
Réactions des partis politiques sur le discours de Mehdi Jomaa

May 14 2014
Radio Mosaique

L'émission A la Page de ce mercredi 14 mai 2014 était réservée au discours donné par Mehdi Jomaa à l'occasion du passage de 100 jours depuis la mise en place de son gouvernement. Suite à ce discours, Boubaker a contacté différents dirigeants de partis politiques pour connaitre leurs avis sur ce qui a été dit.

Mondher Belhaj Ali (Nidaa Tounes) :

Dems eye Sultan as presidential candidate

May 14 2014
The Jakarta Post

Democratic Party honor council chief Amir Syamsuddin says his party is eyeing Golkar Party figure Sultan Hamengkubuwono X as a presidential candidate in the 2014 presidential race.

He said the reason for sultan’s selection was that his electability could compete with the two other probable presidential candidates, namely the Gerindra Party’s Prabowo Subianto and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle’s (PDI-P) Joko “Jokowi” Widodo.

Mehdi Jomaa: 120 délégués et des secrétaires généraux seront bientôt changés

May 14 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le chef du gouvernement a abordé lors de sa conférence de presse, la révision des nominations a et  a précisé que des mouvements sont prévus à court terme, et qui comprendront les délégués (120 délégués) et les secrétaires généraux. "Nous optons pour les compétences, nous devons avoir une mentalité professionnelle" a précisé Mehdi Jomaâ.


KPU ready for election disputes

May 14 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) said on Tuesday that it was ready to fight a protracted legal battle at the Constitutional Court, now that all but one of the political parties that contested the 2014 legislative election had filed election disputes with the court.

KPU commissioner Arief Budiman said the commission would be establishing three teams of lawyers to represent the KPU in front of three panels of justices.

Salma Baccar: le retrait d’Al Jomhouri du bloc démocratique était une séparation à l’amiable

May 14 2014
Radio Mosaique

La présidente du bloc démocratique, Salma Baccar a déclaré lors de l’émission "Midi Show" que le bloc démocratique regroupait plusieurs partis politiques et indépendants et que le retrait des députés d’Al Jomhouri était une séparation à l’amiable. 

Elle a souligné que les divergences au sein du bloc existaient depuis longtemps, plus précisément depuis le sit-in Errahil au Bardo, pendant lequel des partis comme Al Jomhouri et l’Alliance Démocratique ont adopté des positions différentes de celles de la plupart des composantes du bloc. 

Internal party policies affect women’s electability

May 14 2014
The Jakarta Post

Researchers from the University of Indonesia’s (UI) Center for Political Studies found in a recent survey that women would be less represented among the next batch of lawmakers. 

The center’s data showed that women may only achieve 14 percent of the total number of seats in the House of Representatives after the latest legislative election, compared to the 18 percent achieved in the 2009 election.

The think tank attributed the decline to internal party policies that push women to secure greater representation in the House.

Terengganu crisis: Ahmad Said expected to return to Umno

May 14 2014
The Star Online

PUTRAJAYA: Former Terengganu Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Said is expected to retract his resignation from Umno, said his successor Datuk Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman.

Ahmad Razif said this is in a press conference after meeting Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at the latter's office here, Wednesday.

“Insyallah, it will be status quo and we will maintain our 17 representatives (in the state assembly),” he said.

The political situation in the state was earlier feared critical following a series of resignations led by Kijal assemblyman Ahmad on Monday.

El primer ministro sirio anuncia el final de los preparativos para los comicios presidenciales

May 14 2014
El Economista

El primer ministro de Siria, Wael al Halqi, ha anunciado este martes que el Gobierno ha finalizado todos los preparativos de cara a la celebración el 2 de junio de las elecciones presidenciales, según ha informado la agencia estatal siria de noticias, SANA.

Un total de 21 de las 24 personas que presentaron su candidatura a los comicios han sido rechazadas por el Tribunal Constitucional alegando que incumplen con los requisitos contemplados por la ley.

Conseil supérieur de la magistrature : La Session des nominations

May 14 2014

Le ministre de la Justice a invoqué l’intérêt d’améliorer l’administration de la justice pour expliquer ce redéploiement de grande ampleur des magistrats

Les nominations et les mutations des magistrats du parquet et des juges de paix à compétence étendue étaient l’ordre du jour du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature qui s’est réuni hier à Koulouba autour de son président, le chef de l’Etat, Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita. La séance s’est tenue à huis clos en présence des 23 membres que compte le Conseil.

