
MPs say PM and President must share responsibility

May 25 2014
Shabelle News

Several MPs have reported to Shabelle that the Prime Minister and President have to take responsibility for yesterday’s attack on parliament building in Mogadishu.

MP Abdisamad Maclin Mohamud said that the PM and President are required to take responsibility immediately. He said that until the situation has been solved, parliament will refuse to work and will go on strike.

Also, MP Abdilatif Sanyare said that the recent call for the president to resign by over 100 MPs, has now increased.

Al Shabaab warns government officials

May 25 2014
Shabelle News

Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage, the spokesperson of the Al-Shabaab terrorist group reported to pro-Shabaab media outlets and said that they have weakened government agencies and have been successful in staging terror attacks at the supreme court, UNDP compound and parliament all in the last year.

The spokesperson said that the MPs and officials should disassociate with the government, as that is apparently the only option for them to survive.

Ali Dheere strained that the government institutions are places that officials will convene and that they will be targeted.

Sudanese presidency refuses to interfere in release of Al-Mahdi

May 25 2014
Sudan Tribune

The Sudanese presidency on Sunday refused to issue directives for the release of the National Umma Party (NUP) leader, al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, declaring that it would not interrupt the legal course.

It pointed to the need for completing the ongoing investigations with al-Mahdi, underscoring its commitment to national dialogue as a strategic choice.

Mohamed Hamdi : le gouvernement de Jomaâ n’a pas réalisé des progrès notables

May 25 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le secrétaire général de l’Alliance Démocratique, Mohamed Hamdi a estimé lors d’une déclaration accordée à Mosaïque FM que le gouvernement de Mehdi Jomaâ n’a pas réalisé des progrès notables en considérant que son rendement est à la traîne en ce qui concerne la mise en œuvre des dispositions de la feuille de route. 



Gerindra-led coalition to counter issues on human rights abuses

May 25 2014
The Jakarta Post

An official of the Gerindra Party-led coalition campaign team has said they are preparing a special task force to counter issues surrounding the alleged involvement of the coalition’s presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto in a number of past human rights abuses.

The team says the allegations have been used as a tactic to discredit the presidential candidate.

“We are ready to counter the allegations because people are smart enough to understand right from wrong,” said campaign team member Ahmad Riza Patria in Jakarta on Saturday as quoted by

La feuille de route de l’opposition fixée

May 25 2014
El Watan

Les leaders des partis qui composent la Coordination nationale pour les libertés et la transition démocratique se rencontreront ce matin à Alger.

Objectif : peaufiner la plateforme qui devra servir de document de base à présenter à la conférence nationale des forces de l’opposition qui se tiendra le 10 juin prochain à Alger. Avant la réunion des états-majors, des cadres des partis se sont attelés des mois durant à la rédaction d’une plateforme qui sera le représentant de ce conglomérat à la conférence nationale qui tentera de ratisser large.

Teluk Intan by-election: Stop blaming BN for your troubles, Muhyiddin tells Pakatan

May 25 2014
The Star Online

TELUK INTAN: Pakatan Rakyat should stop blaming Barisan Nasional for everything negative that has happened during its campaign for the Teluk Intan parliamentary seat by-election.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said Sunday that Pakatan needed proof before making allegations against Barisan.

“Do they have proof? Can they establish any link that it has anything to do with us,” he said during the ground breaking ceremony of the RM5bil West Coast Expessway project here.

Bukit Gelugor by-election: Polling centres close, counting begins

May 25 2014
The Star Online

GEORGE TOWN: All 17 polling centres in the Bukit Gelugor Parliamentary by-election closed at 5pm, Sunday.

The Election Commission (EC) had expected turnout for the by-election to reach 78 per cent but as at 4pm, 43,814 or 53.26 per cent of the voters had cast their ballots.

Counting of votes has begun at the vote tallying centre at Dewan Sri Pinang and the official results are expected to be out as early as 8pm Sunday.

Things to Know About This Week's Election in Egypt

May 25 2014
ABC News (Associated Press)

Egyptians are voting on Monday and Tuesday in elections to choose a new president after the military's ouster last year of the country's first democratically elected leader, the Islamist Mohammed Morsi.

Considered all but certain to win is the man who removed Morsi — retired military chief Field Marshal Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, who for the past 10 months has been the most powerful figure in Egypt. The only other candidate in the race is leftist politician Hamdeen Sabahi, who finished third in the 2012 presidential election.

Révision de la Constitution, conférence pour la transition et création d’un parti politique : Ali Benflis explique ses choix

May 25 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Ali Benflis maintient le suspense sur sa participation à la conférence nationale pour la transition démocratique prévue le 7 juin. « Nous avons des contacts réguliers avec la Coordination. Au niveau du Pôle, la question n’est pas encore tranchée », a déclaré, ce dimanche 25 mai, le candidat malheureux à la présidentielle du 17 avril devant les partis politiques composant le Pôle du changement. Il a indiqué qu’il était prêt à dialoguer avec le pouvoir, mais il pose ses conditions. « Nous sommes en train d’élaborer au niveau du Pôle notre plateforme pour une sortie de crise.

Nabeel Rajab urges ‘serious dialogue’ in Bahrain

May 25 2014
Press TV

Prominent Bahraini human rights activist Nabeel Rajab has called for serious dialog between Al Khalifa regime and opposition leaders.

“The only solution is a serious dialogue between the royal family and the opposition [al-Wefaq movement],” said Rajab, who heads the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights.

Rajab who was released on Saturday after serving a two-year jail term, said Bahrain’s situation today is worse compared to when he went to prison because of an upsurge in violence.

Madani Mezrag annonce le retour du FIS après la révision de la Constitution

May 25 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Le FIS prépare son retour sur la scène politique. L’ex-chef de l’Armée islamique du salut (AIS), Madani Mezrag, a indiqué dans un entretien publié ce dimanche 25 mai sur Echourouk, que le parti dissous va organiser une « grande » conférence après la révision de la Constitution. L’objectif : revenir avec un nouveau projet politique sur de nouvelles bases. Ce projet, a-t-il expliqué, corrigera les erreurs qu’a commises le parti auparavant et s’ouvrira sur des idées qui contribueront à la construction d’un État de droit et de justice.

Minister of National Security resigns

May 25 2014
Shabelle News

Somalia’s Minister of National Security has unexpectedly announced his resignation last night on national television, addressing the public on the state-run media network, Somali National TV.

Abdikarim Hussein Guled, the security minister for the Somali Federal Government tendered his resignation to the Prime Minister before officially declaring it to thousands of viewers.
