
PTI, PML-Q discuss formation of grand alliance against PML-N govt

May 13 2014
The Express Tribune

LAHORE: An opposition coalition is in the offing as the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the Pakistan Muslim League – Quaid (PML-Q) discussed the formation of a grand alliance against the Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) government, Express News reported on Tuesday.

PTI chief Imran Khan contacted PML-Q chairperson Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and PML-Q Punjab president Chaudhry Pervez Elahi via telephone.

MP Dalha calls on gov’t to investigate corruption scandal

May 13 2014
Shabelle News

Mohamed Omar Dalha, a Member of Parliament reported to Shabelle that he is calling on the Somali Federal Government to investigate the latest of claims of corruption among the government involving the Ministry of Finance.

Mr. Dalha said that the responsibility of the parliamentary finance committee is to monitor and track mass money withdrawals and verify that the sums are being used for official reasons only, to avoid corruption among politicians and other officials.

PAN to announce Hatta’s vice presidential nomination

May 13 2014
The Jakarta Post

Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa are set to be announced as a presidential-vice presidential ticket at the National Mandate Party's (PAN) national work meeting (Rakernas), which will take place at the party’s central executive board office in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Head of PAN's central executive board, Viva Yoga Mauladi, who is also the party’s campaign team, said party chairman Hatta would be the Gerindra Party's presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto’s, running mate in the July election.

Sudan’s NISS files criminal complaint against Al-Mahdi

May 13 2014
Sudan Tribune

The leader of Sudan’s opposition National Umma Party (NUP), Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, has expressed readiness to appear before any court provided that it is just and public. 

The statement came after the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) announced that it filed criminal complaint against Al-Mahdi for accusing the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) of attacking and burning villages in Darfur.

Al-Mahdi described charges of defamation and breach of security and safety filed against him as “void”, reiterating his accusations against RSF.

Constitutional Court receives 702 electoral disputes

May 13 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Constitutional Court said 702 electoral disputes, related to the legislative election, had been registered with the court, up from 628 in 2009.

“After tabulation and data verification, the court received 702 disputes, comprising 672 cases filed by national and local political parties and 30 submitted individually by Regional Representatives Council [DPD] member candidates,” court secretary-general Janedjri M. Gaffar said in Jakarta on Tuesday, as quoted by Antara news agency.

Jokowi down slightly in new opinion poll

May 13 2014
The Jakarta Post

A survey commissioned by Indikator Politik Indonesia shows that the popularity of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) presidential candidate, Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, has declined slightly.

Though Jokowi remains the frontrunner, the Indikator national survey, conducted between April 20-26 among 1,220 Indonesians eligible to vote with a margin of error of 2.9 percent, shows Prabowo Subianto has gained ground on the Jakarta governor.

Échange d’accusations entre Mongi Rahoui et Iyed Dahmani

May 13 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le député d’Al Jomhouri à l’Assemblée Nationale Constituante Iyed Dahmani a accusé, pendant son intervention téléphonique dans l’émission "A La Page", son homologue du Front Populaire, Mongi Rahoui de travailler en "sous-traitance" au profit de Nidaa Tounes en vue de ternir l’image d’Al Jomhouri. Iyed Dahmani a indiqué également que Mongi Rahoui n’avait aucune carrière militante. 

En réponse à ces accusations, Mongi Rahoui a déclaré qu’Al Jomhouri s’est allié avec le mouvement Ennahdha parce qu’il a été aveuglé par le pouvoir.


Bukit Gelugor by-election: It's a four-way fight, fifth aspirant rejected

May 12 2014
The Star Online

GEORGE TOWN: It will be a four-cornered fight for the Bukit Gelugor by-election to be held on May 25.

When nominations closed Monday morning, four candidates had submitted their papers at the nomination centre in Dewan Sri Pinang, while a fifth was rejected.

Those contesting are DAP's Ramkarpal Singh, Parti Cinta Malaysia vice-president Datuk Huan Cheng Guan, retiree Mohamed Nabi Bux Mohd Nabi Abd Sathar and lawyer Abu Backer Sidek Mohamad Zan, both Independents.

The newly-formed Penang Front Party failed in its nomination bid to contest in the by-election. 

PKR polls: Elections at 27 divisions suspended due to irregularities

May 12 2014
The Star Online

PETALING JAYA: PKR has suspended party polls indefinitely in 27 divisions nationwide due to irregularities and discrepancies. 

Election Committee chairman Datuk Johari Abdul said on Monday that PKR was not in a rush to hold a re-election, as the party had until November to evaluate the complaints and sort out the issues. 

"We are in no hurry to do it. We might do it in stages because we will have more manpower in each division to manage the polling," he said. 

Pour non maitrise du règlement intérieur de l’Assemblée nationale : Un huis clos est prévu

May 12 2014

Face à la non maitrise du règlement intérieur de l’Assemblée Nationale et l’ignorance de la procédure parlementaire aussi bien par le président de l’Assemblée que par les députés, un huis clos est proposé pour mettre certains points sur les i, dans les prochains jours.

 C’est, en tout cas, la proposition du député Yaya Sangaré et d’autres élus qui ne comprennent pas que des députés puissent avoir autant de carence qu’ils étalent à tout bout de champ.

Egypt's presidential candidate Sabahi speaks to expats via video-conference

May 12 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

Egyptian presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahi spoke to Egyptian expat voters on Monday via videoconference, Al-Ahram's Arabic website reported.

Egyptian expats are the first to cast their ballots worldwide in Egyptian embassies from 15 to 18 May.

"We ask the Egyptians abroad to participate in future policies," he said.

Videoconferencing is a new technique to be used in Egyptian elections.

Politique et justice Dr Oumar : Mariko sous haute assistance du RPM

May 12 2014

Les observateurs de la scène politique nationale auront été surpris par une passivité peu habituelle chez le Dr Oumar Mariko, à l’occasion des débats sur la Dpg du Premier ministre Moussa Mara. Elu à Kolondiéba pour un deuxième mandat consécutif, l’ancien animateur de l’opposition, désormais apparenté à la majorité présidentielle, en a sans doute profité pour se murer derrière un profil bas au détriment du sens commun et d’un sens aigu de l’intérêt national que lui reconnaissent ses plus coriaces adversaires.
