
African Union to monitor presidential elections, Arab League releases details on mission

May 07 2014
Daily News Egypt

The African Union will send a mission to monitor the upcoming presidential elections, the Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday, while the Arab League announced that its mission will monitor elections in over 22 governorates across Egypt.

The African Union observer mission will include more than 50 parliamentarians, journalists and civil society representatives from various African countries, Foreign Ministry spokesman Badr Abdelatty said in a statement by the Foreign Ministry Wednesday.

The mission will be headed by “a high level African personality,” Abdelatty added.

African Union to monitor presidential elections, Arab League releases details on mission

May 07 2014
Daily News Egypt

The African Union will send a mission to monitor the upcoming presidential elections, the Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday, while the Arab League announced that its mission will monitor elections in over 22 governorates across Egypt.

The African Union observer mission will include more than 50 parliamentarians, journalists and civil society representatives from various African countries, Foreign Ministry spokesman Badr Abdelatty said in a statement by the Foreign Ministry Wednesday.

The mission will be headed by “a high level African personality,” Abdelatty added.

Bouteflika préside un Conseil des ministres

May 07 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Le président Abdelaziz Bouteflika a présidé, ce mercredi 7 mai, son premier Conseil des ministres depuis sa réélection le 17 avril. L’ENTV a diffusé, dans le Journal de 13 heures, des images montrant le chef de l’État réunissant le gouvernement qui a été nommé lundi. La Télévision nationale n’a fourni aucun détail concernant le menu de la réunion.

Le président Bouteflika a également posé avec le Premier ministre Abdelmalek Sellal et les ministres pour la photo de famille du gouvernement.


Autor: Rafik Tadjer

Déclaration de politique générale : Le PM Mara face aux élus

May 07 2014

Le Premier ministre Moussa Mara a dévoilé le 29 avril 2014 sa Déclaration de politique générale devant la représentation nationale. C’est un texte dont la lecture a nécessité près de deux heures trente minutes de présentation aux élus de la nation. Le chef du gouvernement y aborde tous les aspects de la vie de la nation.

Moussa Mara présente sa déclaration comme un programme destiné à sortir le Mali de la crise, à lui permettre de croire de nouveau à son destin et à rendre les Maliennes et les

Aoun, Hariri try to meet May 25 deadline for Lebanon's next president

May 07 2014
Al Monitor

Paris is closely following the Lebanese presidential dossier. Just like a number of Lebanese, France hopes that there will be no vacuum and that elections take place on schedule. Saying that France supports a given candidate does not reflect reality, however; the country is keenly following what is going on between Gen, Michel Aoun and Saad Hariri, but without interfering.

Future president must uncover rights abuses

May 07 2014
The Jakarta Post

Political parties have agreed that the country’s next president must uncover past human rights violations, with the first step being the establishment of a Commission on Truth and Reconciliation (KKR).

However, most of the parties have balked at the proposal to form an ad- hoc human rights court. 

The limited support for the establishment of an ad-hoc court will, however, affect any efforts by the next president to bring cases of gross human rights violations to court. 

Al-Mahdi urges al-Fadil to leave NUP and establish new party

May 07 2014
Sudan Tribune

The leader of Sudan’s National Umma Party (NUP), al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, has urged leading figure Mubarak al-Fadil to establish another political party, saying the latter wouldn’t be allowed to rejoin the NUP.

He said at a press conference on Wednesday that al-Fadil has a habit of bringing with him "too much trouble" stressing that accepting him into the NUP is contingent upon his commitment to NUP’s institutions and constitution.

Parties blast KPU for limiting complaints

May 07 2014
The Jakarta Post

Political parties have disputed the General Elections Commission’s (KPU) decision to rush the legislative election vote count process by limiting the right to challenge results in the regions.

The controversial move, they said, could jeopardize the legitimacy of the legislative election.

Since Monday, the KPU has limited the opportunity for political parties to file complains on the vote count data.

Bosnia Federation Adopts Anti-Corruption Laws

May 07 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia's Federation entity has adopted a set of anti-corruption laws, which aim to establish specific law-enforcement bodies tasked with pursuing perpetrators of organised crime.

Lawmakers in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of Bosnia's two entities, on May 6 adopted changes to laws on dealing with corruption.

The changes to the Law on Courts and the Law on Criminal Procedure, Corruption and Organized Crime allow for the creation of special units tasked with pursuing and trying perpetrators of organized crime and corruption.

Vote de la déclaration de politique générale : La VRD dénonce ses insuffisances et sanctionne Moussa Mara

May 07 2014

« Quand nous vous regardons, quand nous vous écoutons attentivement, quand nous donnons de la vertu à votre jeunesse, nous avons envie de vous faire confiance. Quand nous regardons en face de nous, votre majorité présidentielle qui n’a daigné vous applaudir une seule fois, pendant les 2 heures 26 minutes de lecture de votre déclaration. Quand nous constatons le déséquilibre de cette majorité en votre défaveur.

Yudhoyono Warns Against ‘Dangerous Candidate’

May 07 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has taken an apparent swipe at Prabowo Subianto, one of the men vying to replace him, in a YouTube video warning Indonesians not to vote for a candidate espousing a nationalist platform through “dangerous promises.”

Yudhoyono did not mention the candidate by name in the video, uploaded by his Democratic Party, but warned against calls made by one of them to nationalize all foreign assets in the country.

Baba Ould Sidi quitte El Wiam?

May 07 2014

L'ancien ministre et notable du Trarza Baba Ould Sidi aurait affirmé à des proches qu'il n'est pas concerné par la candidature de Boidiel Ould Houmoid au nom du parti El Wiam aux élèctions présidentielles du 21juin prochain. Ce depart qui survient après celui de Mohamed Yehdhih Ould Mokhtar El Hacen affaiblit considérablement ce parti au moment ou il s'engage dans une bataille dont depend son avenir.

PDI-P to Name VP Candidate After May 9

May 07 2014
Jakarta Globe

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, or PDI-P, initially planned to announce the running mate for its presidential candidate, Joko Widodo, on Monday, but decided to postpone the event until the General Elections Commission releases its official tally on the national vote of the legislative election, which is scheduled for May 9.

Surya Paloh, head of the NasDem party, confirmed a candidate had been nominated, but declined to give a name, according to reports by Investor Daily.

Runoff Will Face Delays: IEC

May 07 2014
Tolo News


Independent Election Commission (IEC) Chairman Ahmad Yusuf Nuristani admitted on Wednesday that the runoff round expected between Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai could face delays. 
A runoff is required by Afghan law if no presidential candidate gets over 50 percent of votes in the first round. As of now, no one has passed that threshold. Although the runoff round was originally scheduled for May 28, election officials have said a number of setbacks have made it more likely that the round will be delayed.
