
La UE recibe autorización de Egipto tras los retrasos en la misión electoral

May 19 2014
Agencia EFE

La Unión Europea (UE) anunció hoy que "finalmente" ha recibido la autorización de Egipto para desplegar el material que necesitan sus observadores electorales y aseguró que su intención sigue siendo supervisar los comicios presidenciales del 26 y 27 de mayo en El Cairo y fuera de la capital.

Esta declaración se produce después de que los Veintiocho anunciasen este domingo que su misión tendría que limitarse a la capital por problemas administrativos que impidieron el despliegue a tiempo del material que necesitan los observadores para desempeñar su función.

Syrian opposition defense minister resigns

May 19 2014
Al Arabiya News

The Syrian opposition’s defense minister has resigned after reports of disagreements with the group’s head, opposition sources said on Monday.

Dissident Asaad Mustafa’s resignation from the government-in-exile highlights divisions among President Bashar al-Assad's opponents.

Mustafa, in his sixties,had been appointed to his post in November as part of a plan by the opposition National Coalition to administer rebel-held areas of the war-torn country, according to Reuters news agency.

Teluk Intan by-election: It's Mah vs Dyana Sofya

May 19 2014
The Star Online

TELUK INTAN: It will be a straight fight between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat for the  parliamentary seat by-election here.

Gerakan president Datuk Mah Siew Keong will face off against DAP's Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, the political secretary of Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang in the by-election, which will be held on Saturday. 


Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had rated the fight to be a 50-50 battle.

Kuwait sets parliamentary by-elections date

May 19 2014
Al Arabiya News

Kuwait will hold parliamentary by-elections on June 26 to replace five lawmakers who quit over a row about questioning the Gulf state's prime minister in parliament, a senior government official said late on Sunday.

Some Kuwaiti media have said the resignations of the five in April and May could lead to the dissolution of the 50-member assembly. By setting a date for by-elections, the government is signaling it wants to push ahead with the current parliament.

Président FNDU: «Certains partenaires au développement ont tort de minimiser la contestation en Mauritanie »

May 19 2014

Le président du Front national pour la démocratie et l’unité (FNDU) a regretté -faisant allusion à la posture aux chancelleries européennes dans la crise en Maurittanie- que les partenaires au développement du pays minimisent la  gravité de la situation de crise politique dans lauqelle il patauge à la veille d'une élection présidentielle.

Escalation between state institutions could result in derailing democracy: Asfandyar Wali

May 19 2014
The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: Awami National Party (ANP) chief Asfandyar Wali Khan has warned political forces to avoid polarisation in order to steer the country out of its present crises.

Addressing members of the party’s provincial and central organising committees in Wali Bagh on Monday, Khan asked the government to take the Parliament in to confidence over the evolving political situation in the region in the aftermath of general elections in Iran, India and Afghanistan.

PM Maliki's bloc biggest winner in Iraq election

May 19 2014
Al Arabiya News

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s political coalition has emerged as the biggest winner in Iraq’s general elections, according to preliminary results announced Monday.

Maliki’s State of Law bloc won 92 seats in the 328-member parliament, said the Independent High Electoral Commission. It took the lead in 10 of 18 provinces.

The runners-up were his two main Shiite rivals: cleric Ammar al-Hakim’s Al-Muwatin bloc with 29 seats, and cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s Al-Ahrar bloc with 28 seats.

Supreme Court to be consulted on YouTube ban

May 19 2014
The Express Tribune
LAHORE: The Supreme Court is yet to be approached for clarification of its order regarding ban on YouTube, as directed by the Lahore High Court last week.

On May 13, a division bench of the LHC had directed petitioner Bytes for All to approach the Supreme Court in this regard. In the meantime, the court stopped proceedings on the petition for restoration of access to the website.

The LHC had issued these directions to the petitioner when the federal government had informed the court that they had imposed the ban on the orders of the Supreme Court.

La HAPA appelle à une rencontre avec les différents candidats à la présidentielle

May 19 2014
Sahara Media

Le président de la Haute autorité de la presse et de l’audiovisuel (HAPA), Hamoud Ould M’Hamed, a indiqué, dans une déclaration à Saharamédias, qu’il a appelé les différents candidats à la présidentielle de juin prochain à une rencontre au cours de laquelle sera traitée la question de la future campagne électorale.

Interior Minister says he will modify national laws

May 19 2014
Shabelle News

The Minister of Interior & Federalism for the Somali Federal Government announced that the Ministry will undertake significant changes including the laws that the government has imposed.

Abdullahi Godax Barre, the Interior Minister strained that the reason for the laws to be changed are mainly because they are wrong, and will modify them before bringing it before Parliament to endorse the regulations.

Golkar joins Gerindra coalition

May 19 2014
The Jakarta Post

Golkar Party chairman Aburizal Bakrie is reported to have signed an agreement with Gerindra Party chief patron and presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto, on the formation of a coalition between the two parties. reported that the signing of the agreement, taking place shortly after the declaration of Prabowo and his running mate, Hatta Rajasa, as the coalition’s presidential and vice-presidential candidates today, was held at Aburizal’s residence in Menteng, Central Jakarta.

Communiqué du PARENA sur la situation à Kidal

May 19 2014

Le Comité Directeur du Parti pour la renaissance nationale (PARENA), réuni en session extraordinaire ce dimanche 18 mai 2014 à son siège, après analyse de la situation à Kidal suite à la visite du Premier ministre le 17 mai 2014 : 

- Condamne l’attaque de la délégation du Premier ministre par les groupes rebelles ;

- Présente ses condoléances aux familles des disparus et souhaite prompt

rétablissement aux blessés ; 

Sudanese presidency warns media against crossing “red line”

May 19 2014
Sudan Tribune

The Sudanese presidency on Monday delivered a firm warning to media outlets on its coverage of certain items that poses a danger to national security and the country as a whole.

The unusual statement carrying a veiled threat noted that "some of the media and press outlets are repeatedly dealing with national security, military affairs and justice issues in a negative and destructive manner that subjects the safety of the nation to harm and weakens its cohesion and crumbles its texture".
