
Main opposition CHP leader partially renews executive team

May 08 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), renewed his A-team on May 8 by appointing Istanbul Deputy Gürsel Tekin as the new secretary-general of the social democrats. 

The move came after the CHP failed to perform well at the March 30 local elections and on the eve of the upcoming presidential elections in August. Kılıçdaroğlu explained the reshuffle as a need commonly expressed by the party’s various executive branches. 

Communiqué du Conseil des Ministres

May 08 2014
AMI (Agence Mauritanienne d'Information)

Le Conseil des Ministres s'est réuni Jeudi sous la Présidence de Monsieur Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, Président de la République. 

Le Conseil a examiné et adopté les projets de décrets suivants :

-Projet de décret modifiant certaines dispositions du décret n°2013-027 du 05 mars 2013 abrogeant et remplaçant le décret n°2007-042 du 1er février 2007 fixant les taux de couverture et les modalités de remboursement des prestations de soins par la Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie (CNAM). 

M.Aliounne Bouamatou dépose, au Conseil Constitutionnel, son dossier de candidature aux élections présidentielles

May 08 2014
AMI (Agence Mauritanienne d'Information)

Le secrétariat général du Conseil Constitutionnel annonce avoir reçu aujourd'hui, 7/5/2014 à 21 heures 21 minutes, le dossier de M.Aliounne Bouamatou en tant que candidat aux élections présidentielles prévues le 21 juin 2014. Il annonce aussi avoir remis au candidat le récépissé N° 07/2014. 



DPG de Moussa Mara : Soumaïla Cissé a-t-il fuit les débats

May 08 2014

S’il y a une absence que tout le monde a remarqué, lors des débats houleux sur la déclaration de politique générale de Moussa Mara, c’est bien celle de Soumaila Cissé. Il est où Soumi champion? Il aurait fuit les débats ? Se demandaient beaucoup de personnes. Au fait, le leader de l’opposition parlementaire, Soumaïla Cissé s’est envolé, le mercredi dernier pour le Burundi où il a séjourné, du 2 au 5 mai 2014, dans le cadre d’une importante mission que la présidence de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (Ua) lui a confiée, dit-on.

Le PM, le RPM et le peuple : Moussa Mara s’est-il compromis politiquement ?

May 08 2014

La semaine dernière, le PM était devant l’Assemblée nationale pour expliquer sa déclaration de politique générale. Une DPG approuvée par la majorité des représentants du peuple. La cérémonie était transmise directement sur les ondes de l’ORTM. Un  point d’achoppement opposant le PM et l’opposition a retenu l’attention des téléspectateurs. Il s’agit des raisons  peu convaincantes avancées par M. Mara sur l’état du Boeing de l’ancien président justifiant l’achat du nouveau Boeing pour le Mandé Mansa.

Crisis averted: PML-Q to stay in G-B govt following chief minister’s U-turn

May 08 2014
The Express Tribune
GILGIT: The “snakes in the grass” remain in the coalition government in Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) as Chief Minister (CM) Mehdi Shah on Wednesday retracted his statement from a day earlier wherein he had announced the termination of the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) alliance with Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q).

Legislators say they passed the resignation letter to the President

May 08 2014
Shabelle News

The President of the Somali Federal Republic and the Speaker of Parliament has accepted a motion to be passed among legislators in which they will have a vote of confidence.

Somali legislator Ahmed Mayow Abdullahi ‘Ruush’, reported to Shabelle that 40 Members of Parliament representing 115 others have sent the letter requesting the President to resign and that both of them accepted.

The lawmaker said that the President failed in implementing the ‘6 pillars’ he used in his campaign when he was elected for President.

Bahraini court issues long jail terms to 12 protesters

May 08 2014
Press TV

A Bahraini court has sentenced 12 anti-regime protesters to long prison terms of up to 15 years amid the persisting harsh crackdown on the country’s popular uprising.

The 12 young men were reportedly charged on Wednesday with “attacking” the regime’s Saudi-backed security forces during anti-government protest rallies in the Senabes and Alii villages of the Persian Gulf state.

Mohamud calls for dialogue as lawmakers demand his resignation

May 08 2014

All Somalis have the right to express their political views, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said Wednesday (May 7th), responding to lawmakers' calls for his resignation.

"I respect the views of every Somali, whether a politician or a civilian," Mohamud told reporters at Mogadishu's Aden Adde International Airport upon his return from an official visit to the United Arab Emirates according to Radio Mogadishu. "Let the views be expressed at a proper place. I will welcome everyone who has an opinion that will help us build Somalia."

Speaker Jawari allows legislators to debate on motion against President Hassan Sheikh

May 08 2014
Shabelle News

In today’s parliamentary session, the Speaker of the Somali Federal Parliament has allowed for a motion against President Hassan Sheikh to pass and for legislators to call on his resignation.

The Speaker Mohamed Sheikh Osman ‘Jawari’, was presented with a letter in which stated that around 130 Members of Parliament have decided to call on the President to tender his resignation or that they will have a vote of confidence.

Egypt's Sissi lowers expectations of change ahead of presidential elections

May 08 2014

Egyptians should not expect instant democracy or rapid economic reforms, but should pull together for shared sacrifice. That is the sober message being delivered by Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, the general who toppled Egypt's first freely-elected leader last year and is now poised to be elected president later this month.

Sudan’s NCP slams Baath, Communist parties over national dialogue stance

May 08 2014
Sudan Tribune

The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) on Thursday accused the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) and the Baath Party of trying to block the national dialogue process called for by president Omer Hassan al-Bashir earlier this year.

“We will not link dialogue to the opinion of one or two parties after affirming that they do not want to join it,” NCP’s political secretary, Mustafa Osman Ismail, told the pro-governmentAshorooq TV.

Legislators to motion a vote of confidence against President Hassan Sheikh

May 08 2014
Shabelle News

More than 130 Somali legislators from the Somali Federal Parliament are preparing a motion against the President of the Somali Federal Republic Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to be brought up for debate in today’s parliamentary session in Mogadishu.

Days ago, a third of the National Assembly called on the President to resign in a strongly worded letter, informing him that they will have a vote of confidence if he does not wish to tender his resignation.

Several Members of Parliament reported to Shabelle that they are committed to see positive change in the Somali government.
