
L’Alliance nationale pour le changement appelle à une transition consensuelle avec le pouvoir

May 31 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

L'Alliance nationale pour le changement (ANC) a rendu publique, ce samedi 31 mai, sa charte, dans laquelle elle annonce ses valeurs, ses principes et ses missions. L’ANC vise « un changement politique réel en vue de l’édification d’un véritable État de droit en Algérie pour la promotion de la démocratie, de la souveraineté et de la bonne gouvernance », lit-on sur le communiqué.

La CNLTD dévoile sa Plateforme politique et ses propositions pour une transition démocratique

May 31 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

La Coordination nationale pour les libertés et la transition démocratique (CNLTD) a rendu publique, ce samedi 31 mai, sa Plateforme politique. Le document a été adressé aux invités à la conférence nationale prévue le 10 juin à l’hôtel Hilton, à Alger.

Lebanon: Aoun making presidential inroads

May 31 2014
Asharq al-Awsat

Free Patriotic Movement leader and prospective March 8 Alliance presidential candidate Michel Aoun will push ahead with his presidential bid, local Maronite sources informed Asharq Al-Awsat on Friday.

Seeking to secure a breakthrough to end Lebanon’s paralyzing political stalemate over electing a new president, a delegation from the Maronite League and the Maronite Foundation met with Aoun on Thursday.

“It’s Aoun or nobody,” a delegation member, speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat on the condition of anonymity, quoted Aoun as saying.

Benflis continue de contester les résultats de la présidentielle

May 31 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Plus de 40 jours après l’élection présidentielle, Ali Benflis continue de contester les résultats officiels. « Avec le recul, mon appréciation reste strictement la même. Cette appréciation je l’ai exprimée en conscience sur la base d’une évaluation politique rigoureuse et sans concessions », explique l’ancien candidat dans un entretien publié ce samedi 31 mai par le journal El Watan.

Kurdish zone won’t take part in election

May 30 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

An official from the Kurdish zone Thursday said the regime would not set up polling stations in “Syrian Kurdistan.”

Ilham Ahmad, from the Democratic Society Movement, said Kurdish groups would deal only with “powers that recognize” their rights, according to the Kurdnet news site.

Ahmad, whose party is one of a half-dozen that rule the self-rule zone along the Turkish border, was asked about the poll, expected to be won by President Bashar Assad.

Police increase security for presidential candidates

May 30 2014
The Jakarta Post

The National Police are preparing to dispatch 372 personnel to improve security for presidential and vice presidential candidates in the lead up to the July 9 election.

Insp. Gen. Putut Eko Bayuseno of the National Police’s security maintenance division said that personnel would assemble a special security team, which would begin working following the General Elections Commission (KPU) formal announcement of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle’s (PDI-P) Joko “Jokowi” Widodo-Jusuf Kalla and Gerindra Party’s Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa as the official tickets in the race.

Rami Hamdallah to head Palestinian unity government

May 30 2014
Al Arabiya News

Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas on Thursday appointed Rami Hamdallah to head a unity government with Hamas amid disagreement over the foreign affairs portfolio, officials said.

Hamdallah is currently serving as prime minister within the West Bank-based government.

“The government is ready, but there is only one problem, and that is that Fatah and Hamas reject Riyad al-Malki as foreign minister, something Abbas is insisting on,” the official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

KPU wraps up campaign-fund audit

May 30 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) has completed its audit of the 2014 legislative election-campaign fund reports submitted by the 12 parties that had contested the April 4 poll.

KPU chairman Husni Kamil Manik said that the commission had found no indication that any of the parties had violated campaign fund regulations.

No place for parties seeking ministerial positions: Jokowi

May 30 2014
Antara News

Bandung, West Java (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) did not coalesce with many political parties because many of them have asked for ministerial positions as compensation, stated presidential candidate Joko Widodo, popularly known as "Jokowi". 

"We refuse to coalesce with many political parties because some of the parties want six, eight, and even eleven of their cadres to be made ministers," Jokowi remarked during his political oration in Bandung. 

Yudhoyono explains presentation plan of Probowo-Hatta pair

May 30 2014
Antara News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who is also general chairman of Democratic Party (PD), said it was Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa who planned to present their vision and mission in front of PD cadres.

"I have never asked, let alone obliged presidential candidates to present their vision and mission in front of me," Yudhoyono said on his Twitter account on Thursday.

Officiel: Tenue des élections législatives et présidentielles séparées

May 30 2014
Radio Mosaique

Les parties participant au dialogue national sont parvenues à un accord sur la tenue séparée des élections législatives et présidentielles. Elles se réuniront lundi prochain pour trancher sur laquelle des deux élections se tiendra la première.  



Ankara chair resigns as AKP begins reorganization in party branches

May 30 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The head of Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) provincial branch inAnkara has resigned, apparently as part of a reorganization of the party according to results of the March 30 local elections.

Since the elections, AKP officials have been expecting changes in Ankara as the party leadership has apparently decided to renew the organization via changes at provincial branches where the ruling party failed to achieve its targets. 

Zied Lakhdar: Hamma Hammami est le candidat du Front populaire à la présidentielle si...

May 30 2014
Radio Mosaique

Zied Lakhdar, secrétaire général du parti des Patriotes démocrates unifié, a indiqué, aujourd’hui, 30 mai 2014, lors de son passage à «À la page» que Hamma Hammami est le candidat du Front populaire s’il accepte de se présenter. Le martyr Chokri Belaïd a fait cette proposition avant son assassinat.

Séparation ou tenue simultanée des élections: Les partis politiques en désaccord

May 30 2014
Radio Mosaique

A l'issue de la reprise du dialogue national, dans la matinée de ce vendredi 30 mai, la question de la tenue séparément ou en simultanée des élections législatives et de la présidentielle a été débattue. 

D'après la correspondante de Mosaique FM, la position des partis politiques qui participent au dialogue national diffère, puisque plusieurs appréhende des dépassements de la nouvelle constitution si le délai légal de la tenue des élections est dépassée. 


Iran says Syria vote will boost Assad legitimacy

May 30 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Iran said Friday that next week's presidential election in Syria, branded a farce by Western governments, will boost the legitimacy of its ally Bashar al-Assad.

"God willing, the elections in Syria will be carried out without a hitch," said Ali Akbar Velayati, the senior foreign policy adviser to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
