
Election tribunal accepts PTI's request for thumb print verification in NA-154

May 21 2014
The Express Tribune

MULTAN: The election tribunal in Multan accepted Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) General Secretary Jehangir Tareen’s request for thumb print verification of the votes cast in the NA-154 constituency during the May 11 general elections last year,Express News reported on Wednesday.

Sadiq Baloch had outvoted Tareen in NA-154 during the elections.

The election tribunal stated that the case will be sent to National Database Registration Authority (NADRA).

‘’Les conditions de transparence d’une élection ne peuvent pas réellement exister dans un système esclavagiste, raciste et féodal’’

May 21 2014
Le Calame

Ibrahima Moctar Sarr, président de l’AJD/MR et candidat à l’élection présidentielle du 21 juin 2014:

Le Calame - Le Calame : Vous vous présentez pour la 3e fois à l’élection présidentielle. Peut-on connaître le sens de votre déclaration de candidature, intervenue le 25 avril dernier, alors même que vous êtes sûr d’aller à un scrutin dépourvu de « réelles garanties de transparence», selon certains partis politiques et personnalités indépendantes ayant décidé de le boycotter ?

Ousmane Ben Fana Traoré, Président du PCR : « La fondation Friedrich Naumann sera opérationnelle au mois de janvier 2015»

May 21 2014

Dans le cadre de sa démarche politique, le Président du Parti  Citoyen pour le Renouveau, Ousmane Ben Fana Traoré a tenu le dimanche 18 mai 2014, au siège de son parti, un point de presse pour édifier l’opinion nationale sur l’option politique qu’ils se sont engagés à défendre ainsi que les perspectives envisagées pour le développement du Mali. C’est à cette occasion qu’il a annoncé l’implantation très prochainement d’une antenne à Bamako de la Fondation allemande Friedrich Naumann.

IEC Announces Additional 80 Polling Sites In Helmand

May 21 2014
Tolo News

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) Provincial Chief of Helmand, Qudratollah Naqshbandi, on Wednesday said that the commission intends to open 80 additional polling sites in southern Helmand province.

“The election commission has directed its provincial headquarter in Helmand to ensure the opening of 80 more polling sites during the election runoff,” Naqshbandi said.

In addition, Naqshbandi confirmed the involvement of some IEC staff in riggings and frauds in the first round and reiterated that no one would be allowed to commit fraud in the runoff.

PCB accused of rigging in LCCA zonal polls

May 21 2014
The Express Tribune
KARACHI: The ousted Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) regime has been accused of rigging zonal elections of the Lahore City Cricket Association (LCCA).

According to Mohammad Shoaib Dar, the PCB announced the result of the election for the West Zone Cricket Association president in defiance of court orders. Dar was the losing candidate as the board declared Rai Zulfiqar head of the zone after the voting.

Egypt interim prime minister: 'Elections will be fair'

May 21 2014
BBC News

Egyptians are due to vote in a presidential election next week, in the first vote since the military deposed President Mohammed Morsi last summer.

The former Army Chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is expected to win - and assume the leadership of a country where the economy is stagnant, public debt is mounting and unemployment is soaring.

The BBC's Shaimaa Khalil spoke to interim Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab. She began by asking him about security ahead of the vote.


Komnas HAM to evaluate Mahfud's position

May 21 2014
The Jakarta Post

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) will evaluate Mahfud MD’s position as one of its advisory council members, following his appointment as the election campaign team head of candidate pair Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa.

Komnas HAM commissioner Natalius Pigai said Mahfud’s new role could taint the commission’s position as an independent institution that was not affiliated to any political entity.

Amnesty slams Bahrain for human rights violations

May 21 2014
Press TV

Amnesty International (AI) has voiced concerns over the lack of reform of the judiciary in Bahrain, amid the ongoing Al Khalifa regime’s crackdown on dissent.

In a statement issued on Monday, the rights group also criticized the country for “slow and inadequate investigations” into past human rights abuses and “continuing restrictions on freedom of expression, association and assembly.”

