
Ghani Endorsed By Hizb-E-Milate Mutahed

Jun 01 2014
Tolo News

Abdul Rahim Ayoubi, the leader of Hizb-e-Milate Mutahed, announced an endorsement of presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai at a gathering in Kabul on Sunday. 
Abdul Rahim Ayoubi, who is also a member the Lower House, also criticized Ghani's runoff rival, Abdullah Abdullah.
The endorsement comes at a critical time in the election process, as runoff campaigning peaks just two weeks before Election Day on June 14. And it joins a series of high-profile endorsements that Ghani has received since the end of the first round.

Parliamentary polls should be held even if under old election law

Jun 01 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Change and Reform bloc MP Alain Aoun said that the parliamentary polls scheduled for later this year should be held even if based on the old election law.

“The priority is, of course, for holding a presidential election, but if the [presidential election] is obstructed, we must hold the parliamentary polls,” Aoun said in an interview to Al-Liwaa daily to be published Monday.

Prabowo-Hatta gets official No. ‘1’, Jokowi-Kalla No. ‘2

Jun 01 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) announced that the Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa presidential ticket would be listed as number 1 on ballots for the presidential election following an election number draw at the commission’s headquarters on Sunday.

Meanwhile, rivals Joko “Jokowi” Widodo-Jusuf Kalla will be listed at number 2 on ballots, has reported.

During the event, Jokowi and Kalla were given first turn to pick a number.

Prabowo-Hatta gets official No. ‘1’, Jokowi-Kalla No. ‘2

Jun 01 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) announced that the Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa presidential ticket would be listed as number 1 on ballots for the presidential election following an election number draw at the commission’s headquarters on Sunday.

Meanwhile, rivals Joko “Jokowi” Widodo-Jusuf Kalla will be listed at number 2 on ballots, has reported.

During the event, Jokowi and Kalla were given first turn to pick a number.

Liste des staffs de campagne du candidat Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz

May 31 2014

 Dans le cadre des préparatifs de la campagne présidentielle du candidat MOHAMED OULD ABDELAZIZ, les membres du bureau exécutif et du conseil national du Parti dont les noms suivent sont chargés de la Coordination au niveau des moughataa:


 Ils seront assistés par, les Parlementaires et Maires du Parti.





Khadijetou M. Diallo

Hodh El Chargui

Mohamed Ould Henine

C. El Kotob O. C. Saad Bouh

Hodh El Gharbi

Ba Amadou Abou

Ebi Ould Doussou


Le congrès de Nidaa Tounes sera-t-il reporté?

May 31 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le secrétaire général du parti Nidaa Tounes, Taieb Baccouche a déclaré au micro de Mosaïque FM que le président du mouvement Beji Caied Essebsi a décidé de reporter le 1er congrès constitutif du parti à une date ultérieure et ce après avoir pris connaissance des différentes positions lors de la réunion du comité constitutif.

Le directeur exécutif de Nidaa Tounes, Ridha Belhaj a pour sa part déclaré que l’alternative de reporter le congrès est toujours d’actualité mais le président du parti n’a toujours pas pris sa décision à ce propos.


RSF militia sticks to its lawsuit against Sudan’s opposition leader

May 31 2014
Sudan Tribune

Rapid Support Forces (SRF) field commander Ahmed Hamdan (Hametti) maintained his accusations against the leader of the opposition Umma National Party (UNP) saying the court have to decide on their claim against him.

Hametti remarks come as Sudanese lawyers’ Union (SLU) released a statement on Saturday saying they continue to exert efforts to ensure the release of Sadiq al-Mahdi from Kober prison where they met him.

Egyptians protest after Sisi election victory

May 31 2014
Al Jazeera

Protests have been taking place in cities across Egypt, days after the country elected former army chief Abdel Fattah el-Sisi its president in a vote his sole contender has appealed.

On Friday, demonstrators took to the streets in the capital Cairo, Bani Suef and Fayoum, holding banners with photos of the ousted President Mohamed Morsi and chanting against the president-elect.

Preliminary results from the three-day election that ended on Wednesday gave 96 percent of votes to Sisi and 3 percent to leftist politician Hamdeen Sabahi.

Sudan’s 2015 elections will not be delayed, says parliament speaker

May 31 2014
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s parliament speaker, al-Fatih Izz al-Din, has revealed that the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) will introduce a major amendment to elections law allowing adoption of proportional representation but cautioned that the 2015 general elections will not be delayed.

The move would mean that all political forces will be represented in the parliament irrespective of the size of its constituency.

Beji Caid Essebsi : notre congrès constitutif aura bien lieu

May 31 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le président de Nidaa Tounes, Beji Caid Essebsi a confirmé lors d’une déclaration accordée à Mosaïque FM que le congrès constitutif de son parti se tiendra conformément à la décision prise par le bureau exécutif. 

Il a ajouté que la date à laquelle le congrès constitutif sera tenu, sera déterminée prochainement. 



Lazher karoui à Taieb Baccouche: le congrès de Nidaa Tounes n'a pas été reporté

May 31 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le président de la commission de préparation du congrès constitutif du Parti Nidaa Tounes, Lazher Karoui Chebbi a déclaré que le rendez vous de la tenue du congrès 15 juin est encore maintenu. 
La commission a en outre présenté un rapport écrit du comité constitutif appelant à la tenue du congrès constitutif à la date prévue, et personne n’y a vu d’inconvénients. Il a en outre souligné que la séance est restée ouverte et le président de Nidaa Tounes n’a pris aucune décision. 

Comité central du FLN. Climat électrique à l’approche de la réunion

May 31 2014
El Watan

Un début discorde est apparue dans les rangs de l’opposition. Les propos tenus par Abderrahmane Belayat, coordinateur déclaré du FLN, au quotidien arabophone El Khabar, dans son édition d’hier, ont eu comme effet de révéler au grand jour les divisions que connaît le groupe des opposants au secrétaire général du parti.

Sellal demain face aux députés

May 31 2014
El Watan

L’Assemblée populaire nationale (APN), tant décriée par bon nombre de ses locataires, reprendra du service dès demain. Au menu de cette première séance en plénière, la présentation par le Premier ministre, Abdelmalek Sellal, du plan d’action du gouvernement, suivi d’un débat. Fort de ses 49 pages, le document, qui sera soumis à l’appréciation des parlementaires, ne comportent, de l’avis même de certains députés, aucune nouveauté louable.

Egypt: Sabbahi Challenges Preliminary Results of Presidential Elections

May 31 2014
Al Manar

Egyptian former leftist presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabbahi speaks during a press conference after preliminary results from Egypt's presidential election gave ex-army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi 96 percent of the vote on May 29, 2014 in the capital Cairo.

Speaking at a news conference, Sabbahi said "I accept my defeat and respect the people's choice" in the three-day election that ended on May 29.
