
11e Conseil national du Cnid Fyt: Les vérités de Me Tall

May 26 2014

Le Congrès national d’initiative démocratique (CNID Faso Yiriwa Ton), a tenu hier dimanche 25 mai 2014 son 11e conseil national à son siège à la Zone industrielle. Le président du parti, Me Mountaga Tall en a profité pour aborder des sujets d’actualité comme les récents évènements de Kidal, l’affaire de l’avion et la rutilante Rolls Royce du président de la République, l’Enseignement supérieur, et les démissions au sein du CNID FYT.

Second Kuwaiti minister resigns in the past two weeks

May 26 2014
Al Arabiya News

The ruler of Kuwait accepted on Monday the resignation of the education minister, the second cabinet member to resign in two weeks, state-run KUNA news agency quoting an official statement.

The cabinet of the oil-rich Gulf nation was informed of the decision during its weekly meeting, the statement said.

No reason was given for the resignation of Education Minister Ahmad al-Mulaifi, but local media reported that he stepped down after two Egyptian workers were killed at a construction site for Kuwait's new university.

Egipto vota por primera vez tras el derrocamiento de Mursi

May 26 2014
Cadena Ser

El vencedor se convertirá en el segundo presidente electo de la historia del país, sólo por detrás del propio Mursi, si bien en esta ocasión las elecciones se celebrarán en un clima excepcional tras la declaración como grupo terrorista de la organización islamista Hermanos Musulmanes, la formación que ha contado con mayor respaldo popular en los comicios celebrados tras el derrocamiento en 2011 de Hosni Mubarak.

Reconciliation conference opens in Gedo

May 26 2014

A reconciliation conference opened in the Dolow district in Gedo region Monday (May 26th) with representatives from the Interim Jubba Administration (IJA), Ahlu Sunna wal Jamaa (ASWJ), the Somali federal government and lawmakers from the Gedo region in attendance, Somalia's Goobjoog News reported.

The conference is expected to lead to reconciliation between  IJA and ASWJ militias that clashed in Bulo Hawo two weeks ago, leaving at least 12 people.

International Support Group for Lebanon calls for presidential election without delay

May 26 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

The International Support Group for Lebanon (ISGL) called on Lebanon’s leaders to work intensively to ensure the election of a new president without delay, while highlighting the need for the current government to remain functional.

In a statement issued Monday on behalf of the ISGL following deliberations, U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Derek Plumbly said that the gathering regretted the failure of the Lebanese Parliament to elect a president within the timeframe set by the constitution.

Uncertainty as Iraq election results revealed

May 26 2014
Al Jazeera

Iraq's incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's apparent victory in parliamentary elections at the end of April has given him a leading role in forming the next government, but it will not necessarily secure him a third term in office.

On Monday, Iraq's electoral results were published in national newspapers. The tally was accompanied by a warning that only three days remain to lodge electoral disputes. The results will be considered final when the Iraqi High Electoral Commission, and the country's High Court, have addressed the accusations of impropriety.

Opposition MHP overhauls provincial branches, including Istanbul

May 26 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), the third largest party in the Turkish Parliament, has completely overhauled its Istanbul provincial branch, and made big changes to its operations in other provinces across the country.

The MHP also entirely replaced its provincial branch in the Black Sea province of Giresun, the party’s deputy chair in charge of organizational affairs, Şefkat Çetin, announced on May 26.

Egypt’s vote for repression

May 26 2014
Al Monitor

Democratic legitimacy has been a difficult topic of conversation in Egypt following the overthrow of Mohammed Morsi’s government on July 3, 2013, by current presidential hopeful and former Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Yet, as Egyptians pour into polling centers across the country on May 26 to vote for the sixth time in a political process since the 2011 revolution, what democratic legitimacy means, particularly in elections, will define state-society relations for years to come.

Egypt elects new leader to steer country out of crisis

May 26 2014
BBC News

Millions of voters are casting ballots across Egypt to choose a new president, for the second time in two years.

A huge security operation has been mounted by police and the military, amid fear of attacks by militants seeking to disrupt the polls.

Former army chief Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, who deposed Islamist President Mohammed Morsi last year, is standing against left-wing candidate Hamdeen Sabahi.

Mr Sisi is forecast to win by a comfortable margin.

200 Muslim scholars issue fatwa forbidding participation in Egyptian presidential elections

May 26 2014
Middle East Monitor

More than 200 Muslim scholars issued a fatwa on Sunday forbidding participation in the current presidential elections in Egypt. 

The fatwa has been announced at a press conference in Istanbul held by the "coordinating committee for fatwas of the Muslim nation." The conference was titled: "Forbidding the recognition of the coup and participation in its elections."

The fatwa was based on the Islamic principle of forbidding any assistance to an unjust ruler.

Egyptians vote in presidential election favoring ex-army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sissi

May 26 2014
The Washington Post

Egyptians cast ballots Monday for a new president in an election widely expected to secure a resounding victory for military strongman Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, one that will likely further entrench the army’s decades-long rule over the country.

Monday marked the first of two days of voting in which just two candidates, including former defense minister Sissi and leftist politician Hamdeen Sabbahi, are vying for the nation’s top office after Egypt’s first democratically elected president was ousted by the military last year.

Egipto, listo para coronar a Al Sisi en unas elecciones de tinte plebiscitario

May 25 2014
El Diario (Agencia EFE)

Egipto, listo para coronar a Al Sisi en unas elecciones de tinte plebiscitario

Todo está preparado en Egipto para que el antiguo jefe del Ejército Abdel Fatah al Sisi busque en las urnas la ansiada legitimidad que le convierta en el nuevo presidente del país, en unas elecciones concebidas casi como un referéndum sobre su persona.
