purification of religious teachings’ in its ‘Manifesto of Struggle, following a number of criticisms that the party carries a fundamentalist view toward religions and diversity of beliefs.

“We have erased the sentence from our manifesto, because we based our party principle on Pancasila. We will uphold the law if there is discrimination against any ethnic, religion or race,” he said as quoted on Monday.

Kane Hamidu Baba: Le boycott de la présidentielle "n’aura de sens que s’il est actif"

Jun 03 2014

L’opposant mauritanien Kane Hamidou Baba président du Mouvement Pour la Refondation (MPR), a déclaré que le boycott de l’élection présidentielle décidée par plusieurs partis de l’opposition « n’aura de sens que s’il est actif »

"Nous invitons au boycott des élections présidentielles du 21 juin 2014, mais le boycott n’aura de sens que s’il est actif. Que chacun prenne sa part pour discréditer ces élections, car il s’agit ni plus, ni moins que d’une mascarade ", a déclaré Kane dans un communiqué reçu lundi à Alakhbar.

L'organisation des prochaines élections: Ameur Laarayedh revient sur la position d'Ennahdha

Jun 03 2014
Radio Mosaique

Les prochaines élections sont au cœur de toutes les préoccupations. Depuis quelques temps déjà les partis n’arrivent pas à accorder leurs violons. 

 Et les avis divergent ente ceux qui appellent à la tenue des présidentielles  avant les législative ou vise versa d’autres appellent de leur côté à la tenue des élections simultanément histoire de départager la pomme… 

Cooperation Among Component Parties Contributes To BN's Win In Teluk Intan - Zambry

Jun 03 2014

TELUK INTAN, June 3 (Bernama) -- Good cooperation among the Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties, which worked as a team, was among the factors that contributed to the coalition's victory in the Teluk Intan parliamentary seat by-election last Saturday.

Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir said the win was also due to the hard work of the party members in carrying out the campaign strategies in each polling district, thus enabling the party machinery to operate smoothly.

Sudan’s NCP reaffirms importance of Mahdi’s participation in national dialogue

Jun 03 2014
Sudan Tribune

The National Congress Party (NCP) political secretary reaffirmed Tuesday the importance of the participation of the National Umma Party (NUP) leader Sadiq al-Mahdi in the national dialogue process.

Mustafa Osman Ismail who is also tasked with relations between the ruling party and the opposition party further described the detained leader “as national figure who has significant political weight”.
