
Réunion sécuritaire à Carthage ce jeudi

May 29 2014
Radio Mosaique

Un conseil supérieur de la sécurité a été tenu à Carthage, ce jeudi 29 mai 2014, en présence des trois présidents ainsi que les ministres de la Défense et de l'Intérieur et de plusieurs responsables sécuritaires et militaires. 

Cette réunion intervient à l'issue des événements survenus à Kasserine ce mercredi et l'attaque armée à l'encontre du domicile de Lotfi Ben Jeddou qui a fait 4 morts parmi les agents de sécurité. 


Balochistan LG elections: Councillors to elect women, non-Muslim members today

May 29 2014
The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: Councillors in Balochistan are set to elect women and minority members for their respective councils today (Thursday), after a lapse of almost six months since the first phase of the local government (LG) elections was held in the province.

A total of 2,332 women and 743 non-Muslim members will be elected on reserved seats for local councils throughout the province. Elected members from each local council in all districts will serve as the electoral college for the elections on reserved seats.

Goulou Moussa TRAORE, Cadre ASMA : «Ce n’est pas avec le cœur qu’on pourra résoudre ce problème»

May 29 2014

Militant de première heure de la démocratie multipartite, pour avoir milité à l’Adéma-Association sous Moussa sous le régime dictatorial du Général Moussa TRAORE et cadre ASMA, le parti dirigé par l’actuel ministre de la  Défense, Soumeylou Boubèye Maïga, Monsieur Goulou Moussa Traoré,  parle dans l’interview qui suit sans langue de bois. Il porte un regard critique sur la crise au septentrion malien.

 Le Progrès : Bonjour ! Présentez-vous à nos lecteurs

HRW slams Bahraini justice system as 'criminal'

May 29 2014
Press TV

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has blasted the Persian Gulf country of Bahrain for its severe punishment of peaceful protesters while granting immunity to abusive authorities.

In its latest report on Bahrain, the HRW on Wednesday lashed out at the Manama regime’s justice system, describing it as “criminal” and censuring its “failure to deliver basic accountability and impartial justice.”

Albanians Promised Jobs for Votes, Study Finds

May 29 2014

A survey by the Institute for Development Research and Alternatives, IDRA, said many Albanian were aware of people being promised gifts or favours in exchange for votes in elections.

“About 43 per cent of respondents declared they were aware of cases in which votes were promised in return for favours,” IDRA said in a statement on Wednesday.

“Voting ‘to keep their current job’; to 'get a job after the elections’; and ‘in return for money or gifts’, are mentioned as frequent phenomena encountered by more than a third of the respondents,” it added.

La situation de Kidal et l’agenda personnel : Opposition: attention à l’erreur politique

May 29 2014

L’opposition, manipulée par lactivistes du PARENA, sous la houlette de Tièbilé Dramé, est en train de commettre une grave erreur politique, en exploitant la situation qui prévaut à Kidal comme fonds de commerce politique. Ses principaux animateurs sont en train de profiter de la défaite de l’armée malienne face aux groupes armés à Kidal pour se refaire une santé.

Le Colonel- Major Bah N'Daw

May 29 2014

C’est le colonel-major à la retraite Bah N’Daw est depuis mardi le nouveau ministre de la Défense et des Anciens combattants. Il a remplacé à ce poste Soumeylou Boubèye Maïga qui a présenté sa démission. La nouvelle est tombée tard dans la nuit de mardi. Ce réaménagement de l’équipe gouvernementale dirigée par le Premier ministre Moussa Mara intervient quelques jours après le revers subi par nos forces armées à Kidal face aux mouvements armés irrédentistes et djihadistes.

EWA Demands Electoral Bodies Reform

May 29 2014
Tolo News

The Election Watch Organization of Afghanistan (EWA) on Monday warned that if the electoral bodies do not focus on the deficiencies and leakages witnessed in the first round of the elections, the June 14 runoff will face major challenges.

In a recent report, EWA submitted a number of recommendations as to how the electoral bodies should change before the runoff. Among others suggestions, the EWA asked the electoral bodies to focus on identification of suspicious sites and to ensure the distribution of sufficient ballot papers.

Media Must Cover Elections In Responsible Manner

May 28 2014
Tolo News

Media Commission of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) asked media outlets to stay responsible and neutral during the coverage of the election process. In a joint meeting with representatives of media outlets on Wednesday, head of the IEC Media Commission listed a number of media violations committed during the elections. He asserted that media outlets that violate the election code of conduct would face legal action.

Mahdi’s arrest stirs divisions among Sudanese opposition on national dialogue

May 28 2014
Sudan Tribune

The nearly two-week arrest of the National Umma Party leader, Sadiq al-Mahdi, stirred conflicting reactions among Sudanese opposition parties that have accepted to be part of the national dialogue process.

The Reform Now Party (RNP), of Ghazi Salah Eddin al-Attabani criticized al-Mahdi’s arrest and recent measures restricting the freedom of the press, saying it would derail the national dialogue. But, the Popular Congress Party (PCP) of Hassan al-Turabi reiterated that it would not abandon the political process.

La concertation sur la révision de la Constitution débutera dimanche

May 28 2014
El Watan

Les rencontres inscrites dans le cadre de la concertation  sur le projet de révision de la Constitution, entre personnalités, partis, organisations,  associations et autres compétences, avec le ministre d'Etat, directeur de cabinet  de la président de la République, Ahmed Ouyahia, débuteront dimanche, indique  mercredi la présidence de la République dans un communiqué.

Respublika faction excludes two deputies from its membership

May 28 2014
Source: News Agency


Respublika faction has excluded two deputies Nurbek Alimbekov and Akylbek Eshimov from its membership. The leader of the faction Nazarali Aripov informed news agency.

According to him, these MPs joined the parliamentary group "Yntymak" and put their signatures under the coalition agreement that is contrary to the provisions of the faction. "That's why they were excluded," he said.

Respublika faction now has seven deputies.
