
Women’s leadership forum to be held in Bali

May 21 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Partnership for Governance Reform (Kemitraan) is working together with the Caucus of Female Parliamentary Members in Indonesia (KPP RI) to present the second "Women’s Leadership Forum for Women Parliamentarians in Promoting Women's Representation in Southeast Asia" event in Denpasar, Bali, from May 23 to May 24, 2014.

Women lawmakers from across the Southeast Asian region will attend the forum to discuss strategies for winning elections and also methods of voicing support for policies that uphold women's rights.

H. Hammami: l'UE accordera 90 millions de dinars à la Tunisie pour financer les élections

May 21 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le porte-parole du Front Populaire, Hamma Hammami a déclaré sur les ondes de Mosaïque FM dans l'émission de "Midi Show" qu'il détient des informations selon lesquelles l'Union Européenne accordera une aide de 90 millions de dinars pour financer les prochaines élections. 

Il a ajouté que ce chiffre signifie que la Tunisie sera épargnée d'une grande partie des dépenses liées au scrutin et cela favorise, selon lui la tenue séparée des élections législatives et présidentielles. 

Geagea says vacuum must be avoided

May 21 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Lebanese Forces leader and presidential hopeful Samir Geagea, said Wednesday he discussed with Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai a means to avoid a presidential vacuum, saying a solution must be found to avert vacancy.

“I briefed Rai on my meetings in Paris and we discussed the presidential election and means to avoid a vacuum,” Geagea told reporters after his meeting in Bkirki, the seat of the Maronite patriarchate.

Rhoma turns his support toward Prabowo-Hatta

May 21 2014
The Jakarta Post

Dangdut artist Rhoma Irama has officially declared his support for Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa, who are backed by the Gerindra Party’s coalition, following his decision to leave the National Awakening Party (PKB) due to personal dissatisfaction.

“I support Prabowo because Indonesia needs a firm leader. Moreover, Indonesia is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), so it needs someone who understands the economy. Hatta is someone who is suitable for that,” Rhoma said during a visit by Prabowo to his residence on Tuesday, as quoted by

La loi électorale serait signée par Moncef Marzouki dans les heures à venir

May 21 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le rapporteur général de la constitution, Habib Khedher a estimé lors d’une déclaration accordée à Mosaïque FM que la loi électorale serait signée dans les heures à venir par le président de la république, Moncef Marzouki et ce suite au rejet des recours déposés par certains députés. 



Thousands rally for south Yemen independence

May 21 2014
Al Arabiya News

Thousands of separatists rallied in Yemen's main southern city Aden Wednesday demanding renewed independence for the region on the 20th anniversary of a secession bid that was crushed by northern troops.

The demonstrators waved the flag of the formerly independent south and pictures of exiled separatist leader Ali Salem al-Baid as they commemorated the short-lived Democratic Republic of Yemen that was crushed in the 1994 civil war.

“We swear to God Sanaa will not govern us,” the protesters chanted. “Twenty years of oppression and resistance.”

Caïed Essebsi: Marzouki et Ben Jaâfer ont déjà entamé leur campagne électorale

May 20 2014
Radio Mosaique

Béji Caïed Essebsi, a assuré qu'il sera candidat aux prochaines élections présidentielles. Lors d’une interview accordée à Nessma TV, Caïed Essebsi a déclaré qu’il accepte de se porter candidat aux prochaines élections présidentielles tant qu’il y va de l’intérêt du pays.

Après la résolution du problème de l'article 167, je dis bien que tous les tunisiens ont le droit de participer aux prochaines élections, a-t-il assuré.

Caïed Essebsi a assuré que Nidaa Tounes, acceptera les compromis conclus lors du dialogue national concernant l'organisation des élections. 

« Il faut que les gens comprennent que l’ADEMA est un parti fondé sur une idéologie, des principes et des valeurs »

May 20 2014

Dans cette interview qu’il nous a accordée en marge de sa rencontre avec les militants de la sous-section ADEMA de Niamakoro, Mahamane Mahalmadane Touré, à peine élu secrétaire général de la section VI de l’ADEMA-PASJ nous relate les changements qu’il entend opérer durant son mandat. Déjà,  il a pris son bâton de pèlerin pour sillonner les différentes sous-sections de la commune VI pour recenser les préoccupations  des militants afin de les intégrer dans son programme quinquennal.

