
Ennahdha honore ses députés

May 10 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le président du mouvement Ennahdha, Rached Ghannouchi a considéré lors d’une cérémonie organisée en l'honneur du bloc du parti à l’Assemblée Nationale Constituante que les députés d’Ennahdha ont contribué activement à la réussite de cette phase de transition démocratique. 

Les Nations unies pour un processus inclusif pour l'organisation de la Présidentielle en Mauritanie

May 10 2014

Le représentant spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations unies pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest, Said Djinnit, a recommandé vendredi à l'Etat mauritanien la mise en oeuvre d'un processus de dialogue inclusif dans les préparatifs de l' élection présidentielle prévue le 21 juin prochain.

Repère : Nouvelle Constitution ou second souffle du régime

May 10 2014
El Watan

Quinze ans après avoir déclaré qu’il n’aimait pas cette Constitution (celle de 1996), Abdelaziz Bouteflika s’apprête à faire encore une énième révision constitutionnelle après avoir revu l’essentiel en décembre 2008 pour perpétuer, indéfiniment, son pouvoir en levant le verrou de la limitation des mandats présidentiels.

Civil society convene in Mogadishu and call on the President to resign

May 09 2014
Shabelle News

A meeting was held today in Mogadishu in which legislators, clan elders, intellectuals and peace-builders participated in. Members of the society welcomed the motion against President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud calling on him to tender his resignation.

Nur Bocor Jeelle, the chairman of the House of Hawiye said at the meeting that the President failed in his leadership and in that case he should resign as soon as possible.

Hizb-E-Islami Shura Council Endorses Ashraf Ghani

May 09 2014
Tolo News

With final results of the presidential election just days away, and a likely runoff round between the top two candidates on the horizon, the Hezb-e-Islami Shura announced support for Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai on Friday.

Final results of the presidential and provincial council elections are expected on May 14. With none of the candidates getting over 50 percent of the preliminary vote count, a second round election is to take place between the leading candidate, Abdullah Abdullah, and the second place candidate, Ashraf Ghani.

308 Polling Sites Under Investigation In Herat: ECC

May 09 2014
Tolo News


The Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) in Herat has said that it has investigated votes from 308 polling sites for the provincial council candidates.

According to the ECC provincial office chief Abdullah Sherzai, investigations have begun and so far at least 100 out of the 308 polling sites have been inspected.

Mr. Sherzai confirmed that initial investigations reveal that at some polling sites fraud was committed in support of particular candidates.

"We will recount votes making sure that the fake votes are invalidated," he said.

Army to deploy 35,000 soldiers for presidential election

May 09 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Indonesian Army (TNI AD) will deploy around 35,000 soldiers to assist the National Police before and during the July 9 presidential election.

"The Army will help the police maintain security during the presidential election. We have prepared our territorial forces from Babinsa to Koramil, Kodim, Korem and even Kodam," Army chief of staff Gen. Budiman said in Magelang, Central Java on Friday, as reported by

Sudanese government hints at possible delay to 2015 elections

May 09 2014
Sudan Tribune

Sudanese presidential assistant Ibrahim Ghandour said it is possible that upcoming general elections scheduled for next year may be delayed if political forces taking part in the national dialogue process agreed to it.

Ghandour, on a talk show broadcast by the state-run Radio Omdurman on Friday, urged opposition parties to abandon the political tactics approach and join the national dialogue process.

Jokowi's VP candidate to be announced soon

May 09 2014
The Jakarta Post

An Indonesian Party of Struggle (PDI-P) official said that Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's vice presidential candidate will be announced between May 10 and May 18.

"The VP candidate will be announced between May 10 and 18. The eventual nominee will be one names that have been mentioned in the media," deputy secretary-general Hasto Kristanto said in Denpasar, Bali on Friday, as quoted by Antara news agency.

Avec seulement 32 députés présents, la séance plénière est reportée

May 09 2014
Radio Mosaique

Abri Abid, deuxième vice-président de l'ANC a reporté la séance plénière de ce vendredi 9 mai, en raison du nombre insuffisant de députés présents dans l'hémicycle. 

En effet, 32 constituants ont été comptés après vérification de la présence. Quorum non atteint, Arbi Abid décide de reporter la séance plénière d'une heure. 



Govt drafts Perppu for better elections

May 09 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Home Ministry has started drafting a government regulation in-lieu-of law (Perppu) to improve the quality of this year’s presidential election, scheduled to be held on July 9. 

General Elections Commission (KPU) chairman Husni Kamil Manik said on Thursday that the ministry had summoned the commission’s secretariat-general to discuss the regulation.

Taieb Baccouche : je ne suis pas d'accord avec le contenu du communiqué de Nidaa Tounes

May 09 2014
Radio Mosaique

Taieb Baccouche, le secrétaire général de Nidaa Tounes, a affirmé à Mosaïque FM qu’il n’était pas d’accord avec le contenu du communiqué  publié hier.

Ce communiqué est revenu sur un seul détail de la réunion concernant des questions des responsabilités, et du  règlement intérieur, a-t-il assuré.

Baccouche a assuré que Béji Caïd Essebsi n’a pas signé le communiqué en question.


Indonesia Races to Count Parliamentary Poll Results

May 09 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. Indonesian officials raced against time Friday to finish counting votes from last month’s legislative polls before a midnight deadline, as fears grew the announcement of the results may have to be delayed.

The final results are expected to confirm earlier unofficial tallies showing the main opposition Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) won the biggest share of the vote, but with less support than expected.

Motion de censure contre Karboul et Sfar à huis clos: Détails des votes secrets

May 09 2014
Radio Mosaique

Plusieurs blocs parlementaires et députés au sein de l'assemblée nationale constituante insistent sur la tenue d'une séance plénière ouverte réservée à l'audition de la ministre du tourisme et le ministre délégué auprès du ministre de l’intérieur chargé de la sécurité nationale, à l'issue de l'entrée de touristes israéliens sur le territoire tunisien. 

Il est à noter que 109 voix sont nécessaires pour approuver la demande du gouvernement d'auditionner les deux ministres à huis-clos. 

PKB to Support Joko Widodo Presidency: Antara

May 09 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. The National Awakening Party (PKB) has announced its support for Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo’s bid for the presidency and will join a coalition with Joko’s party in the legislature.

“The PKB’s central board decided to support Joko Widodo in a plenary meeting which was held last night,” said Lukman Edy, deputy chairman of the PKB, as quoted by the state-run Antara news agency on Friday.

Le défi de la relève

May 09 2014
El Watan

Ces hommes politiques sont issus de la génération de l’indépendance. Ils sont relativement jeunes et au sommet de leur carrière dans leur parti, mais incarnent-ils pour autant la relève politique du pays ?

-Mohcine Belabbas : S’émanciper de Saïd Sadi

Bukit Gelugor by-election: PCM vice-president announces candidacy

May 09 2014
The Star Online

GEORGE TOWN: Parti Cinta Malaysia (PCM) vice-president Datuk Huan Cheng Guan (pic) has announced his candidacy for the upcoming Bukit Gelugor by-election.

“Everyday, I will be walking around the market to communicate with the people so that they may voice out any problems they have with the DAP,” said Huan at a press conference on Friday.

The Bukit Gelugor seat fell vacant following the untimely demise of its member of parliament Karpal Singh on April 17.


Polling is on May 25 with nomination day set for May 12.