Al-Sisi routes Sabahy in expatriate voting

May 21 2014
Daily News Egypt

Results of the expatriate vote showed Former Defense Minister Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi winning with a huge margin of 94.5% over 5.5% for his Nasserist opponent Hamdeen Sabahy, the Supreme Electoral Commission (SEC) announced in a press conference on Wednesday.

Total valid votes were 318,033, of which 296,628 went to Al-Sisi and 17,207 to Sabahy. Meanwhile, 41,98 of the voters casted invalid votes.

Parliament to study Sleiman’s vote appeal

May 21 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Parliament will meet Wednesday to discuss President Michel Sleiman’s appeal to lawmakers to elect a new president amid growing fears that MPs will again fail to choose a successor in time and avert the presidential vacuum hanging over Lebanon.

Sleiman, whose six-year mandate expires on May 25, last week sent a letter to Parliament urging lawmakers to elect a new president to avoid the risks that would ensue if a successor is not elected this week.

The letter stresses the importance of holding the presidential election on schedule.

Akbar Tandjung says rift weakens Golkar

May 21 2014
The Jakarta Post

A rift within the Golkar Party between those supporting presidential candidate Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and running mate Jusuf Kalla, former Golkar chairman, and those toeing the party line and backing Prabowo Subianto is hurting the party, a Golkar senior member has said.

Golkar advisory council head Akbar Tandjung said the party’s fractured state was similar to what had happened in the 2004 presidential election when the party’s support was split into two factions, namely supporters of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono-Jusuf Kalla and Wiranto-Salahudin Wahid.

First foreign monitoring of Egyptian elections might herald better relations with Europe

May 21 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

European diplomats in Egypt say they are hoping that the decision of the Egyptian government to facilitate a European Union (EU) observer mission monitor the presidential elections scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, 26-27 May, across the nation is an indication of a new inclination on the side of authorities to accommodate some the basics of democracy and political freedoms.


NU members urged to remain neutral

May 21 2014
The Jakarta Post

Faithful members of the country’s largest Muslim organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), known as Nahdliyin, should remain neutral in the upcoming presidential election, a senior NU official has said.

NU executive board (PBNU) member Slamet Effendi Yusuf said any NU members who wished to express support for presidential candidate pairs Joko “Jokowi” Widodo-Jusuf Kalla or Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa should do so on an individual basis and not on behalf of the organization.

Special task force to protect candidates: Police

May 21 2014
The Jakarta Post

A police official said the National Police would deploy personnel grouped under the VIP task force to safeguard the presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

He said the personnel were highly trained and would perform closed and open security perimeters.

“The task force will also provide traffic and personal escorts with special vehicles,” brig. Gen. Boy Rafli Amar of the National Police said on Wednesday, as quoted by

Berri: Election session can be held at any moment

May 21 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Speaker Nabih Berri Wednesday said he was ready to call for a parliamentary session to elect a new president just as soon as quorum was met.

The speaker’s remarks came during a legislative session to discuss a letter President Michel Sleiman sent to the legislative branch, in which he urged lawmakers to avoid a vacuum in the country’s top Christian post by electing a new president on time.

Chafik Sarsar: L'ISIE n'a reçu aucune aide financière de l'étranger

May 21 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le président de l'instance indépendante supérieure pour les élections Chafik Sarsar a démenti, ce mercredi 21 mai 2014, l'information selon laquelle l'ISIE aurait reçu de l'argent d'une partie étrangère. 

Il a expliqué que seul l'Etat a la prérogative de gérer les aides financières de l'étranger. 

Notons que Chafik Sarsar est intervenu sur les ondes de Mosaïque FM en réponse aux déclarations de Hamma Hammami concernant cette affaire.

Maronites warn MPs over failure to elect president

May 21 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

A gathering of Maronite organizations Wednesday warned lawmakers against disrupting the vote and failing to elect a new president on time, saying such moves only jeopardized the top Christian seat.

The remarks came after a number of Maronite organizations held a meeting in Bkirki chaired by Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, who briefed the attendees on developments and his discussions with political leaders about the coming presidential election.