Boycotters: Elections a skit to install Sisi as president

May 20 2014
Aswat Masriya

In a deeply polarized Egypt and a few days before holding the second presidential elections after the January uprising, April 6 youth movement and Strong Egypt Party decided to boycott the elections, rejecting what they described as a "skit to install Sisi as president."

Egyptians are voting between ex-army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and leftist politician Hamdeen Sabahi this May. 

Béji Caïed Essebsi: Aucune alliance avec Ennahdha

May 20 2014
Radio Mosaique

Béji Caïed Essebsi a assuré lors de l'interview a Nessma TV que l’article 167 rejeté par l'ANC, ne le concerne pas.

Le président de Nidaa Tounes a nié lors de cette interview l'existence de pactes avec le chef du Mouvement Ennahdha, Rached Ghannouchi.

Le président de Nidaa Tounes a démenti lors de cette interview la volonté de son parti de faire une alliance avec Ennahdha après les élections. Nidaa Tounes cherchera des alliances avec des partis qui ont une orientation et une idéologie qui ressemblent à ceux que nous adoptons, a-t-il assuré. 


Candidates Prepare For Runoff Campaigns

May 20 2014
Tolo News

Countdown has begun for the presidential campaigns between Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai as they face-off in the second round of elections. Campaigning is scheduled to begin on Thursday May 22, 2014.

Both candidates have said that they will be traveling around Afghanistan further explaining their platforms to the people to gain supporters.

Dr. Abdullah’s team said that their campaign will not be limited to major cities; Dr. Ghani’s team said they will mobilize their campaign team to reach places far into the depths of Afghanistan such as villages.

Brotherhood's power to be tested in coming presidential elections

May 20 2014
Aswat Masriya

Unlike the first presidential elections after the January 25 uprising which brought the Mohamed Mursi to power, the Muslim Brotherhood, which Egypt declared a terrorist organization last year, is boycotting this May's presidential race. 

Magdy Karkar, a leader in the National Alliance to Support Legitimacy, which the Muslim Brotherhood co-founded to support Mursi days before his overthrow, has said that the group has not yet planned demonstrations on election days (May 26 and 27). 

IEC Announces Preliminary Results Of Provincial Elections

May 20 2014
Tolo News

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Tuesday announced preliminary results of the provincial councils elections. According to IEC spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor, three women in Kabul and three others in Daikondi province lead their races.

Mr. Noor said that although there are two seats reserved for women on the Daikondi provincial council, an additional third seat is, based on the preliminary results, going to a woman. The women so far winning their provincial contests in Daikondi are Fatima Akbari, Sumaya Mohammadi and Sima Rostamian.

Sabahi's campaign spent less than EGP 100,000 - Interview

May 20 2014
Aswat Masriya

The presidential campaign for leftist politician Hamdeen Sabahi has spent much less than 100 thousand Egyptian pounds, Madeeha Zaki, campaign director, told Aswat Masriya on Tuesday. 

"The funds in the campaign's bank account did not exceed 200 Egypt pounds so far, as the campaign has not received any donations from businessmen," Zaki explained.

In contrast, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's campaign has spent 12 million Egyptian pounds until now, according to Tarek Nour, the campaign's coordinator and chief advisor.

Sisi's campaign spent 12 million EGP until now - Interview

May 20 2014
Aswat Masriya

The official campaign for presidential contender Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has spent only 12 million Egyptian pounds so far, Tarek Nour, the campaign's coordinator and chief advisor told Aswat Masriya on Sunday. 

Nour said that six million were spent on TV and radio commercials, billboards, posters and printed advertisement and the other six million was spent on conferences. 

"Some companies would cut the prices when they know that the advertisement is in favour of Sisi," he explained. 

Béji Caïed Essbsi: Les décisions de Ridha Belhaj n'engagent pas Nidaa Tounes

May 20 2014
Radio Mosaique

Béji Caïed Essebsi, président de Nidaa Tounes, a déclaré dans la soirée du 20 mai 2014 lors d'une interview diffusée sur Nessma TV, que les révélations de Ridha Belhaj n'engagent pas le parti. Caïed Essebsi a indiqué que la restructuration du parti se fera lors du congrès constitutif et qu'il ne s'agit pas de suicide politique comme le pense Ridha Belhaj.