Lakhdar Brahimi quits Syria ‘mission impossible’

May 14 2014
Middle East Online

The United Nations and Arab League mediator on the conflict in Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, has resigned, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said Tuesday.

Standing beside Brahimi at UN headquarters in New York, Ban said he "will relinquish his duties effective May 31."

Brahimi, who gave up Tuesday after trying unsuccessfully to mediate an end to Syria's civil war, has spent his career in the diplomatic trenches of the world's most intractable conflicts.

Can Maliki stay in power despite election losses?

May 14 2014
Middle East Online

So far, the preliminary, and as yet unofficial, results of Iraq’s general elections indicate that no single party will have a big enough proportion of votes to gain the majority they would need to rule the country. An estimated 60 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots last week in Iraq’s first general election since US troops left – despite concerns about violence, the turnout was good, slightly higher than the last few decades’ worth of US presidential elections. And the results so far – with no party getting a majority – were generally as expected.

Modibo Sidibé en Commune III et VI : «La majorité a intérêt à s’organiser pour répliquer à l’opposition avec la manière…»

May 14 2014

Le président des Forces alternatives pour le renouveau et l’émergence (Fare-Anka Wuli), Modibo Sidibé, a bouclé sa série de rencontres avec les militants des six Communes du District de Bamako. Le samedi 10 mai 2014, Modibo Sidibé, accompagné par une forte délégation du Secrétariat exécutif national des Fare, a été reçu par les militants de la Commune III au Carrefour des jeunes et ceux de la Commune VI à la Cité des enfants.

Ex-Sudanese PM to appear before prosecutors over RSF remarks

May 14 2014
Sudan Tribune

The leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP), al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, is scheduled to appear on Thursday before the state security prosecutor for questioning regarding the complaint filed by the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) after he accused the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) of committing serious abuses in Darfur.

The NUP distributed SMS messages and issued a statement confirming that al-Mahdi is determined to appear before the prosecutors amid expectations that a large crowd of his supporters will be present.

SPLM-N repulses fresh government attack in South Kordofan: spokesperson

May 14 2014
Sudan Tribune

The rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) said on Wednesday they had repulsed attacks by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) on its positions in several areas in South Kordofan state.

SPLM-N spokesperson Arnu Ngutulu Lodi in a statement extended to Sudan Tribune said their fighters inflicted heavy losses on the assailant forces when it attempted to capture Sabat in Dalami county in the northern part of the restive state on 11 May.

Lodi added they repulsed another attack on Tomna village in the same area.

ECC Finalizes Complaints Review After 3 Day Delay

May 14 2014
Tolo News

The Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) finalized their decision on the registered complaints after delaying three days. The ECC said that their verdict will be sent to the Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Tuesday.

“The reason behind the delay was because of the large number of complaints,” ECC Chairman Abdul Satar Saadat said. “And the public hearings took a total of six days."

Mr. Saadat added that after concluding the complaints process the presidential elections might go into a second round.

ANC : les députés d’Al Jomhouri ne rejoindront pas un autre bloc

May 14 2014
Radio Mosaique

Les députés d’Al Jomhouri à l’Assemblée Nationale ont nié toute intention de rejoindre un nouveau bloc parlementaire suite à leur retrait depuis hier, 13 mai 2014, du Bloc Démocratique. 

Le député d’Al Jomhouri, Rabeh Kheraïfi a considéré lors d’une déclaration accordée à Mosaïque FM que les blocs au sein de l’ANC n’ont plus  de raison d’être depuis la ratification de la nouvelle constitution. 


PAN to confirm Prabowo-Hatta ticket

May 14 2014
The Jakarta Post

The National Mandate Party (PAN) will hold a national executive meeting at its headquarters in Jakarta on Wednesday to officially announce its alliance with the Gerindra Party and the nomination of its chairman Hatta Rajasa as the running mate of Gerindra's presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto.

Prabowo was scheduled to attend the meeting, PAN deputy chairman Drajad Wibowo said. "He will arrive at 1 p.m. We will then officially announce our Prabowo-Hatta pair to contest the upcoming July 9 presidential election," he said.
