
Biz community declares support for Jokowi-Kalla

May 28 2014
The Jakarta Post

Dozens of businesspeople grouped under the Businesspeople’s Community for Jokowi-JK declared their support for presidential candidate Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and his running mate Jusuf Kalla on Wednesday.

"Both Jokowi and Kalla have business backgrounds. We believe that they, if elected, will create policies that are pro-business," the community's chairman, Yugi Prayanto, said during the declaration of the support in Jakarta.

Court confirms military, police neutrality in July election

May 28 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Constitutional Court issued a ruling on Wednesday confirming that active military and police personnel were not eligible to vote in the July 9 presidential election, following a judicial review of the 2008 Election Law proposed by a non-governmental organization.

The review was filed due to the possibility of multi-interpretation of the regulation.

Child protection should be part of the presidential debate: KPAI

May 28 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) has asked the General Elections Commission (KPU) to include the topic of child protection as part of the presidential debate before the election on July 9.

"We want to push the issue of child protection as one of the debate topics for the scheduled presidential debate," KPAI chairman Asrorun Niam Sholeh said as quoted by

Between June 8 and July 5, there will be two presidential debates, two vice-presidential debates, and one final debate with both pairs.

Syrians Flood Embassy In Lebanon To Cast Ballots In Presidential Election

May 28 2014
Huffington Post

They partied their way up the 10-kilometer hill toward the Syrian Embassy, waving flags and posters in the oppressive heat. They dodged stick-wielding soldiers at checkpoints and waited for hours in massive lines and heaving scrums of bodies. And finally, tens of thousands of Syrians living here cast their ballots Wednesday as voting started for expatriates ahead of their country's presidential election early next week.

But if there were three names on the ballot -- President Bashar Assad and two carefully vetted members of parliament -- there was no suspense as to the outcome.

Présidentielle du 21 juin : Le FNDU fait monter la pression

May 28 2014
Le Calame

Au fur et à mesure qu’approche la campagne de la présidentielle du 21 juin, la pression monte, dans tous les états-majors politiques. Car, après avoir décidé de boycotter ce scrutin majeur, le Forum National pour la Démocratie et l’Unité (FNDU) semble, désormais, déterminé à « peser » sur cette échéance. Faute de pouvoir imposer, au régime en place, un dialogue « franc et sincère », pour un scrutin transparent et inclusif, le FNDU mise sur la rue, pour pousser le pouvoir à revoir son agenda, comme en juin 2009, même si les contextes sont différents.

Golkar punishes pro-Jokowi dissidents

May 28 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Golkar Party central board has penalized some of its politicians after they came out in support of the presidential bid of Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, who was nominated by rival the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).

Some senior lawmakers will be stripped of their posts in key commissions at the House of Representatives.

Platform Politics: Where the Presidential Candidates’ Stand on Key Issues

May 28 2014
Jakarta Globe

While TV pundits and social media commentators have been busy hashing out the personality differences between presidential candidates Prabowo Subianto and Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, little has been said about either side’s policies and platforms.

To that end, the Jakarta Globe presents a rough guide to the issues that matter:


Sawaad condamne l'attaque de Kasserine et appelle à décréter l'Etat d'Urgence

May 28 2014
Radio Mosaique

L'association Sawaad a publié un communiqué, ce mercredi 28 mai 2014, condamnant l'attaque terroriste à l'encontre du domicile du ministre de l'intérieur Lotfi Ben Jeddou, lors de laquelle 4 agents de la sécurité sont tombés en Martyrs à Kasserine dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi. 

Sawaad a, dans le même communiqué présenté ses condoléances aux familles des forces de l'ordre décédés dans l'exercice de leurs fonction. 

Gerakan Lambasts Teluk Intan DAP Candidate Over Inconsistent Stand On Hudud

May 28 2014

TELUK INTAN, May 28 (Bernama) -- Gerakan on Wednesday lambasted the DAP candidate for the Teluk Intan parliamentary by-election for what it described as her inconsistent stand on hudud.

The party's advisor, Datuk Chang Ko Youn, said Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud had at first defended DAP's position not to support hudud but in a later interview she had said she rejected hudud.

"Which is which?" he asked at a news conference.

Attaque sur le domicile de Ben Jeddou à Kasserine : Les partis politiques réagissent

May 28 2014
Radio Mosaique

Suite à  l'attaque lâche survenue dans la nuit du mardi au mercredi 28 mai 2014 sur le domicile familial du ministre de l'intérieur Lotfi Ben Jeddou et qui a fait 4 martyrs parmi les rangs des agents de l'ordre et deux blessés les partis politiques ont réagi: 

Front populaire: 

Le porte-parole du Front populaire  Hamma Hammami a précisé dans la journée du mercredi 28 mai  2014 que le front organisera dans la journée du vendredi 30 mai 2014 une marche nationale qui aura lieu simultanément dans la capitale et dans plusieurs régions et cela afin de condamner le terrorisme

Opposition proposal accepted at Turkish Parliament 'as first in past 12 years'

May 28 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

In remarkable scenes late on May 27, opposition parties joined forces for the approval of an amendment to the Labor Law, which they were able to pass due to the absence of ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputies.

The proposed amendments were penned by the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) and were approved as most AKP deputies were absent. The AKP usually dominates the agenda of General Assembly sessions due to its parliamentary majority. 
